Chapter 595

Gu Bei was gnashing his teeth when he heard that Bai Yinning had planted a seed of doubt in his heart. After listening to Shen peichuan's words, he distrusted Lao Si even more.

What Shen peichuan said did happen. It happened two years ago. The new lady didn't understand the rules and didn't satisfy the important person when she was waiting on him. Gu Bei was so angry that he threw her to his subordinates for training. All his subordinates were rough men, and they killed him.

He had forgotten about it for so long. Now he heard it again, but he was betrayed by his own people.

Gu Bei turned to look at Luo San and said in a low voice, "thank you today."

With that, he left the club angrily.

Luo San, who was standing opposite, turned his mouth and understood how to deal with it for a while. It seems that Shen peichuan and Zong Jinghao cheated Gu Bei by singing an oboe play.

In fact, it's not cheating Gu Bei. Lao Si did confess something about Gu Bei. Before, he didn't become a red man around Gu Bei, so he knew little about secret things. Shen peichuan found out this matter, but in order to make Gu Bei think that old four betrayed him, he deliberately said that old four confessed.

According to Shen peichuan's investigation about the death of the young lady, Lao Si was also involved in that incident, so he didn't say.

The things that Laosi confessed to Gu Bei were trivial things, and there was no bad thing he did. Although he had no backbone, he knew how to keep things that were not good for him.

Gu Bei left the club and asked people to take Lao Si to the villa.

He stormed back to the villa. Old four was also brought here.

Suddenly, he was brought back. Old four was a little uneasy. Cautiously, "President Gu..."

Before he finished his words, Gu Beiyin took a look at the corner of his lip. Without saying a word, he kicked it up, and old four fell to the ground. He was injured so badly that he couldn't get up and covered his stomach.

"Didn't you say you were not interrogated?" Gu Bei squatted down and pinched his chin, "betrayed me?"

Old four opened his eyes. Didn't he believe him before? How did you suddenly know again?

"You must not listen to that lame man..."


Another slap hit old four in the face. Gu Bei was furious. "What did I hear with my own ears? I said, you fell into their hands. How could you not interrogate you and let you back? You not only betrayed me, but also promised to do undercover investigation for them. Lao Si, I'm very good to you, but I didn't expect that you would dare to do this to me? "

Gu Bei is very angry and tries to save him, but he betrays himself, which is more difficult for him to accept than his girlfriend's cheating.

He would like to strangle Lao Si right now to relieve his hatred!

Old four has been encircled. He said something about Gu Bei, but he can't do anything about Gu Bei. And when did he promise to be their undercover agent?

"There must be some misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding!" The more he thought about Gu Bei, the more annoyed he was. He slapped his hands on Lao Si's face. Because of too much force, half of his arms were numb. The blood in Lao Si's mouth made his face even more red and swollen, like a burnt pig's head.

"I'm not deaf yet!" Gu Bei was very angry and laughed, "old four, do you remember what I said?"

Old four is frightened to shiver all over, the blood flow of the mouth goes up to the lapel, particularly conspicuous on the white and blue stripe disease clothes.

In order to survive, he threw himself on the ground and hugged Gu Bei's leg. "Mr. Gu, you have to believe me. I really didn't betray you. I swear, if I betray you. I can't die of thunder. "

However, at this time, there was a sudden thunder outside.

Old four, "..."

Gu Bei, "..."

"Look, God is going to chop you, too." Gu Bei kicked him away and called to his subordinates, "throw him into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Mr. Gu, you have to believe me." Old four climbed over, holding Gu Bei's leg and crying, "I really didn't betray you, please believe me."

Gu Bei looked at the dog like old four and sneered, "I also want to believe you, but look at your worthless appearance. If you didn't betray me, I'm surprised!"

There's no blood at all. It's strange if he doesn't fight like that!

"What are you doing?" Gu North angry voice, several subordinates immediately up to open the old four.

"Please. Believe me, I didn't betray you. " Old four bite dead don't recognize, recognize he left a dead end.

But not recognize Gu Bei also determined that he betrayed himself.Gu Bei takes the opportunity to set an example to others and let the people who follow him see what will happen if they betray him!

"I will not treat those who follow me badly, but those who betray me will die!" Gu Bei is so fierce that no one can save Lao Si today!

In order to frighten his subordinates, Gu Bei personally grabbed Lao Si and went out.

Old four cry for mercy, Gu North listen to trouble. He had to be shut up, put in a sack, thrown into the trunk and driven off to the suburban coast.

At first, the subordinates who followed thought they were just scaring old four and scaring them, but they didn't want Gu Beizhen to let them throw old four into the sea.

They are all subordinates. Although they don't like old four, they are afraid that they will ask for love for old four one day.

"For the sake of his lack of credit and hard work, spare his life." A big beard pleaded.

Gu Bei snorted. He leaned against the hood in front of the car and put his hands around his chest. "If he betrays me, there is only one result, that is death. You are the same. Who betrays me one day. This is the only way! Who dares to plead again, I will let him accompany old four to throw down together

It seems that for a moment, several subordinates have banned the sound, and no one dares to make a sound again, for fear that they will be thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

"Not yet, let me do it myself?" Gu beilengsheng.

Several subordinates winced at the same time. And coincidentally forward to grasp, such as into the sack constantly twisting cricket, old four was blocked mouth, but not blocked ears, they say he heard, is to hear. I'm afraid.

He struggled to break free, but he was tied too tightly to break free.

If we could see his face at the moment, we could see his face without blood and fear.

I'm afraid no one in the world can be as calm as water in the face of death.

After all, there is only one life. If you die, you die. There is no more.

Gu Bei's expression did not fluctuate. He had no fear. Relying on the east window incident, his Laozi could keep him, so he was unscrupulous.

With a puff, huge water splashed on the surface of the water. After a while, it became calm and didn't even see the struggle.

Standing on the shore of several subordinates, the face is not good-looking, one of them asked, "is the shark really cannibal?"

"Fool, of course, don't eat people. People are the most advanced animals."

"You're a fool. Who says sharks don't eat people?" A subordinate who believed that sharks were cannibals refuted the man who had just spoken.

"Have you seen it?" That man is also unconvinced. He thinks that man is the master of the earth, and sharks are animals in the water. How can you eat people on shore?

"Haven't you seen the great white shark? The sharks that are there eat people. " Two people hold their own opinions, and they are not willing to agree with each other.

"That's a movie! Real sharks don't eat people

"A bunch of idiots, how can I feed you these things?" Gu Bei was noisy naoren pain, "go."

Then he got into the car, there was a loud bang, there was lightning, it seemed that there was a heavy rain.

Several subordinates ran into the car for fear of getting caught in the rain, completely forgetting what they had just done.

Old four's popularity is not good. No one pays attention to his power and offends many people. So no one will really plead for him, just speak for him, but afraid of their own end.

Several people thought to themselves that Gu Bei must not be betrayed, otherwise, they would have to be fed fish.

In the city, Lin Xinyan takes her son and daughter to the pet shop to buy Dabai's products. After that, Zong Yanxi wants to go to the playground.

Lin Xinyan looked up at the sky. It might rain heavily on this day. He coaxed his daughter into saying, "shall we go to the supermarket and buy you something to eat?"

Zong Yanxi thought about it, "well, I'll give it up."

Unable to laugh or cry, Lin Xinyan stretched out her hand to pinch her face. "It's less and less lovely when she was a child."

"The aunt of the pet shop praised me as beautiful. How could I not be cute?" Zong Yanxi is not convinced.

Lin Xinyan explained, "lovely and beautiful are not an adjective."

"Get in the car quickly." She urged.

They left the pet shop and went to the supermarket.

As soon as I entered the supermarket, it began to rain heavily.

It's pouring.

Zong Yanxi looked at the heavy rain outside and said with emotion, "fortunately I didn't go to the playground, otherwise I would have been drowned."

Lin Xinyan leads two children, Yu Ma and the new servant follow behind, the driver walks in the last side, and the party goes into the supermarket.Yu's mother pushed the shopping cart and said, "there is no fruit at home."

They went to the fruit area and bought some seasonal fruits. There are many fruits in this season, and the price is not expensive, mainly fresh.

Passing by the pastry area, Zong Yanxi wants to eat doughnuts. She runs over to take a plate. Across the glass, she sees the person standing in front of the counter. When she sees his face clearly, she says, "is it you?"

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