Chapter 579

Gu north tone is not very good, "B city if there is a place to hide people, I also look for you?"

Mrs. Zhou didn't grow up in Gu's family. Gu Bei is the only boy in the family. She has been held by her parents since she was a child. She has little affection for her elder sister except her elder sister who was raised at home.

I don't know how to respect him. I think it's necessary for others to help him.

Listening to Gu Bei's voice, Mrs. Zhou felt uncomfortable and reminded her, "I'm your sister."

"I know. Otherwise I will not look for you Gu Bei, of course.

Mrs. Zhou closed her eyes and sighed. Gu Bei didn't understand her meaning at all.

In his eyes, relatives are only used to "use", there is no family affection to speak of, and they do not know how to respect.

"People are not in city B, they are in white city. If you want to, we'll meet tomorrow to discuss it. If you don't want to, I won't let you be Tibetan at home. "

Mrs. Zhou's attitude.

This younger brother really doesn't like her.

I don't want to have any contact. If it's not for a mother, she really doesn't want to care about his affairs.

Gu Bei wanted to get angry, but now he was desperate, otherwise he would not have thought of hiding people in his sister's house.

Shen peichuan's people monitored him 24 hours a day. He had no freedom at all. If it goes on like this, the whereabouts of old four will be revealed sooner or later.

Now he has no choice but to promise.

"Yes, yes, but where is the white city? Is it really safe? " Gu Bei is still worried. Why hasn't he heard of Baicheng?

Mrs. Zhou, "..."

"Baicheng is a small place. Since I recommend it to you, it's absolutely safe. If you don't believe me, there's no way." Then Mrs. Zhou will hang up.

Gu Bei said hastily, "OK, I'll send Lao Si to you tomorrow."

Mrs. Zhou didn't answer immediately. Instead, she took the phone away from her ear, covered the receiver with her hand, looked at Bai Yinning and asked, "he said to send the people tomorrow. Do you think it's ok?"

Bai Yinning nodded, "I'll arrange for people to drive over and pick them up from here."

"Well, I'll tell him to send them." Mrs. Zhou put the phone back to her ear and said to Gu Bei, "then you can send the people tomorrow."

"Good." Then he hung up there.

Mrs. Zhou looked at the cell phone that had been hung up. She frowned slightly and didn't even say a polite thank you. She just hung up. She didn't let him show more respect to her sister and didn't even have the least courtesy.

"Since mom doesn't like it, I'll make it clear to him after this time. I don't want to get along with him in the future." Bai Yinning saw that Mrs. Zhou had a lot of dissatisfaction with the so-called younger brother.

"I will. Go and have a rest. It's late Mrs. Zhou said.

Bai Yinning rolled the wheelchair and walked towards the room.


When she woke up, she found that it was already 12 o'clock. She turned over, rubbed her eyes and asked, "why don't you wake me up?"

Zong Jinghao held her in his arms. "I see you are sleeping and willing to wake you up."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

"Is there anything to eat at this late hour?" She got out of bed with resentment. She was still wearing a skirt during the day. Zong Jinghao's clothes in the bathroom were untidy, and her collar fell to her arms. There were red marks left by his kisses on her chest.

She pulled her clothes to cover her chest, which made her uncomfortable. After that, she went to bed without washing. The wet feeling was still there. She took clean underwear and pajamas from the cupboard and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Lin Xinyan put in a large pool of hot water and took a bath. After taking a bath, she felt energetic. Almost half an hour later, she dried her hair, put on her clothes and came out. There was no one on the bed. She went to the balcony and didn't see Zong Jinghao, so she went downstairs.

At this time, everyone went to bed, the whole villa was quiet, and there was no one in the living room downstairs. Only the lights in the kitchen are still on.

She walked over quietly and saw Zong Jinghao with an apron on his waist. She leaned against the door, looked at him and asked in a low voice, "can you do it?"

Zong Jinghao looked back at her, "look down on me?"

Lin Xinyan smiles, walks in, embraces his waist from behind, and asks, "when did you learn to cook?"

"Yu Ma said to boil the spareribs soup. Just drop the wonton in. " In the evening, everyone had finished eating. He didn't wake up Lin Xinyan, so he asked Yu Ma how to make wonton. He thought that when Lin Xinyan woke up hungry, he could make it for her.Wonton is wrapped before mom, and the spareribs soup is also stewed. It's always warm. Open the fire and bring the wonton to a boil. It's very simple.

I don't know if it's because I'm hungry. Lin Xinyan can smell the smell of meat.

She looked sideways into the pot and asked, "when will it be ready?"


Lin Xinyan nodded honestly, "well."

Zong Jinghao turned to kiss her forehead, "wait outside. It will be ready in a minute

Lin Xinyan let him go, left the kitchen, went to the dining room, opened a chair and sat down, waiting to eat.

Soon Zong Jinghao put the wonton into a big bowl and put it in front of her. The ribs soup was flavored by her mother. The next wonton will not put anything, there are corn ribs and wonton, there are a lot of soup, a big bowl full.

Zong Jinghao brought her a small bowl of chopsticks and spoon“ Scoop it into a small bowl. It's too hot. "

Lin Xinyan nodded, scooped up the ribs and wonton, and put them in a small bowl to cool them. Yu Ma's cooking skills were not very good. Wonton was wrapped in shrimp puree. The entrance was tender and smooth, and the taste was delicious. The ribs could have been eaten at night. The meat was rotten at night, but the meat was delicious.

Zong Jinghao sat on the chair beside her and put his arm on the back of the chair behind her. Looking at her, he ate half of the bowl in a short time. "You can eat, too. Why aren't you fat?"

Lin Xinyan didn't look up and asked, "do you like fat ones?"

Zong Jinghao stretched out his hand and pinched her arm. "It's too thin like straw. I want to fatten you up."

Lin Xinyan smiles“ Can I eat 200 Jin for my height? "

Zong Jinghao, "..."

Did not hear Zong Jinghao's voice, Lin Xinyan looked up, "how, dislike?"

Holding his chin, Zong Jinghao said seriously, "if you want to grow to 200 Jin, I have to buy hormone for you?"

Lin Xinyan. "..."

It's true that she's hard to eat and fat, which has a lot to do with her constitution.

Zong Jinghao's hand slid to her waist, across the cloth in her waist on the meat, "you become what I don't dislike."

"I don't believe it." Lin Xinyan finished the soup in a small bowl and put down his chopsticks and spoon.

Zong Jinghao leaned over and said, "what can I do to make you believe it? How about a letter? "

Lin Xinyan pulled aside and drank the hot soup. She felt sweating all over. Zong Jinghao was too close to her, which made her feel more heated. She couldn't drink too much soup. She pushed the rest of the soup in the big bowl to Zong Jinghao. "You drink it, and I can't have any left. It's a pity to pour it."

Zong Jinghao is very repulsive. He doesn't eat such greasy food at night.

Lin Xinyan nuzui, "you don't want to prove it, even if you drink up the soup in the big bowl, you don't need to make a letter, I still trust you."

Zong Jinghao, "..."

He really can't drink, "can you prove it in another way?"

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