Chapter 575

Zong Jinghao's body was stiff for a moment. He turned back and said, "how did you come up?"

"Can't I come up?" She extended her head to the pool to see. How could she feel that he was afraid of seeing it? Zong Jinghao moved his body to block her sight. "You don't have to treat any guests at home today?"

"Your daughter is entertaining." Lin Xinyan looked up at him. The more he didn't let himself see it, the more Lin Xinyan wanted to see it. "How can I find you guilty?"

Zong Jinghao coughed lightly and cleared his throat. "What's wrong with me?"

"If you don't feel guilty, get out of the way." Lin Xinyan reaches out and pushes him away. The underwear she bought in the shopping mall today is soaking in the pool.

Zong Jinghao "..."

The air was still for a few seconds.

All of a sudden, Lin Xin laughed.

Zong Jinghao is serious“ What are you laughing at? "

Lin Xinyan leaned against the doorframe and continued to smile.

Oh, this man is so cute.

Zong Jinghao, "..."

"Get out!" He has a straight face.

Lin Xinyan restrained his smile. But still can't help, talk is to smile cavity, "I don't smile."

Zong Jinghao didn't care about her, so he turned and continued to wash.

The underwear he was holding was obviously ambiguous, but there was no beautiful atmosphere at the moment. Lin Xinyan just didn't expect that he would wash his underwear.

There is a warm flow in my heart.

She encircled his thin waist from behind, her forehead against his broad back, Zong Jinghao's body slightly stiff. He soon returned to nature and looked back at her. "Will you show me tomorrow?"

Lin Xinyan encircled his waist tightly and let out a sound.

Zong was very satisfied with the answer.

His work is not in vain.

"Husband." Lin Xinyan called him coquettishly.

Zong Jinghao washed his clothes and asked, "what do you call me?"

Did he just have an auditory hallucination?

Lin Xinyan did not speak, but across the thin cloth, put his lips on his back. The soft touch came from behind. His throat was tight and nervous. What happened to her today?

Suddenly good enthusiasm?

Lin Xinyan whispered, "do you play social software?"

Zong Jinghao???

what do you mean?


"It's the common social software, such as wechat, Momo microblog and so on." Her hands were rubbing against his waist as he spoke.

He looked down at her hand, but smelled something unusual from her words. How could he ask such a strange question?

What's going on here?

His brow was frowning, for fear that some one would do harm to it and destroy the only quiet time.

"Don't you have my wechat? I don't send news. What's that Momo? Weibo is official, but not personal. What's the matter? "

He turned around, didn't touch her because he had water on his hand, and said cautiously, "well, I promise, I'll never mess around outside. What happened? Can you just say it. It makes me feel sick. "

I always feel that her words are all temptations.

He was upset.

Lin Xinyan looked at him carefully and knew that he had misunderstood. He put his hand around his neck and asked with a smile, "what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid you'll misunderstand me..."

Before he had finished all his words, Lin Xinyan suddenly stood on tiptoe to kiss his lips and looked at him seriously, "I never doubted you."

Even if Gu Bei sent her those realistic photos, she didn't believe it.

Unless she saw it with her own eyes and heard it with her own ears.

Otherwise she won't believe what others say.

In her opinion, emotion is to trust each other and confess to each other.

If you don't trust him, you won't choose to be with him at the beginning.

He is always giving her surprise, gentle look is also very charming.

"Do you know how much I like the way you just looked?" His every word, every expression, are so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"So you're going to reward me?" He held her waist in his arm. I didn't touch her.

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "what reward do you want?""Do you agree to everything I say?" There was a cunning light in his eyes, which was like a meteor.

Lin Xinyan didn't find out at all. He tilted his head and thought, "OK, as long as I can do it, I will promise you."

Zong Jinghao's smile, eyes from her face slowly down, finally fixed in her chest, "I want, you can do it."

Lin Xinyan noticed his hot eyes and could not help reminding him“ We'll have dinner later. Don't make noise. There are still guests at home. "

"Yu Ma won't cook so soon. They won't come up upstairs casually." He explained.

"That doesn't work either..."

"You have promised me."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

How does she feel cheated?

Zong Jinghao's hands are a little cold. Maybe it's because she's soaked in water. In summer, the cloth of her clothes is very thin, covering her back through the cloth. Still can feel cool, not from the pores erect arouse goose bumps, she gently pushed, "at night."

Zong Jinghao hoarse voice, "can't wait."

He took Lin Xinyan's hand and pressed it under his body. It was hard and hot. Lin Xinyan's brain was empty, his cheeks were hot, and his mouth became dry.

It seems that the refusal can never be said again.

He holds Lin Xinyan in front of the mirror. He hugs her from behind. Both of them look at each other in the mirror at the same time. They are eager for each other.

Lin Xinyan is wearing a skirt. It was easy to lift it up, and his strong chest came up from the back, close to her.

The moment he broke in, Lin Xinyan frowned and snorted.

She's pregnant now. Zong Jinghao did not dare to exert himself, and he was very restrained.

But even so, still toss for a long time, later Lin Xinyan can't stand, hands clasped the pool side, bow body. To prevent the stomach from touching the edge of the pool, the mirror in front is completely blurred by breath, only a pair of unclear shadows can be seen moving.

After that, she came out of the bathroom with Zong Jinghao in her arms. She had no energy and her legs were weak.

Zong Jinghao put her on the bed, pulled the quilt over her disheveled body, with a hoarse voice after the battle, "you sleep for a while, and then eat later."

Lin Xinyan half narrowed his eyes, did not want to move, lying in bed drowsy, but still can not rest assured, so sleep, said feebly, "today there are guests at home, I do not go down is not suitable."

Zong Jinghao brushed away her disordered hair and touched her forehead with his fingertips. He leaned over to kiss her eyes. Lin Xinyan instinctively closed, he whispered, "don't think about it, be obedient, OK?"

Lin Xin said softly. He held his hand and said, "don't forget to wake me up."

Zong Jinghao said, "OK." Let her sleep at ease.

Looking at her sleeping, Zong Jinghao got up and cleaned up the bathroom. It was almost time. He gently closed the door and went downstairs. Yu's mother came to the top of the stairs just to call them. When she saw him coming down, she said, "dinner is ready. Do you want to eat now?"

Zong Jinghao said.

"And the wife?" Yu Ma didn't see Lin Xinyan and asked.

"She went to bed and ate later." Zong Jinghao's expression is very light and his voice is very calm. Yu's mother has no mind to think about it. After all, Lin Xinyan is pregnant and feels sleepy. He must be tired after running outside all day.

"Then I'll prepare it now." Yu Ma turns to the kitchen to serve food. Zong Jinghao knocks on the door of his daughter's room. No one will respond.

He knocked twice again, "Xiaorui?"

"Dad, don't come in." Zong Yanxi's voice was obviously flustered.

Zong Jinghao frowned, "Xiaorui, what are you doing in the room?"

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