Chapter 54

After Zong Jinghao left that day, he didn't come back for a week, and Lin Xinyan gradually recovered.

She goes to and from work step by step.

"It's said that zongzong went to country a to accompany Secretary Bai." During the lunch break, everyone gathered together to gossip.

"Zong Zong has already acquiesced that Secretary Bai is his girlfriend. It's normal to go to see her, but --" the woman looks at her little mirror, fiddles with her long hair, looks at herself in the mirror, and smiles with red lips.

Think that the woman in the mirror, is a peerless beauty.

Everyone seems to have been used to her narcissistic appearance, and it's not surprising.

Just tickled by her words, everyone gathered around“ Just what? "

The woman's corner of her eye glanced at everyone, "Zong Zong really rare her, will she go to country a? There are so many people in the company, who can't be sent? "

I think that's the truth.

But there are also disagreements.

"If it's as you say. Zongzong doesn't like secretary Bai. Now, in order to accompany her, she hasn't come to the company for a week. How can you explain that? You know, it didn't exist before. "

What they both said is reasonable. If they don't have the same views, they are prone to dispute, which is not true. Some say Zong Jinghao loves Bai Zhuwei, others say he doesn't.

There is no less contention.

"Ah, Xiao Lin, do you think Zong always like secretary Bai?" A colleague pulls Lin Xinyan, who is sitting in his seat and is speechless“ Why don't you go with the crowd? "

Isn't it funny that Lin Xinyan laughs bitterly in his heart and discusses whether his "husband" loves other women?

The colleague pulls Lin Xinyan to shake, "you pour is to talk."

Lin Xinyan was helpless and said, "I don't know. I came to the company late and didn't know what happened to them. I think I like it. How can I admit her identity if I don't like it?"

Quiet for a few seconds, it seems that what she said is reasonable. If Zong Jinghao doesn't love Bai Zhuwei, why would he admit her identity?

"Look, I know Zong always loves Secretary Bai."

Their gossip did not stop, Lin Xinyan excuse to pour water, avoid them, the end of the break, everyone scattered, Lin Xinyan back to work.

This day Zong Jinghao still didn't come back.

After listening to the gossip of his colleagues in the company, Lin Xinyan just wanted to be quiet. Who knows, when he came home, Yu's mother was also nagging.

"Why didn't you come back so long, young master?"

Lin Xinyan feels headache. She rubs her forehead. Yu's mother thinks she is uncomfortable. Come up and ask, "are you sick?"

Lin Xinyan shook his head, "No."

"Then you --"

"Well," Lin Xinyan suddenly smelled a fishy smell and frowned at Yu Ma, "did you buy fish?"

Yu Ma nodded and pointed to the dishes on the table. "I just came back from the supermarket. I'll make fish for you in the evening."

Before her words were finished, Lin Xinyan had covered her lips and ran to the bathroom to retch.

Yu's mother quickly followed her and stood by the door, looking at Lin Xinyan, "you -- you won't be pregnant, will you?"

Although Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao have been separated. But on the night of their marriage, they slept in the same room.

What if it happened once?

Yu Ma was a little excited. "Let's go to the hospital."

With children, every junior and senior should stand aside.

Lin Xinyan shook his head, "no, I don't feel well."

"I'll go, too." Yu Ma is adamant. She only believes in doctors.

"Yu Ma." Lin Xinyan earns his hand, but Yu Ma is not loose. "I'm also for you."

"Change your shoes quickly." Yu Ma leads Lin Xinyan to the entrance.

Lin Xinyan did not dare to move too much. On the one hand, he was afraid to hurt Yu Ma. On the other hand, they are afraid of hurting their own children.


When Lin Xinyan racked his brains to explain to his mother, the door was pushed open.

Lin Xinyan and Yu Ma look at the door almost at the same time.

Zong Jinghao stepped in with a suit on his arm, a loose collar of his shirt, delicate clavicle exposed, a blue stubble on his chin, and a dark color under his eyelids. He didn't seem to have a good rest. He was a bit tired when he was in high spirits.

This time to accompany and take care of Bai Zhuwei, I guess I didn't have a rest. Well, Lin Xinyan thought in the bottom of my heart.See is Zong Jinghao, in the mother a hi, "young master, young grandmother may be pregnant."

Zong Jinghao's face did not fluctuate.

Lin Xinyan felt embarrassed.

We all know that the four eyes are opposite.

Only Yu Ma didn't know, so she stared at Zong Jinghao“ Aren't you happy that your wife is pregnant? "

Zong Jinghao's face line and neck stretch into a straight line, the Adam's apple slide up and down, calm mouth, "let's divorce."

Sooner or later.

I just didn't expect to come so suddenly.

It's the intersection of mistakes. It should end.

Not reluctant, just suddenly feel empty.

It's empty everywhere.

She laughed, "OK."

She was so straightforward that Zong Jinghao didn't have time to respond, and even some of them couldn't accept her attitude.

Lin Xin Yan light tone, "let's go to the formalities tomorrow."

Then she turned and went back to the room.

Yu's mother seems to be struck by thunder. Do they want a divorce?

Is marriage a joke?

"Young master, you, you want a divorce?" Yu's mother felt that her ears must have been hallucinated.

Otherwise, how can you suddenly say divorce, and they are still so calm?

"I'm tired." For this matter, Zong Jinghao is not willing to talk more, and then he goes upstairs.

Yu Ma was stunned for a moment. She turned around and stared at Zong Jinghao's back. "This is the marriage that my wife made for you when she was alive."

Zong Jinghao's step is very short, he continues to step. Step up the stairs.

Yu Ma still does not give up, "little grandma is pregnant, you are no longer?"

Bang! The door closed and Zong Jinghao told his dissatisfaction in silence!

Lin Xinyan's stomach is not his.


If so, maybe he won't be so angry.

His child is dead!


Yu's mother was also startled. He seldom gets angry at home.

Lin Xinyan hardly slept that night and sat alone at the head of the bed. Next to the table with packed luggage, there were not many things.

Just a few clothes, and some daily necessities.

At daybreak she put on her clothes and went out of the room. Zong Jinghao just got up, dressed neatly and walked down. He was quite different from yesterday. He had a straight suit. Wrapping his tall and slender figure, it is like prince charming walking out of a fairy tale book.

Jin Gui, handsome and charming.

Eyes meet in the air. It's all peaceful.

Lin Xinyan first opened the mouth, "it's still early, Civil Affairs Bureau should not open the door, I have something to go out." She glanced at time as she spoke“ I'll be back at nine. Do you have time? "

She first went out to find a place to live, Zong Jinghao divorce suddenly, she did not have time to prepare, this is her negligence, should first find a good way.

Zong Jinghao came down, "go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, I will let Guan Jin do it."

Then he went to the door.

Lin Xinyan laughs at herself. How can she forget that Guan Jin took her to apply for the marriage certificate? Zong Jinghao didn't show up at all. Why should he go to divorce himself?

Their marriage seems to be predestined. What's the fate of their engagement since childhood?

But now this short marriage is like a joke.

Lin Xinyan took a deep breath. It's time to end.

Zong Jinghao cooked breakfast at the table.

Lin Xinyan came over and sat down opposite him. "Miss Bai, are you ok?"

After he went to see her, he decided that he was going to marry her, right?

But that woman has a plan. Can't he see it?

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