Chapter 516

Now you can talk about it with relish. The only thing you can talk about together is the "fragrant and gorgeous" incident that has been widely spread among sang Yu and Shen peichuan.

Su Zhan put one hand in his pocket and said hello to several students who came face to face, "can you ask me, where is the freshman's office?"

An enthusiastic student pointed to the office building not far away, "there, on the third floor, you can find it above. There is a sign at the door."

"Oh, thank you." He laughed and chatted with his classmates. "I just heard what you were saying. Was it about the student and the police officer?"

"Yes, yes, you've heard about it, haven't you?" One of them, a girl with short hair, answered quickly and began to gossip. Energetic, the spirit of the very, "now the whole school has spread, the impact can be big, maybe that student will be expelled."

"The whole school knows?" Su Zhan smiles“ Has it become your pastime? "

Although Su Zhan said implicitly, these students could still hear the mockery in the words, and the smile on their face sank down.

Su Zhan looked up at the majestic teaching building, elegant environment and reputation. He said with a sarcastic smile, "this school is not so good. It seems that students don't teach very well. As a member of the school, they don't know how to maintain it. Do you want outsiders to maintain it? It's ridiculous. "

With that, Su Zhan walked towards the building.

A few students blush with shame. In some sense, they are in this school, but they are completely out of the way when they are watching the jokes in this school.

They're in a state of being funny. It's really irresponsible.

The girl student with short hair said with disdain, "even if we want to maintain and cultivate our school, there are always a few rats' excrement, which will spoil the soup. If I say, I have to be expelled and make an example to see who dares to damage the reputation of the school."

Some people think she is right, others think they are too one-sided. After all, there is only one picture. Maybe there is something else in it?

"Go, go." Some students were afraid of causing trouble, urged a few people to stop and left the campus together.

At this moment, Su Zhan finds the first class of the University, and the head teacher's office. He raises his hand and knocks on the door. Soon a voice comes from inside, saying, "come in."

Su Zhan opened the door and walked in. There were several desks. Only the one at the back was occupied. A middle-aged man was sitting in a chair with glasses on his face. Even if he was sitting, he could see that he was not very tall. His face was very serious. Sang Yu stood in front of the desk and lowered his head.

Su Zhan came in and the head teacher looked at him, "who are you?"

He pointed to Sangyu, "I'm looking for her."

Sang Yu raised his head when he heard the sound. When she saw that it was su Zhan, her dull eyes lit up. She was called to the office by the head teacher and reprimanded for a whole morning. She wanted to contact Shen peichuan and wanted to know how he is now.

Su Zhan is his friend. He must know his situation, so he seems eager.

The head teacher frowned and looked at sang Yu with an ugly face. "Don't you have no family here? Who is he? "

"I'm her distant relative." Su Zhan came over and stood beside sang Yu. He looked at the head teacher and asked, "how is the school going to solve this problem?"

The head teacher held the eyeglass frame and said, "this has to be discussed at a meeting. I have great hope for sang Yu. Her academic performance has always been excellent, and her performance in all aspects is also very good, which makes me very surprised and disappointed. "

Sang Yu bowed her head, not because she had done something wrong, but simply felt sorry for the teacher. The teacher really took care of her all the time, and he helped her apply for the scholarship.

If this happens, I'm afraid the scholarship will fail.

Now it seems that these are small things. She doesn't want to lose her studies. She knows that without a diploma, it will be difficult for her to find a good job in the future. Without a good job and income, it will be difficult for her to gain a foothold in this city.

"Teacher, please believe me. I really didn't do any messy things outside. I was forced by my classmates to make mistakes on impulse. " Sang Yu explained with his head down.

The teacher calm face, "impulsive? You shouldn't have it on the spur of the moment! You are still a freshman. How can you mess around outside? It's going to affect your future, don't you know? "

Sang Yu bit his lip and knew he couldn't explain clearly.

Just pleading tone, "teacher, please, you must not expel me, I in order to enter this school, paid a lot of efforts, I hope you can say a word for me."

"Don't come to such an early conclusion. I have to see what it says." The teacher sighed, "I really didn't think that such a thing would happen to you. Many students in small places have made great efforts to get into this school. The life outside the school is wonderful. Some students will make irreparable mistakes when they first come into contact with such a prosperous city. I feel very sorry for this. It's the same with you. Ah, if we can solve it as soon as possible and minimize the impact, I will intercede for you. ""Do you think that's all right?" Su Zhan said, "I hope the school will make a survey of the day's events. I see in the photo that there were many students at that time. It should not be difficult to investigate. First of all, we have to find out what's going on in order to better solve the problem, don't you think?"

The teacher nodded and thought it was feasible. "I'm so angry and confused. Ah, I'll contact the principal now to investigate this matter."

The longer the delay, I don't know what will happen.

"Teacher, we will try our best to solve it outside. Can I take her away now? " Su Zhan asked.

The teacher took a look at Sangyu, and finally his eyes fell on Su Zhan.

Su Zhan is serious, and his feeling is very reliable.

"Yes, but let me get in touch with you at any time." In case of something that needs them, it's very difficult to contact people.

"Otherwise, I'll leave a number. If sang Yu can't get through, call me." Su Zhan said.

"That's fine." The teacher handed him paper and pen. When Su Zhan left the number, the teacher said“ Since you are her relative, I think you should pay more attention to her. Although college students are adults, they have little social experience and are easy to be cheated. "

"I will." Now Su Zhan looks like a parent“ Thank you for your concern. "

The teacher waved, "this is what we should do."

"May I make a suggestion to you?" Su Zhan wrote the number, handed the paper to the teacher and explained, "it's like this. When I just came here to see you, I heard that all the students in the school were talking about it. I think when I stop others, I should start from myself. If we are all watching, how can we stop others? "

The teacher looked at Su Zhan and saw a touch of appreciation. He felt that he was a reliable person and his words were all on the point. It makes a lot of sense.

"I will report it to the higher authorities soon, and students will not be allowed to discuss it."

Su Zhan nods to the teacher, takes sang Yu to leave, and walks out of the office building. Sang Yu can't wait to ask, "how is he? Did it cause him any trouble? "

"You still have time to care about him? Haven't you thought about what you're going to do? " Su Zhan's attitude towards Sangyu is full of good feelings.

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