Chapter 513

Zong Jinghao left the coffee shop at more than 10 o'clock, which was close to the closing time of the coffee shop. It was difficult for him to stay in it.

Shen peichuan and Su Zhan may not have seen such a "poor" Zong Jinghao. In order to meet Lin Xinyan, they make themselves like beggars and have no place to live.

He returned to the gate of the community, ready to wait for the news of his son, but saw Shao Yun coming out of the community.

Shao Yun and Lin Xinyan said something about the exhibition, so when they came out late, he came over and said nothing. He handed him the access card to enter the community. "Without this, you can't get in."

Zong Jinghao is not polite and reaches for it“ Thank you

Shao Yun thought for a moment, "do you want to take a bath in my place?"

"No, I have to go back tomorrow." Guan Jin called him and said that Shen peichuan had an accident. At that time, he didn't understand what happened, so he heard Zong Yanxi's voice. After that, he hung up. Guan Jin thought he heard it, but he didn't call again.

If it's a small matter, Guan Jin won't tell him, so he will have to go back after seeing Lin Xinyan.

Shao Yun smiles, takes out a business card from his inner pocket and hands it over. "If you need any help, you can find me. I'm familiar in C City."

"Who are you from Zhuangzi Yi?" When Zong Jinghao took it over, he asked.

Shao Yun was stunned. For a long time, no one was in front of him. When Zhuang Ziyi was mentioned directly, the smile on his face turned down and became serious. "When I was young, I was rampant and like to make trouble. He almost cut off my hand. He saved me. Later, I followed him all the time. Later, he... I guarded JK for him. "

Then he looked at Zong Jinghao, "you are the man Wenxian arranged for Yanyan."

He uses statements, not questions.

At that time, Wen Xian didn't let him go to Lin Xinyan, saying that he had arranged everything for her. Although Wen Xian didn't say it directly, Lin Xinyan's two children were both surnamed Zong. He knew in his heart what was going on.

At that time, Wen Xian's husband's family also had this surname.

As a past person, it's not hard to guess the twists and turns.

"We are predestined fate." It's not someone's arrangement, let alone who sent Lin Xinyan to him for atonement.

In his opinion, it was a kind of injury. For Lin Xinyan, it was a physical and mental injury. It was used by his mother as a bargaining chip for atonement. For him, it was an insult, an emotional insult.

In his mind, between him and Lin Xinyan, there is only pure emotion, not mixed with any people and things, he likes her, so simple.

Shao Yun pursed his lips and laughed a little, as if he realized that what he said was not very nice. No one likes to be arranged, "then I'll go."

Zong Jinghao said softly.

After Shao Yun left, he found a place to sit. When it was almost one o'clock, he received a phone call from Zong Yanchen and hung up after two rings.

This is the agreement between him and his son. After Lin Xinyan fell asleep, his son called him. He looked at the frown of time and didn't go to sleep until a little bit later?

He doesn't have to worry about it now. But with the access card Shao Yun gave him, he smoothly entered the community and found Lin Xinyan's room. The door was not tightly closed, and there was a flash of a seam. He gently pushed it open. Zong Yanchen was wearing summer pajamas, with slippers on his feet, standing in the porch. There was no light in the room, the balcony curtain was not pulled, and there was light slanting in from the outside, which was enough to see the general furnishings of the room.

Zong Yanchen took a pair of slippers to him and told him, "be careful."

"Does she usually go to bed so late?" He asked softly as he put on his shoes.

Zong Yanchen nodded. In a low voice, "almost. I sleep late anyway. Sometimes it's because of work. Sometimes... I don't know why she can't sleep. In short, she doesn't go to bed until after 12 o'clock."

Then he went to Lin Xinyan's room and said softly, "Mommy sleeps in this room."

Standing at the door, Zong Jinghao touched his son's head, "thank you."

"No, I'm going to bed." He yawned and trapped him to death. He never went to bed so late. He did his best for the couple.

He lives in the room diagonally opposite Lin Xinyan. Just a few steps away, he enters the room and closes the door.

At this time, whether it's a noisy street. Or live in the community full of people, are quiet down, wash away the noise of the day, only silent.

Zong Jinghao gently pushed open the door. There was no light in the room. The curtain was drawn with a layer of white gauze, and the air conditioner was not opened. Only the window was open. There was a slight wind. Occasionally, the curtain was blown. He walked in.The room was not very big. There was a double bed in the middle. In the dim light, I saw a small figure shrinking on the bed, only wearing a suspender Nightgown, with nothing to cover. The exposed skin glowed white in the dark light.

He went to the bed and sat down, very light, the woman on the bed did not notice. Half of her face was stuck in the pillow with her head on her side. Some messy long hair covered the other half of her face. He reached out and stroked the hair on her face. Half of her face was exposed. The outline was very clear and small.

I haven't seen her for two months. She's not fat at all. It seems that she has lost some weight when she feels it. She's a little distressed.

He thought in his heart, if time can be fixed how good, so quietly looking at her, life.

He attached himself to kiss her forehead, and everywhere he breathed was filled with her unique breath, which made him greedy and obsessed, and his lips kept swimming in every inch of her exposed skin.

However, the woman lying on the bed frowned and looked miserable. She had a nightmare. In the dream, she was thrown into a deserted world, surrounded by nothing but endless darkness, accompanied by a roar, a huge roar, like a monster, little by little, and finally pushed her to the ground. She saw a mouth full of blood rushing towards her. She was very scared. She wanted to shout and scream, but her throat seemed to be strangled, so that she could not make any sound, her body could not move, and she could not break free with all her strength.

Zong Jinghao seems to feel her tight body. A lot of sweat oozed from her forehead, and her face was very painful. She had a nightmare obviously. He thought she would see herself, and he just wanted her to wake up from the nightmare. He patted her gently on the cheek, "wake up..."

The slight sound awakened her from the nightmare. She opened her eyes and faintly saw the figure floating above. Knowing what she looked like in her bones, she said in a hoarse voice, "is that you?"

He hugged her delicate body, rubbed her arm and soothed her with warm voice“ Yes, it's me. Have you had a nightmare? "

It is such a response, tearing open the hidden tide of missing him in the bottom of my heart, she is like being poisoned. Crazy and greedy sniff him, he has a light sweat, not thick, but like a dusty came to see her and had no time to sort out the traces left, especially sexy, she kiss his protruding clavicle, enjoy him, occupy the passing time, can't hold the light.

Muddled, her consciousness confused, so that she could not tell whether it was a nightmare of reality or nothingness.

I just want to hold him so that I won't be afraid in the dark.

She held her for a long time, until she was faint, and her eyelids trembled. He suddenly turned over and pressed her into his arms. His warm lips covered her mouth, and he gave her a deep kiss, which was so deep that she wanted to suffocate, but he enjoyed it.

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