Chapter 543

Lin Xinyan did not look back at him. He lowered his head and asked, "what's the matter?"

"About your uncle Wen." Shao Yun said.

Because Wen Xian is his elder brother's woman, he knows something about Wen Xian. He originally promised Lin Xinyan to investigate Zong Jinghao's affairs, but finally he knows about Wen Qing.

He didn't know the grudge between Wen Qing and Zong Jinghao. He only knew that something had happened to Wen Qing.

As Wen Xian's daughter and Wen Qing's niece, Lin Xinyan should know or help.

Zong Jinghao also heard Shao Yun's voice on the phone because he was close to her. His eyes moved to Lin Xinyan's face to see what her expression was and whether she would be unhappy because of Wen Qing. Lin Xinyan just lowered his head, but he didn't see her expression at the moment.

Lin Xinyan has read the news and knew it for a long time. Mood fluctuations have long passed, and Zong Jinghao in, even if there is, she will not show.

She moved her steps to the side of the road and took two steps to distance herself from Zong Jinghao. She didn't want to stay away from him. She just didn't want him to hear Shao Yun's voice.

She still lowered her head, looked at her toes and said, "I know all about it. Don't ask more and don't interfere. I'm not in C City. Please take care of the things in the factory."

"He's your uncle..."

"Second uncle." Lin Xinyan interrupted him, obviously not wanting to say the tone of the topic.

Shao Yun is not stupid. Nature recognized her rejection and stopped

Changed the topic, "you're not in C City, where have you been?"

"I went to a friend's wedding and went back soon."

"OK, don't worry. I'm here. Don't worry."

Lin Xinyan said, "I'll hang up." Hearing the answer, she hung up the phone, put the mobile phone back in her bag, looked up, and just looked at shangzong Jinghao. He was looking at himself, and his deep eyes were dim.

It's like exploring and pretending to be indifferent.

She just stood very close to him. He must have heard Shao Yun's voice.

Afraid of his misunderstanding, Lin Xinyan explained, "I received those photos. I was afraid that someone was aiming at you, so I asked him to help me inquire about your situation."

That's why she knew about Wen Qing, but she didn't say it. This person seems to be an obstacle between them. When she mentioned this name, she would feel uncomfortable.

Zong Jinghao pursed her lips and knew what she was worried about. He didn't want to mention it. He didn't want to be destroyed by unimportant people.

He asked with a smile, "so are you worried about me? For fear that I might be in danger? "

Lin Xinyan looked at him and said, "I'm worried about two children. They're with you."

Zong Jinghao came and took her shoulder“ Is it so hard to admit that you care about me? "

Lin Xinyan turned his face away. Zong Jinghao didn't allow him. He broke her face and asked her to look at him. "Do you miss me?"

"No Lin Xinyan deliberately denied it.

In fact, during this period, she missed him very much.

I'd love to.

"Really?" He tugged at the corners of his lips with an expression of disbelief. She was very enthusiastic that night.

"False." Suddenly, Lin Xinyan turned over and put her hands through his waist and hugged his thin waist. During this time, she was very tired and had a lot of pressure in her heart. "I was very tired."

He stroked her back, knowing that she suffered more than he did. "Let's settle down in C City. When I get back, I'll buy a bigger house and live with my family. Do you agree? "

"Is that ok?" She really doesn't want to go back to B city. Even if they don't mention those people and things, they can always hear about what happened in that place.

After all, it happened in that city. Many people know about it.

Lin Xinyan had worries in his heart. After all, Zong Jinghao's career was over there. "What about the company?"

"I'll hire someone to take care of it." He said with a smile, "I'm here to accompany you and two children. You can't support me. Anyway, you can afford me now. "

Lin Xinyan said to him, "I can't support you."

"Then I'll eat less, and I don't need to prepare another room for me. I'll share the room with you, and I'll share half of your bed with you. Anyway, I don't occupy any space, and it won't cost you much."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

"It's too hot outside. Let's go back and pick up two children." Zong Jinghao hugged her and stood on the side of the road to take a taxi. Now there is no car coming, he asked, "are you tired? Shall we take a day off and go back? ""Go back. Do you know who did the photo thing?" Lin Xinyan looked up at him.

She's always upset that it's not settled.

Zong Jinghao folded her arms and hugged her body tightly. "I know, but I'm not sure. I'll let Shen peichuan investigate." He looked at her and said seriously, "I really don't have one."

Lin Xinyan understood, deliberately pretended not to understand, asked, "you really have nothing?"

Zong Jinghao, "..."

"You know what I mean." Does he have to be so clear?

"I don't know."

Even if someone else did it on purpose. But left a shadow in her heart, always imagined that he really derailed, and other women in bed is such a scene.

"I've never slept with a woman other than you." Zong Jinghao explained word by word, when there was a taxi, he raised his hand to stop it.

"Even if you sleep. I don't know Lin Xinyan trusted him. He was not comfortable in his heart, and he was flustered.

Zong Jinghao, "..."

The taxi stopped along the side of the road and Zong Jinghao opened the door. Protect her head with your hand to avoid touching her. Lin Xinyan stoops to sit in and goes up behind him.

Because I was sitting in a taxi, there was a driver in front of me. Two people didn't speak all the way. When I got to the place, Zong Jinghao held her hand after paying for the car. "Would you like to check?"

"Check what?" Lin Xinyan didn't respond for a moment.

He said solemnly, "check if I'm cheating."

"This, this, this how to check?" Lin Xinyan stutters. Apart from catching the adulterer in bed and finding substantive evidence, how can we check it out?

Zong Jinghao pulled the neckline. Because of the heat, there was a thin layer of sweat on the surface of his skin. He said with a smile, "of course, I checked on the bed."

Lin Xinyan. "..."

It took her a long time to say, "shameless."

Zong Jinghao didn't care. He reached out and touched her stomach. He could feel the temperature of her body through the cloth. "You should stay away from the white one in the future."

"Are you jealous?" Lin Xinyan, look at him.

"I want to cut off his hand." Thinking of Bai Yinning's smiling face at that time, I want to tear off his face and see if he can still laugh.

Lin Xinyan knew that it was wrong that he didn't withdraw at that time. After all, men and women are different. What's more, they are all married, especially Bai Yinning. Whether Zhou Chunchun's brain is normal or not, he shouldn't do that in front of her.

"Do you know? The girl Bai Yinning married is very simple. " Lin Xinyan said tactfully, Zong Jinghao still understood.

In front of his new wife, he dare to be so presumptuous, unless his new wife's brain is not good.

Who else can tolerate it?

"Pity him?" As soon as Zong Jinghao looked at her expression, he knew what she was thinking.

Without waiting for her answer, she continued, "you give him a face, he pushes his nose on his face, don't pity him."

He grabbed Lin Xinyan's hand and said seriously, "do you hear me?"

Lin Xinyan didn't want to make him unhappy. He nodded obediently, "I know."

Zong Jinghao pinched her nose, "this is good, go in, Xiaoxi and Xiaorui are in it."

"They both changed their names." Lin Xinyan thought that he had forgotten and reminded him.

Zong Jinghao looked at her with a serious expression.

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