Chapter 587

Looking at Shen peichuan's angry face, Su Zhan quickly hid behind Lin Xinyan. "What I said is the truth, but you don't want to admit it. I'm sure sang Yu has a good feeling for you. Otherwise, she won't be so worried when something happens to you. In fact, her age is not a big problem. The sister-in-law and Jing Hao are 8 years apart, Don't be too emotional. "

Lin Xinyan turned to look at Su Zhan, "if you say peichuan, just say peichuan. Why do you take us?"

She doesn't like to be mentioned.

After all, at that time, she was really young. She was still at the age of college when she was 18, but she was already married.

Shen peichuan added oil and vinegar“ Isn't that his virtue? It's not going to change. "

Su Zhan stares at Shen peichuan. "Don't run on me when you have a chance. I can't beat you. Can't I get help yet?"

Lin Xinyan patted Su Zhan on the shoulder and reminded him, "be quiet. Qin Ya may be able to hear it in the room. "

If Su Zhan knew what Qin Ya said today, he would be so heartless.

Qin Ya's name seems to be very useful here in Su Zhan. He immediately banned his voice.

Shen peichuan laughed at him, "Yo, what else are you afraid of?"

"Go away!" Su Zhan sat down on the sofa and said nothing.

Lin Xinyan took two bottles of foreign wine, and when he came back, he said to them, "have dinner."

She put the wine on the table and went to Qin Ya's room to help her dress and wash. After cleaning up, she helps her out. She pads her feet and touches the floor with a place that is not hurt. With the support of Lin Xinyan, she goes to the living room. Su Zhan stands up and wants to help, but when Qin Ya doesn't even look at herself, she's afraid that she's tired of herself.

Lin Xinyan helped her to the dining table. Zong Yanchen ran to pull a chair. "Aunt Yan, be careful."

Qin Ya touched Zong Yanchen's head with a smile, "you are so warm. In the future, many girls will like you."

Zong Yanchen quickly waved his hand, "I just need one, women are so troublesome, I'm afraid things will happen."

His words attracted a burst of laughter. Lin Xinyan pinched his son's face and said, "he said something out of the mark."

"It is." Zong Yanchen was unconvinced and murmured in his mouth, "you and Dad don't often make trouble, it's only a few days?"

"What did you say?" His voice was too small for Lin to hear clearly.

Zong Yanchen immediately shook his head, "I said I know, no more nonsense."

Yu's mother put the last plate on the table, and Lin Xinyan helped put it in their respective positions, "everyone take your seats."

Shen peichuan and Su Zhan come together.

"So rich." It's a full table, and it's full of color and fragrance, which is no worse than that in the hotel.

Shen peichuan said with a smile, "my sister-in-law is tired."

Lin Xinyan put the chopsticks on the cloth and looked up at him. "Congratulations on your promotion. It's nothing to order."

Shen peichuan is a little embarrassed. He is not the director. It's just a side effect.

We all sat down. Zong Jinghao came down from the upstairs. He sat in the leading position. Lin Xinyan opened the wine and said, "today's first cup has to be poured to peichuan."

Shen peichuan stood up, took the wine in Lin Xinyan's hand, "I pour it myself."

How can she pour it for herself.

Lin Xinyan did not force him to sit down and said with a smile, "peichuan, seriously, who is Sangyu?"

Just interrupted, she didn't ask. She was still curious about Sangyu.

Shen peichuan is mature and steady. It should be true that he has a relationship with any girl. After all, he is not a casual person.

Shen peichuan, "..."

Why can't we get through this?

Su Zhan puts his wine cup in front of Shen peichuan. Ask him to pour himself a drink. "Or I'll get her?"

"Can you not cross the bar?" Shen peichuan glared at him, "can't you just sit around for a while, can't you see Qin Ya sitting opposite?"

Su Zhan, "..."

Zongyanchen and zongyanxi hold their mouths and snicker. Uncle Su seems to be shriveled again.

Ha ha, it's funny.

Shen peichuan filled the wine in front of Zong Jinghao and put down the bottle before explaining to Lin Xinyan, "I also want to become a family as soon as possible. After all, I'm old, but this Sangyu is really a misunderstanding. It's really inappropriate for someone to be young.""Brother Shen has always been the most reliable. I believe he will find a very good girl." Qin Ya said.

Shen peichuan smiles“ Thank you for your kind words. "

"I'm talking about the truth. Well, I don't have a chance anyway, otherwise I want to chase you." She also looked sorry. She didn't see that the atmosphere on the table had suddenly changed. Maybe she knew that it had changed. She pretended not to know. She continued, "I heard people say that marriage is a woman's second birth. For the first time, I didn't have a choice, but for the second time, I'll shine my eyes. If I find a slag man, I'll suffer for a lifetime. This is true, but I'm not a slag man like brother Shen. "

Shen peichuan almost instinctively went to see Su Zhan.

Su Zhan stares at Qin ya like this. How can she stab his heart and hurt his self-esteem regardless of the occasion and place all the time?

Shen peichuan wants to persuade Qin ya, but he doesn't know what to say.

Qin Ya has been hurt. Su Zhan is responsible for this. He has no room to explain at all. In the end, he can only pick himself up, "you say your things, don't involve me. So as not to be misunderstood, I can't deceive my friend's wife, which I have in mind. "

Qin Ya laughs, "see frighten you, I have self-knowledge."

Shen peichuan was busy explaining“ I didn't mean that... "

He didn't mean to discriminate. He didn't mean to think she was impure.

"What do you mean, do you like me, too?" Qin Ya interrupts him.

Shen peichuan, "..."

He would not have come if he had known.

It's all over my body, and I can't say it clearly.

Lin Xinyan patted Qin ya, "enough."

Qin Ya said with a smile“ I know. Elder brother Shen has wooden bumps. I'll tease him for a while. "

Shen peichuan, "..."

He said solemnly, "don't make such a joke in the future."

If you are not familiar with his temperament, you may misunderstand him. After all, this relationship is too sensitive.

"Well, eat." Lin Xinyan made it through. She introduced the delicate stew cup in the middle, "this is salty goose. Yuma said it tastes good. Try it."

Salted goose is salted in winter, washed and chopped into small pieces, put ginseng, medlar and Agrocybe aegerita together, stewed for two hours with warm fire, ginseng and slightly salty taste fusion, a different flavor.

She gave a piece to her son.

"Me too." Zong Yanxi thought he was forgotten.

Lin Xinyan didn't forget her, but his son was close to her, so he gave it to his son first, and he couldn't hold two pieces of chopsticks.

Zong Jinghao put his wings in his children's plate, and the little girl blinked“ My father still loves me. Now Mommy only likes my brother. "

"Can your mother hold two pieces of chopsticks?" Zong Jinghao asked his daughter in a warm voice.

Zong Yanxi shook his head, "can't."

This time she responded quickly, "I know. I know mommy loves me too. She also said that she would take me to the pet shop."

Then she couldn't wait to pick up the wing with her hand and chew it. After a long stew, the meat was rotten and the ginseng flavor was very fragrant. She smashed her mouth and said, "delicious."

"Auntie Yan, you too. It's really delicious. " Zongyanchen chews the meat, and his mouth whines. He still reminds Qin ya.

"Qin Ya laughs," is really good to me, what all did not forget me, looked you eat so fragrant, I also tasted. "

She also took a piece and said, "it's really delicious."

There are two children who can always have an active atmosphere.

The atmosphere of dining on the table is more and more pleasant, only Su Zhan is not in a high mood, and he doesn't like to talk as usual, and he drinks very quietly.

Halfway through the meal, the doorbell rings. Yu's mother gets up to open the door. Lin Xinyan asks her to rest. Today's dishes are mostly made by her. She's very tired. "I'll open them."

"I'll go." The new servant hurried over.

Lin Xinyan said yes, but he didn't sit back. Instead, he stood in the restaurant and looked at the door. After all, everyone was here. Who would come here in the evening.

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