Chapter 600

Shen peichuan smiles and doesn't answer, just as Su Zhan says he doesn't understand taste, so he can't refute.

"Come and sit down." Song Ju sat on the sofa reading the newspaper and saw them come in and put down the newspaper.

Shen peichuan came over and sang Yu followed him honestly.

"Peichuan, just sit down for a while and have lunch later." Song Yaxin said with a smile.

Shen peichuan nodded, "you've worked hard today."

Song Yaxin joked, "think I'm hard, you help me do it?"

"Don't think I'm stupid." Shen peichuan stood up, I really have the posture to help, song Yaxin quickly waved, "I'm kidding. It's serious“

"Sit down." Then she turned and went into the kitchen.

Mrs. song stood aside and looked at sang Yu. She was so worried that she turned and went into the kitchen. She wanted to make Shen peichuan and her daughter together. But he brought a little girl friend with him. Naturally, he was not happy.

She looked at her daughter still cutting vegetables, came to grab the knife in her hand, "you go outside to accompany the guests, I'll do it alone here."

"There's no outsider out there. There's dad." Song Yaxin didn't understand her mother's intention.

It's not that she didn't understand, but she was also surprised that Shen peichuan would stay with the girl and didn't know what to do for a moment.

The mother stood aside and sighed, "when your father asked you to marry Shen peichuan. If you don't, you can see that they are the vice bureau now, and there are no messy women around them in recent years... "

"Ma." Song Yaxin doesn't want to listen to her mother's nagging, "the past is gone. Can you stop talking about it?"

There is no medicine for regret in the world. What's the use of regret?

"Ah." Mrs. song sighed again and came to help her daughter. "I don't know when he has a girlfriend."

Song Yaxin doesn't speak. The oil in the pot is hot. She puts the cut ginger in the pot, uses a small fire to stir up the fragrance, then puts pepper leaves, and finally pours the chopped chicken into the pot.

With a stab, the fragrance of the material came out.

"Shen peichuan is promoted by your father today." The more Mrs. song thought about it, the more unhappy she was. "That girl looks too young to match Shen peichuan at all."

"Oh, my God, what are you trying to say?" Song Yaxin helplessly looked at her mother, "peichuan a wooden pimple, can find a girlfriend, we should be happy, you see you, how like unhappy?"

"You were sitting next to him. Don't you regret it?" Mrs. song thought her daughter was heartless.

At the beginning, he chose the wrong person blindly. Now he sees that Shen peichuan has a girlfriend, but he doesn't respond at all.

"What's the use of regret? I've missed it. " Song Yaxin flat mouth, "you don't say it, OK?"

"It's hard to find a toad with two legs, but people with two legs are everywhere. Besides, you are young and have no children. It's not hard to find a good one. Shen peichuan is not the only one. "

Song Yaxin pursed her lips.

Mrs. song turned and went out. Song Yaxin called her, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"I'll get them a glass of water." Said Mrs. song.

"I'll go. You look at the food in the pot." Song Yaxin puts down her shovel.

Mrs. song thought they were young and had something to say, so she came in, took her daughter's fried diced chicken with chili sauce, and asked, "is there any seasoning in it?"

"Well, it's all gone." Song Yaxin washed her hands, took out a water cup and poured three cups of fresh juice. They put the empty tray on the table and sat down on the single sofa beside sang Yu. "You look very young, should be smaller than peichuan?"

Sang Yu said, "well."

"Where do you work?" Song Yaxin picked a grape from the fruit plate and put it in her mouth.

Sangyu didn't cover up and didn't feel anything. He replied, "freshman."

Song Yaxin was stunned for a moment. She looked at sang Yu, but she didn't expect that she was still a freshman. She looked at Shen peichuan and said with a smile, "do you like such a small one? I thought you didn't like women. "

Shen peichuan said with a stiff smile, "I'm also a normal person."

Song Yaxin nodded“ Yes, you are not a monk without seven emotions and six desires. "

I used to think that he was too boring, not romantic, and not interesting. After getting married once, I found that such a man was more reliable. Compared with those men who will be sweet, such a character, more people can be practical.Mrs. song asked if she didn't regret it? Why don't you regret it?

She regretted it very much. She thought it was a defect before. Now it's an advantage.

"I often come here with my girlfriend when I'm free. By the way, what's your girlfriend's name?" Song Yaxin asked with a smile.

Shen peichuan took a look at Sangyu and said, "Sangyu."

Sang Yu said nothing and sat quietly.

"Let's all serve. The food is ready." Mrs. song stood at the door of the restaurant and said with a smile.

Song bureau first stood up and said, "OK, let's eat and talk."

Everyone got up from the sofa and went to the restaurant. Shen peichuan helped sang Yu's waist. He was afraid that she would not feel comfortable in the strange environment, so he took care of her feelings.

Sangyu looked up at him, and his lips lit up a smile.

Although he is very dull, but occasionally a bit of considerate people will be very warm. I'm also at ease.

Song Yaxin takes a look at it and silently draws back her sight.

This man should have belonged to her before, and this gentleness should also belong to her. But now it belongs to another woman, she is not very comfortable.

Mrs. song adjusted her mood, and she could smile at Sangyu, so she didn't want to see others“ Come here as your own home. "

Sang Yu said yes with a smile.

Song Ju asked his daughter to take a bottle of wine, "drink with me?"

Shen peichuan said, "I drove here. I'll drink with you next time."

"Drink with my dad. I'll drive you back." Song Yaxin pours wine for Shen peichuan. Deliberately lowering his body, he said in his ear, "I'm divorced. He's not happy. Let's have a drink with him."

Shen peichuan was too close to her and seemed ambiguous. Shen peichuan pulled away and said, "then have a drink."

Song Yaxin's body is stiff for a while. It seems that Shen peichuan's distance and estrangement make her feel uncomfortable for a moment, or disappointed. He feels uncomfortable for his indifference. She quickly adjusted her mood and returned to nature, as if nothing had happened. She looked at sang Yu with a smile and said, "can you drink it?"

Sang Yu looks at her behavior and clenches her hand under the table. It's obvious that she is deliberately close to Shen peichuan. Maybe it's all women. She can feel each other's intention.

She shook her head. "I can't drink." Then he said to Shen peichuan with a smile, "you should drink less. You have to send me back to school in the afternoon."

"I can give it to you." Shen peichuan hasn't spoken yet. Song Yaxin took her words.

Sang Yu said with a smile, "don't bother. In fact, I don't have much time. I want peichuan to accompany me."

She can't see that song Yaxin approaches Shen peichuan intentionally or unintentionally, and deliberately makes an affair with Shen peichuan in front of her. It must be because she has no good intentions.

If today is really Shen peichuan's girlfriend, it will be misunderstood.

Fortunately, she is not really Shen peichuan's girlfriend, and she can see it soberly as a bystander.

Only in this way can we really understand that this is not Shen peichuan's fault, and this woman is approaching on purpose to make people misunderstood.

If it's really a blessing to Shen peichuan. Should be to know that he has a girlfriend and keep a distance, not intentionally close.

Song bureau a hearty smile, "then don't drink today, another day your wedding wine, I drink more."

Song Yaxin put down the wine bottle and poured a cup for herself. She didn't know who she was talking about. "There are many friends and girlfriends who break up after they fall in love. Some of them have different personalities, some of them have different habits, and some of them have different ages. No one knows what will happen until the last moment."

Shen peichuan naturally recognized the meaning of her words, and his expression was a little unnatural. He felt that she had said it to him on purpose.

"I'm very happy today. Let peichuan come home for dinner. What are you talking about? If you are in a bad mood, don't bring it to others. If you are not hungry, don't eat. Go to the house for a while Song Ju scolded her daughter in a deep voice, "say something disappointing at the dinner table."

"Dad, I'm your daughter, right? How can you get rid of me? " Song Yaxin bit her lip, "forget it, I won't eat any more."

Then she stood up and looked at everyone, "I'm sorry, I'm not in a good mood. Don't care if I speak with emotion."

"We don't care. We'd better sit down and eat." Shen peichuan felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. In the face of song Bureau, he couldn't say anything.

Song Bureau calm face, "sit down."

Song Yaxin came over and put her arms around her father's neck. "I'm in a bad mood after my divorce. If you say something wrong, don't worry. Peichuan is not angry with me. Why are you still in a bad mood?"Song Bureau broke her hand, "less careless, today is peichuan, change individual will not be happy."

"I know, not next time." Song Yaxin sat back and looked at Shen peichuan with a smile, "don't you care?"

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