Chapter 582

"Who saw him hit you?" Shen peichuan asked.

The old four's face instantly scared of very white, can't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, "I, I all say, you don't do it."

Su Zhan converged, not to move him, but to wait for him to finish and then start, cold hook the corner of his lips, "say, if there is a little concealment, I will let you die very painful."

Old four repeatedly said, "I dare not. I dare not. I will finish without a word, but I said, "can you let me go?"

"I'll let you out of here." Su Zhan road.

Old four breathed a sigh of relief. If he can get out of here, he still has hope to live. These people are just like madmen. He was really afraid that he would die here, so he didn't think much about it. He opened his mouth and said, "I really want to strengthen her. She is very beautiful, and I made a little profit on her. At first, she was also very enthusiastic. I thought she was willing to sleep with me. When I untied the rope for her, she attacked me with a candlestick. She stabbed me with all my injuries. I didn't succeed. Really, I said everything. Now can you let me go? "

Su Zhan was angry and laughed by the old four, "you want to force her, now let me let you go, you talk in your sleep?"

He made the worst plan in his heart. He thought that even if Qin Yazhen was ruined by this beast, he would not dislike her. He would try his best to take care of her in the future. Now he knows that she is still innocent, and he is glad from the bottom of his heart.

After all, she is really strong, which will cause great damage to her soul. If she has weak willpower, I'm afraid she can't survive.

Old four can't help but stare big eyes, big voice way, "how can you speak not to calculate words, you but promise to let me go out from here, moreover I all told the truth."

Su Zhan squatted down and grabbed his jaw, sneered, "is Gu Bei blind? You're such a fool. Yes, I mean to let you out of here. Did I say to let you out upright? Go out horizontally, too. "

Old four was scared, got up from the ground, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Zhan, "your adult has a lot of spare me, I know it's wrong, I don't dare to do it next time."

Old four is a soft bone. He is afraid of the tough. If he has the ability, he will be reused. It's Gu Bei's right-hand manager who has been jailed for Gu Bei. Then he has the chance to come out. He doesn't have much ability, but he shows his face in front of Gu Bei because he can flatter him. Get reused.

It's just that he didn't strive for success, which made a mess in a few days.

Su Zhan rolled up his sleeve and said, "which hand touched her?"

Lao Si quickly shrunk his right hand and realized that his action was too obvious. He held both hands in his arms and cried out, "I'm wrong. Please let me go. I'll be a cow and a horse for you."

"Right hand, right?" Su Zhan grabs his hair and pulls it back. "It's him. Or should I do it? "

Old four cry of the nose called a face, not a little masculine, cowardly and timid.

Su Zhan scolded a coward, pulled his hair to the back of the wall hard hit a few times, old four pain howl, like killing a pig wolf howl, Shen peichuan can't listen, found a tape to Su Zhan.

"Isn't sound insulation the best in the interrogation room?" Su Zhan didn't know what he meant.

Shen peichuan is too lazy to look at Lao Si. He doesn't deserve to be a man.

"It's a terrible cry."

Su Zhan picked up the tape, the fourth took the opportunity to climb into the corner, "Wuwu - please let me go."

"Help me catch him." Su Zhan winks at Shen peichuan.

Seeing Shen peichuan coming, Lao Si would be killed if he wanted to run or not. However, after just two steps, Shen peichuan kicked him to the ground, twisted his arm and pressed it on his back to let Su Zhan block his mouth.

Su Zhan wound the tape around his mouth a few times, even his face stuck. He threw the tape aside and said to Shen peichuan, "give me his right hand."

Shen peichuan presses Lao Si's right hand on the ground. Su Zhan lowers his head and pats Lao Si's face“ If I don't abandon you, I'm not worthy to be a man. "

Old four can't make a sound, scared face a burst of gray, but can't earn, watching Su Zhan step on his hand.

There was a crack. Old four painful face ferocious became a ball.

Su Zhan wriggles his ankle. He is wearing leather shoes. Old four's fingers change shape under his feet. Shen peichuan releases him and stands aside.

Old four's body is shaking. The crotch is wet. I don't know when I peed.

Su Zhan stepped on his face, "Damn, the first time I saw a man pee his pants in reality, you really lose his face."

Shen peichuan told Su Zhan, "don't kill me. It's still useful to keep it."He is Gu Bei's side, should know Gu Bei's business, now repair a meal, later slowly review.

Su Zhan didn't say a word. He really wanted to kill Lao Si immediately.

Shen peichuan patted him on the shoulder. "If we really want to kill him, we don't need to do it. It's not worth getting dirty for such scum."

Su Zhan said reluctantly.

Shen peichuan went to Zong Jinghao and said, "let's wait outside."

Zong Jinghao gave a light hum and took the lead to come out to the room where Lin Xinyan was next door.

She sat on the chair and watched what Su Zhan was doing over there. I can feel Su Zhan's anger, which reflects his feelings for Qin ya, and it's very deep.

But there is no way for outsiders to intervene in emotional affairs.

Knowing that Qin Ya had not lost herself, the stone in her heart also came down.

"Are you going back now?" Zong Jinghao came over. Lin Xinyan looked at him and shook his head

Shen peichuan asked, "do you want to see how Su Zhan repairs people?"

Lin Xinyan did not answer the question, "peichuan, have you been promoted?"

It's a sudden question. Shen peichuan looked at her for two seconds and said, "well."

"Congratulations. I'll hold a banquet for you in the evening. You and Su Zhan will go to the villa together." Lin Xinyan said.

"Not worth it..."

"Why not? To be promoted means that you have the ability, and we are also happy for you. I didn't mention it because I haven't caught this person before. Now I caught it, and it's a matter. Although the matter with Gu Bei has not been completely solved, there is still time for us to have a meal together. "

"If you say so, I won't refuse. Thank you, sister-in-law." Shen peichuan said sincerely.

"You're welcome. If it's OK, you can go there earlier." Lin Xinyan laughs, the words contain deep meaning, Shen peichuan didn't hear out, along with the voice said, "good."

"I'll go back first." Lin Xinyan stood up from his chair. Zong Jinghao asked her to wait for a moment. "I'll talk to peichuan. You wait for me outside first."

Lin Xinyan nodded and said, "OK."

Then he went out.

After she left, Zong Jinghao and Shen peichuan planned what to do next, leaving old four in one breath. One is to try to find out from his mouth about Gu Bei's violation of the law. The other is that they will not do it themselves. Even if they want old four's life, they will only use a knife to kill him.

No matter whether Gu Bei is recruited or not, as long as they have the evidence of Gu Bei's violation of the law and say that Gu Bei betrayed him, Gu Bei will have to kill the traitor himself if they don't do it.

Shen peichuan said, "I understand. It's up to me."

Zong Jinghao takes a look at the screen. Lao Si is lying on the ground and pumping. Su Zhan doesn't stop. It seems that his anger hasn't come out yet. He quickly takes his eyes back and goes out.

Lin Xinyan said he wanted to go home. Zong Jinghao asked her to go to the company with him.

"Have lunch with me at noon and I'll take you back." Zong Jinghao buckled her seat belt.

Zong Jinghao started the car and asked, "do you want to match Su Zhan and Qin ya?"

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