Chapter 553

Su Zhan's face changed instantly, unbelievable, "you, what do you say? Did you catch Qin ya? "

Gu Bei is also a face muddled force, "you don't know?"

Su Zhan clenched his fist. Just as he was about to punch, Gu Bei pushed him away. "You're all crazy one by one!"

They're all violent!

He had better go first.

"You stop!" Su Zhan sees that Gu Bei wants to go and immediately strides to catch up with him. It's OK that he doesn't catch up with Gu Bei. As soon as he catches up with Gu Bei, he runs faster. He's not sure that he's beaten Su Zhan. But Su Zhan looks abnormal. He can beat people, but he can't beat a madman.

A madman can go mad without dying, but he cherishes his life.

"Gu Bei!"

Su Zhan chases fast and Gu Bei runs fast. All the way left right dodge out of the door of the hospital, quickly on the car, "hurry up!"

I don't understand why Gu Bei is so flustered. He starts the car obediently. When Su Zhan catches up, the car hasn't gone yet. Gu Bei locks the car door, but Su Zhan smashes the window“ Gu Bei, come out for me! "

Su Zhan is very angry. His chest is undulating violently. The meridians on his neck stand up and look at him.

Gu Bei looks at the shaking, like a broken window, swallowing a mouthful of saliva. He knows why he and Zong Jinghao can play together. He's not human, he's crazy!

"Damn, hurry up!" Gu Bei cursed.

My younger brother has already started the car. Gu Bei roars. He is startled. He steps on the accelerator and the car flies out like an arrow. At this speed, Gu Bei is very strong in pushing his back. Gu Bei doesn't guard against the whole person falling back. Fortunately, the seat is soft enough and doesn't bump, but he looks a little embarrassed.

"Can you drive or not?" He rubbed the back of his head and sat up.

I want to explain. I find Gu Bei lying on the back windshield looking back.

He shut up and drove safely.

Su Zhan doesn't care to go to the doctor, so he immediately gets on the bus to find Zong Jinghao. He wants to find out what happened. How can Gu Bei catch Qin ya?

He seems to understand why Zong Jinghao is in a hurry to come back from Baicheng. No wonder he always feels that he has something to hide from himself. Sure enough, he really has something to hide from himself.

Su Zhan drives fast. When he gets to the villa, the car stops steadily. He jumps out of the car and strides into the villa. However, because he didn't sleep that night, his two children and Lin Xinyan all fall asleep.

Lin Xinyan didn't feel sleepy. He wanted to wait for Zong Jinghao to come back, but he fell asleep when he lay down.

Yu Ma was the only one hanging out the clothes of her two children on the balcony downstairs.

Not the only reason left, Su Zhan ran upstairs to ask Lin Xinyan.

He repressed and said, "Yu Ma, go upstairs and help me call my sister-in-law down. I have something urgent to find her."

Yu Ma can see that Su Zhan is in a hurry. Or did she say, "she's sleeping, not for a while?"

Yu's mother doesn't mean anything else. She thinks that now Lin Xinyan is pregnant in a big month and is easy to get sleepy. Now go to wake her up and affect her rest.

"I'm in a hurry!" Su Zhan is breathing heavily.

Yu Ma put down her clothes and went upstairs to call Lin Xinyan.

Push open the door, she went to the bed, gently called a, Lin Xinyan sleep some heavy, did not wake up.

Yu's mother called twice again. She woke up Lin Xinyan with a loud voice. She thought Zong Jinghao had come back. She opened her eyes and asked“ Is he back? Who else came back with him? "

She wants to know if she has rescued Qin ya.

Yu's mother was confused and said, "Su Zhan came alone."

"Su Zhan?" Lin Xinyan frowned.

"Yes, I look worried. I said you were sleeping. He asked me to wake you up." Yu Ma said truthfully.

Lin Xinyan rubbed his eyes and sat up. He was more sober. He was so worried that he probably knew something about Qin ya.

She got out of bed and put on her shoes. Asked a two children, in the mother said in sleep, she clearly nodded, went downstairs.

Su Zhan walked restlessly back and forth in the living room. When he saw Lin Xinyan coming downstairs, he immediately came over, "sister-in-law..."

"Let's go to the study and say."

Su Zhan is patient, waiting for her to come down and go to the study.

As soon as he arrived at the study, Su Zhan couldn't wait to ask, "what's the matter? How could Qin Ya be captured by Gu Bei? "

"I don't know the specific situation. Don't worry. Jing Hao and peichuan are already trying to find a way." If I didn't tell him at that time, I was afraid that he would get angry and impulsively do something irreparable."How can I not be in a hurry. Gu Bei is not a good man Su Zhan hoarse voice, "how can you hide from me? If anything happens to her, what can I do? "

Lin Xinyan didn't know how to pacify him. She took a look at time. It's been a morning, but I don't know what happened to Zong Jinghao and Gu Bei.

"I'll go to Gu Bei!" Su Zhan can't do anything. Just do it and wait.

No matter what method, he must save Qin Ya from Gu Bei.

Lin Xinyan scolded, "calm down!"

He himself said that Gu Bei is not a good man. Can he let people go if he can speak so well?

"How can I calm down!" Su Zhan roared. After roaring, he felt too excited. In fact, everyone was worried.


"I understand your mood. Let me call Jing Hao and ask about the situation." Lin Xinyan shouts Yu Ma and asks her to take down her mobile phone upstairs.

Su Zhan handed her her cell phone, "use mine."

He didn't call Zong Jinghao at the first time. He was afraid that he wouldn't tell him, so he came to find Lin Xinyan directly.

Lin Xinyan looks at him and reaches for it. Su Zhan has unlocked the screen. She finds Zong Jinghao's number and dials it.

At this time, Zong Jinghao and Shen peichuan have almost returned to the villa.

Shen peichuan drove the car and looked back. "In fact, you can't blame him. Gu Bei's speech is too ugly. You can't stand it. It's normal. "

Zong Jinghao pressed the center of his eyebrows hard. It's impossible for him to exchange terms with Gu Bei. If you look at his delay, you know that he may have other ideas.

He can't put his hope on Gu Bei. "Did your people follow Lao Si?"

Shen peichuan said, "I'll call to ask."

When Zong Jinghao told him, he sent a message to his subordinates. I don't know if he has followed Laosi now.

When he called. Zong Jinghao's mobile phone also rings. He takes a look at the caller ID, which is Su Zhan. His brow is even tighter. When he is about to hang up, he picks it up.


Zong Jinghao took off his mobile phone and looked at the screen. It was su Zhan's mobile phone number. How could it be Lin Xinyan's voice?

He put the phone back to his ear, "how do you use Su Zhan's mobile phone? Did he come to you? "

Lin Xinyan said, "he knows all about it. What's the situation over there?"

Promise Lin Xinyan must take Qin Ya back, the result and Gu Bei make more rigid.

When Zong Jinghao didn't know how to answer Lin Xinyan, Shen peichuan looked back at him and said, "they followed Lao Si to Nanshan Temple."

"Nanshan Temple?"

"Yes, I don't think he's a Buddhist. Go there..."

They look at each other and have the same suspicion. Where is Qin Ya hiding?

"What Nanshan Temple?" Lin Xinyan heard Shen peichuan's voice.

"You ask Su Zhan to come to the door." Zong Jinghao said.

Lin Xinyan said yes.

When the phone hangs up, she returns her mobile phone to Su Zhan and tells him Zong Jinghao wants him to go to the door.

Su Zhan took the phone and went out.

He went to the gate of the villa, just as Shen peichuan drove to the villa, he stopped the car beside Su Zhan, lowered the window and said, "come on up."

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