Chapter 518

Looking at it, it reminds him of the way Lin Xinyan hugs him and kisses him. Although her consciousness is not so clear, he likes her so much. She is full of flesh and blood, seven emotions and six desires, and the real emotion shows incisively and vividly without reservation.

She is so vivid, so let him happy.

Although only a few hours with her, but enough to fill the void of this period of time.

Or, because she was in a good mood to see, so did not pay attention to convergence. Su Zhan, standing in front of his desk, once felt dazzled when he saw Zong Jinghao's rare smile. He rubbed it, but he was still laughing.

"You, you found the money?" Otherwise, why are you so happy?

It's a rare sight in the West.

He seems to be happy because there is something on his mobile phone. Su Zhan stretches his head to find out. As a result, he still hasn't seen it clearly. Zong Jinghao, who has been back to God, presses out the screen of his mobile phone. He put down his face and gave him a deep look.

Su Zhan grabs his head and thinks it's mean.

Why don't you just take a look? Why are you so fierce?

At this time, the phone was connected, and the voice of the director of public relations department came, "Mr. Zong, would you like to see me?"

Zong Jinghao's eyes returned to the computer screen, "did you watch the news?"

I've seen it over there.

"I have a look at it. This photo is spread by accident. There is no one behind it. You can find the media to stop the spread."

After seeing the news, he specially looked at the launch channel. It was a personal trumpet. Originally, there was no one to see it. Now there are only two or three people to discuss it. It was a big media trumpet who saw it and forwarded it, which caused a sensation.

As long as no one operates, it is not difficult to solve.

"OK, Mr. Zong. I'll do it right now."

Zong Jinghao hung up and picked up the cell phone on the desk. Standing up, grabbing the suit jacket on the chair and looking at Su Zhan, "you have to go to the school. A student's microblog called 'I'm ketchup' asked him to write a statement. After that, I'll ask the public relations department and the media to forward and clarify."

Then he walked out.

Su Zhan was still puzzled and called him, "how to explain the photo?"

After all, real people are on it. How can we make it clear?

Zong Jinghao did not look back, "this public relations department will deal with it."

Now we just need to stop the fermentation of the incident, remove this side of the news, and let the starters come forward to clarify. About the true and false photos, they can not give a reasonable explanation to solve the problem?

Su Zhan nodded, "OK, I'll go there again."

Zong Jinghao didn't respond and walked out. He had to go back to take a bath and change his clothes. His shirt had been glued to him for a long time. This kind of feeling was very uncomfortable.

Su Zhan looks back at Sangyu. He can't take Sangyu back to school. It's not a toss.

Just when he didn't know how to arrange Sangyu, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. It was Shen peichuan who called. Seeing the caller ID, he immediately picked it up and took the lead in saying, "what's the matter with you?"

"Just back to the Bureau, I'll see the leader later. Have you seen sang Yu? How is she

Su Zhan looks back at sang Yu, who is quiet and silent. He thinks that these two have a tacit understanding. He is asking about each other for the first time.

"She's fine. She's with me. You'd better care about yourself. Don't lose your job. You can't do the work in the workplace because you are such a lump. " Su Zhan deliberately said this in front of Sang Yu. If he doesn't handle it well, he will be punished, but he won't lose his job.

"Captain Shen, song Ju asked you to go to his office."

Su Zhan heard a voice from Shen peichuan, and then Shen peichuan's voice came quickly, "I have something to do, I'll contact you later."

He hung up there without giving him a chance to speak.

Sang Yu came forward and asked, "was that Captain Shen?"

Su Zhan nodded, "I guess I'm going to be scolded."

"Can you tell me where he is. I want to see him. " Sangyu knows that it's not appropriate to see him now, but she won't make trouble. "I'll wait outside, and I won't show my face to give him some trouble."

Su Zhan looks at her quietly for two seconds. Nodded, "OK, I'll take you."

He made a plan and sent sang to Shen peichuan's men for arrangement. He went to school again.

He wanted to give Shen peichuan time to get along with Sangyu.Although their intimate photos are very popular, Su Zhan knows that, according to Shen peichuan's temperament, even if he is fond of Sang Yu, he will not take the initiative to kiss him in public.

From an angle, it looks more like Sangyu.

He raised his eyes and looked at Sangyu. Unexpectedly, she was quite open.

After walking out of Zong Jinghao's office, he went to find Guan Jin. He didn't drive his own car. It's always inconvenient to take a taxi. Sometimes he has to wait, so he plans to borrow Guan Jin's car.

Guan Jin didn't go out today, so he gave him the car key.

He took Sangyu to the Municipal Bureau. On the way, he called Shen peichuan's men and asked him to wait at the door.

When he got to the place, he gave Sangyu to Shen peichuan's subordinates, and he drove away to school.

Even without Su Zhan explaining who Sangyu is. I'm afraid Shen peichuan's subordinates can also recognize who this girl is. After all, everyone knows who she is now.

At that time, it suddenly broke out that the people who followed Shen peichuan didn't believe it was true.

However, people stood in front of him at that time, which made people have to believe that Shen peichuan really found a woman and a "little girl.".

"Come in with me." One of Shen peichuan's subordinates, Xiao Liu, said to Sang Yu.

Sangyu stood still. Instead, he asked, "will it be any trouble for him if I show up here like this?"

After this, she became cautious.

Liu did not speak very tactfully and said directly, "the trouble has been added."

Mulberry and elm pursed their lips.

Xiao Liu was surprised that he spoke too directly, which made people uncomfortable. He explained, "I'm a rude man. I don't know how to speak. Don't mind."

"No Sang Yu said quickly.

"I'll take you to team Shen's office and wait for him." Xiao Liu went to the front to lead the way. He was afraid that he might say something wrong, so he didn't say anything.

Following Liu's process, sang Yu tries to find out about Shen peichuan from his mouth, "how's captain Shen now?"

"In the director's office." Xiao Liu said.

"Will it be bad for him?" Sang Yu asked again.

Xiao Liu thought for a while, "I don't know how to deal with it. There must be some disadvantages. His identity spread such things, which caused a very bad impact."

"Can I see your director? It's all my fault. It's none of Captain Shen's business. " Sangyu road.

Xiao Liu turned to look at her and thought for a moment, "OK."

He thought in his heart that since sang Yu was from that time, it would be better to explain with Captain Shen?

Originally, he was going to take Sangyu to Shen peichuan's office. Later, Xiao Liu changed his way and went to the director's office.

When he arrived at the door, he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door. There was a sound of falling a cup inside. Xiao Liu did not dare to knock on the door for a moment. He was so angry that he threw things. He was so angry.

When you go in at this time, don't you hit the muzzle?

At this time, Captain Shen estimated that he was also scolded miserably.

Sangyu from the near nature also heard the voice, came over, raised his hand to knock on the door.

Her fault, can't let captain Shen mention her to bear.

Xiao Liu looked at her thoughtlessly, did not expect that she would take the initiative to knock on the door, "didn't you hear the movement inside?"

"I just heard it and knocked on the door." Sangyu clenched his hands, and his tone was particularly firm.

Although I was afraid, I still wanted to explain it clearly with Shen peichuan's leaders.

"Come in."

At this time, there was a sound coming from inside, and it was too late for Xiao Liu to stop it.

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