Chapter 520

Zong Jinghao, who went back to wash, received Qin Ya's message, saying that Lin Xinyan was going to have an antenatal examination the day after tomorrow, and attached the address and name of the hospital that was going to have an antenatal examination.

Go or not, anyway, she did inform him.

After Shen peichuan gave her the number, she immediately sent a message to Zong Jinghao, asking him not to tell Su Zhan his identity. Zong Jinghao agreed, but also made a condition to pass on Lin Xinyan to him at any time.

Let him know what she does every day.

Of course, Qin Ya agrees. On the one hand, she doesn't want Zong Jinghao to tell Su Zhan about her identity. On the other hand, she wants to get in touch with Lin Xinyan and Zong Jinghao. She hopes that they can let go and get back together as soon as possible.

My daughter-in-law, Zong Jinghao, must go. Besides, Qin Ya told him in advance, that is to leave time for him to prepare.

This time, he planned to stay for a few days, but also took a change of clothes, not like last time in a hurry.

On the day Lin Xinyan went to the birth examination. He arranged everything, had money and connections, and it was not difficult to do something.

Two children go to school. Qin Ya accompanies Lin Xinyan to the hospital.

After she arrived in C City, she came to this hospital all the time and had a regular doctor to see her.

In the outpatient room, the doctor gave Lin Xinyan several checklists. It's been four months. The last time I came for an examination, the doctor told Lin Xinyan that she would have to have a Down's screening at four months, and told her that she would have to have an empty stomach when she came, because she had to draw blood, and there was a four-dimensional B-ultrasound. At this stage, she was basically eliminating the abnormal fetus.

The doctor has seen Lin Xinyan's previous medical records, so he knows her situation better. This doctor is also an expert in this field, and many people praise her medical skills.

Lin Xinyan also trusted her.

"You've been pregnant for more than four months, and some of you are thin. Pay attention to rest, nutrition should be balanced

The doctor explained.

Lin Xinyan said with a smile, "I may have this constitution, and I have never been fat."

The doctor laughed, "this is the dream of many girls."

Now no matter men and women are in weight loss fitness, just want to have a good figure. This kind of constitution is what many girls dream of.

Soon the doctor's words changed, and he said with a smile to Lin Xinyan, "this is your first time to test blood. You should not know where the blood drawing department is. I'll let the intern take you."


Lin Xinyan was at a loss. Does the hospital still have such service?

"I have company. Don't bother." Lin Xinyan said with a smile that he felt it was too much trouble for others.

What's more, she has never met such service in any hospital.

"Just graduated college students, or a boy, no clinical experience, let him see more is also experience." The doctor is still smiling. In short, he is persuading Lin Xinyan to accept it.

The doctor said all about this, Lin Xinyan is not good to refuse, can only promise, "that, trouble."

The doctor waved his hand. "No trouble. You helped me."

Lin Xinyan blinked and asked, "can I help you? What can I do for you? "

Standing behind Lin Xinyan, Qin Ya stares at the tall "intern" standing behind the doctor.

He was wearing a white coat, a blue doctor's hat, a mask, a face, and glasses.

If she had not known that Zong Jinghao knew that Lin Xinyan would come to the hospital today, she would never have guessed from him.

But with the doctor's words, she had to guess at him.

Looking at the height, looking at the dress... She thought in her heart, thanks to the strict face cover, otherwise, really will be recognized?

The doctor quickly explained, "yes, you are helping me. Now few men are willing to be obstetricians. You see, they are embarrassed at the beginning. They can't see their faces when they are armed. They are embarrassed to see people. I just want them to exercise more. "

Lin Xinyan noticed that there was one more person in the clinic today. When he came in, he took a look and didn't pay any more attention.

Qin Ya picked up the list issued by the doctor and lifted up Lin Xinyan, "well, don't ask any more. Other doctors can't cheat you. Look how many questions you ask cautiously."

Lin Xinyan, "..."

Does she ask a lot?

She looked at Qin Ya speechless, "do I ask much?"

"Not much. I just don't want to waste time. You haven't had breakfast yet. Let's go and check it. Check it out, and you'll get something to eat. " Qin Ya explained and helped her out. When she got outside, she gave Lin Xinyan to the intern. "You take her for an examination, and I'll pay."With that, Qin Ya left with the list.

Lin Xinyan wants to stop her. As a result, Qin Ya is walking fast and no one is seen. She can only trouble the intern.

"Please." She said politely.

The intern didn't speak. Instead, he made a gesture to her asking for help. Lin Xinyan thought that he was like the doctor said. Because he was a male obstetrician, he was a little embarrassed at first, so he didn't speak and didn't care, so he followed him.

Maybe he thinks the other party is a boy, so Lin Xinyan doesn't look at him much.

Just follow him quietly.

The blood department is on the first floor and the clinic is on the second floor. So to go down to the first floor, the elevator between the first floor and the second floor is only used by patients who can't walk, and the sliding elevators on both sides are not open for a long time. Basically, they all take the middle stairs. Between the first floor and the second floor, there is a straight ladder, which is convenient without winding.

When he got to the steps, the intern instinctively reached out to help her. Lin Xinyan hurriedly turned aside and explained in time, for fear of hurting other people's self-esteem. "I can do it myself. Don't help me."

In fact, she didn't think it was suitable. After all, she was a boy, and she could walk on her own.

The intern's hand stayed in mid air and soon realized that he was impulsive. He took it back bitterly.

Just carefully walk in her side, for fear that she accidentally step on slip, he can catch her in time.

Lin Xinyan did not wriggle, next to the stairs, holding the handrail down.

After walking down the stairs, the intern took the initiative to lead the way.

Lin Xinyan felt that the intern was too careful, and he was very uncomfortable walking beside him.

She looked back, hoping Qin Ya would come back soon, but she didn't even see her figure. She had to take her eyes back and follow the intern.

Soon the intern took Lin Xinyan to the place where the blood was drawn. There were many people who needed to line up and wait for a call.

The main reason is that Qin Ya hasn't paid yet, so she has to give the list to the nurse, and then she can wait for the number.

It seems that Qin Ya also thought of this, so she wanted to find a place to be quiet and wait for the "intern" to finish the examination Lin Xinyan needed to do, and then come back. As a result, she thought of this and came ahead of time.

Just when Lin Xinyan was about to call her, she came over and handed over the payment list and the list that needed to be checked to "internship." since you're here for internship, I'll give it to you and let you have a look at it more. "

She let you have a look at these words, accentuated the tone.

It's like reminding him that it's not easy for a woman to conceive in October.

The intern looked up at her and reached out to take over all the lists. Lin Xinyan reached out to stop her. Unfortunately, she ran into the intern's hand. She was like touching an electric shock, and suddenly she shrank back. She glared at Qin ya, "you accompany me to the birth examination. You hand over all the things. Why do you go?"

She was uncomfortable with the intern.

"You didn't eat. I'll see if there's any delicious food outside. I'll buy it for you. After you check, you can eat it." Qin Ya said.

"No, I'll just go out and have something to eat. You... "

"All right, all right." Qin Ya interrupted her, very uncomfortable appearance, "here need to line up, I don't like the smell of the hospital, before smell too much, I go to buy you food." Then Qin Ya left.

Lin Xinyan doesn't know what to say any more. Before Qin Ya stayed in the hospital for a long time, she must have suffered a lot. After all, she was hurt so badly. She can understand Qin Ya's sensitivity to the smell of disinfectant in the hospital and sighs a little. She found an empty chair to sit down, waiting for the intern to give the list to the nurse, waiting in line for a call.

After giving the list to the nurse, the intern came back to her and stood behind her.

Sitting next to Lin Xinyan is also a pregnant woman, looking at the month is bigger than Lin Xinyan. She looked at Lin Xinyan's stomach and asked, "how many months have you been?"

Lin Xinyan said that he had been living for more than four months. Then looking at her stomach, she had the experience of having children, so she could probably see a little, so she said, "you must be six or seven months old, right?"

The woman laughed, "you're right. I'm nearly seven months old. "

"Did you come alone? Isn't your husband with you? " Asked the woman.

Lin Xinyan's face was unnatural for a second, and soon became calm again. "He's busy. I'll come with my friends."The woman sighed, "I'm alone, and my husband is very busy. Since I married him, I haven't even a friend around me. By the way, is this your first child? You look very young. "

Lin Xinyan pulled her lips and didn't say a word. She was pregnant at the age of 18. It was too early to have a baby at the age of 19. Now she is only in her twenties. This is her third child.

The intern behind her looked down at her because his face was covered and no one could see his expression.

The woman thought that Lin Xinyan didn't say anything. She was right. She leaned over with a smile and asked, "do you plan to have a caesarean section or a natural birth?"

"Give birth naturally." Lin Xinyan replied that both Zong Yanchen and Zong Yanxi gave birth naturally, because they were both very young. Although they were very painful when they were born, they didn't hurt much.

The woman frowned and said, "I'm going to have a caesarean section."

Lin Xinyan does not understand, can natural childbirth, why caesarean section?

"Why, isn't natural labor better?"

"As soon as you see, you are young and don't know anything about it. I suggest you have a caesarean section." Women seem to understand very well. Even the "intern" behind Lin Xinyan is very interested.

Women close to Lin Xinyan, "I heard that women have had children, the following is loose, in order to tie their husband, or cesarean section is better."

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