Chapter 597

Lin Xinyan came down thirsty to pour water. Seeing where she sat crying, she thought she was not used to living here. She came down and handed her a tissue, "what's the matter with you? What's the matter? "

Aunt Wang quickly picked up everything and said, "it's OK."

Obviously, she didn't look like she had nothing to do with it. Lin Xinyan handed the tissue forward again, "wipe it."

Aunt Wang stood, took the paper towel and wiped away her tears.

Lin Xinyan poured two glasses of water and handed one to her. "Can you tell me why you want to cry? If you are not used to anything here, you can tell me. "

"No. I'm having a good time here. " She lowered her head. "I just miss my son."

When Lin Xinyan saw that she was holding a stationery box in her hand, she knew clearly that a mother was missing her child. Previously, she said that she divorced her husband and had a son with her husband. Even so, as a mother, she should have the right to visit her husband. "If you think about it, you can go and have a look. If your ex husband doesn't allow you to visit, I can help you find a lawyer."

She is also a mother, so she understands Aunt Wang's current mood, sympathizes with her and wants to give her some help.

"No. No She has the right to visit, although only once a month, not many opportunities, but she does not want to give others lick trouble.

"It's past noon. Are you hungry?" Auntie Wang is in a good mood.

Lin Xinyan finished drinking the water in the glass, put it down and said, "it's OK to do it now."

When it's ready, it's time to be hungry.

Usually eat is prepared by Yu Ma, she said, "I'll make lunch at noon today, let Yu Ma have a rest."

After she came here, there was nothing she was not used to. Everyone was very easy to get along with, and Yu Ma took good care of her.

Lin Xinyan said yes.

She can't sleep, ready to go to Qin ya to the room to chat with her, before going in and Aunt Wang said again, "what need to tell me."

She didn't mean anything else. She just wanted to help her.

Aunt Wang said, "OK, thank you."

Lin Xinyan said with a smile that you are welcome and turned to Qin Ya's room.

On the other side, two people from the club get on and leave. Shen peichuan's car stops at the gate of Wanyue group.

Shen peichuan saw the car at the door and said, "isn't this Bai Yinning's car?"

Zong Jinghao raised his eyes and saw that it was Bai Yinning's car parked in the parking space outside the building.

"What did he come for?" Shen peichuan put one hand on the window and looked very interested.

After all, Bai Yinning knows better than anyone. Isn't it strange how unwelcome he is and how unhappy he is to come here?

Zong Jinghao wanted to go in. When he knew that Bai Yinning was here, he called Guan Jin and asked him to drive the car out.

Shen peichuan looked at Zong Jinghao and said with a smile, "don't be so stingy. People are all here. By the way, can you send them a wedding invitation? Let him have a drink of your wedding wine, and stop thinking? "

Zong Jinghao ignored him.

Guan Jin stopped the car behind Shen peichuan's car and handed the key to Zong Jinghao. "A general manager Bai has been waiting for you for two hours."

Zong Jinghao took the key and said“ Just say I'm not here. "

Then he got on with the car key, started the car and left.

"Is your boss very mean?" Shen peichuan took a look at the car and asked Guan Jin with a smile.

Guan Jin cast a look that you know better than me, "you ask me this? No mistake? "

He originally wanted to say that you are short of a bed to sleep. Don't you know Zong Jinghao's temperament better than I do?

But without saying it, he waved his hand and said, "I'm going." He's very busy.

Shen peichuan didn't waste his time here either. When he drove back to the office, he received a video from his subordinates.

He has always sent people to follow Gu Bei. Today, he specially explained that Gu Bei's every move should be recorded.

It's Gu beichenhai's old four's video screen, which is very clear. He was very satisfied. He sent a message to let his subordinates come back without monitoring.

It's impossible to overthrow Gu Bei with the previous cases, and the previous cases have been too long and the evidence is hard to find, so we can only overthrow Gu Bei with the recent cases.

This video is enough to prove that he ordered the killing.

It's just that his father has a lot of power. Even if it comes out, it will be suppressed. Now we can only wait for the opportunity and continue to dig deep into the bad things he has done in recent years.Once there is a right opportunity. That's when they do it.

When Shen peichuan returned to the Institute, before he was hot, Xiao Wang, who was next to song Bureau, came to him and said that song Bureau wanted to see him.

He put down what he was doing and immediately went to the song Bureau office. At the door of the office, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Soon there was a voice coming in. Shen peichuan opened the door and saw that song Bureau was answering the phone. He waved to Shen peichuan not to make a sound and to sit down first.

Shen peichuan sat down on the sofa in the reception area in front of him.

After waiting for a while, song Bureau finished the call, put down the phone, came up and asked, "are you free at noon?"

Shen peichuan nodded, "yes, how can I treat you to dinner?"

Song Ju waved his hand. "I invite you," he said

"That's a good feeling." I'm sure I'm happy to be invited to dinner.

Song Ju took off his hat and moved his muscles, "where's your little girlfriend? Take it with you. Go to my house today. "

Shen peichuan feels happy a little early, girlfriend, where did he get his girlfriend?

"Well, I'll go myself." Shen peichuan said with a smile.

The song bureau gave the order directly“ No, there must be two people. I'll go first. You'll come later with your little girl friend. It's not the first time for you to go. You know the address. Don't be late. "

Having said that, without giving Shen peichuan time to refuse to find a reason, he took his hat and left.

Shen peichuan, "..."

This is really a problem for him!

He scratched his head and felt that his brain hurt. The song bureau not only promoted him, but also took good care of him all the time. He could not refute the face of the song Bureau.

Thinking about it, I can only go to Sangyu to do me a favor.

He took a look at the time, there was still time, this time he did not go directly to Sangyu, but to find a female subordinate. Let her find it for herself.

The last time he was scared, it was not song Ju. Today, who asked him to find Sangyu, he would not find it.

After what happened last time, all the colleagues in the institute decided that sang Yu was his girlfriend. After all, they all kiss in public. What's the relationship between a man and a woman?

What's more, the people in the Institute are very clear about Shen peichuan's behavior. He is not the kind of person who messes up the relationship between men and women. It must be a girlfriend.

After what happened last time, sang Yu didn't dare to go to Shen peichuan for fear of bringing him trouble.

She has a good feeling for Shen peichuan. Shen peichuan is an upright, mature and steady man. He always has a unique charm. For a girl in her family, she will feel safe.

He suddenly let people to find himself, Sangyu followed out without hesitation.

When the female subordinate took Sangyu to Shen peichuan's office, she remembered and asked, "what can I do for him?"

The female subordinate looked at her and said with a smile, "I don't know about this. Go in later and ask yourself."

Soon she took sang Yu to the door of Shen peichuan's office, left her hair behind and said, "people are in there. You go in yourself. I'll go first."

With that, the female subordinate turned to leave, leaving Sangyu here.

Sang Yu stood at the door, hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand to knock on the door, and soon the shutter opened from inside.

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