Chapter 51

The pregnant woman was not very slippery and almost fell down, causing a scream below.

Life and death, just a moment.

The pregnant woman's mother-in-law was also frightened and sat there crying.

Lin Xinyan's brain was blank and his blood was coagulated.

After a while, she found her voice, "as long as you are willing to come down, I will give you the money for your house."

Pregnant women obviously do not believe her, "you do not want to cheat me down, I will not believe you!"

"I didn't cheat you. I will really give it to you. Don't you think about yourself or your baby?" Lin Xinyan continued to persuade.

Pregnant women seem to be touched in pain. Feeling a little excited, "I'm standing here just thinking about my children. Do you think it's easy for us to buy a house? I've emptied all my savings. I just want to have a safe home, but do I dare to let my children live in dangerous houses? I'm always worried that it will collapse and kill us all in it! "

Lin Xinyan knew what she cared about, what she was worried about and what she was afraid of, and he said, "I know that you just want to give your children a home. I understand that as long as you are willing to come down. I said, "I'll give you the money."

"Why should I believe you? What if I go down and you don't give it to me? " Pregnant women never let go.

Lin Xinyan pursed her dry lips. "I didn't cheat you. I'm Lin Guoan's daughter. I won't lie to you. "

"Is she Lin Guoan's daughter?"

"Father's debt, son's payment, pay me back."

"Pay us back!"

Lin Xinyan was surrounded in an instant, "return our money, return our money!"

An excited man reached out to catch Lin Xinyan. Zong Jinghao had a quick eye and a long arm. He put his arm around Lin Xinyan's waist and clasped it hard. Then he closed her in his arms and stared coldly at the man.

The man was staring at the fierce one Leng, arrogant momentum instant interest three points, mouth hard way, "debt repayment, it's natural that her father swallowed our hard-earned money, his father does not appear, the money has to be returned by her!"

"Is, is, father debt son pays, his father does not come out, this money must she return!" Some people agree.

Soon this sentence was recognized by everyone, flocking to the scene once out of control.

The pregnant woman upstairs was also rescued by rescue workers, taking advantage of her inattention.

When Guan Jin brings people here, Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan are blocked in the middle, and they can't come out unless they can escape.

Fortunately, with the help of the rescue workers, he brought people along and "killed" a way out of the crowd. The people brought by Guan Jin opened the way. Zong Jinghao escorts Lin Xinyan to leave the crowd and enter the office area of Lin's company. The debt collectors are blocked outside the door and can't get in.

Rescue workers helped the pregnant woman down. When she passed the hall, she saw Lin Xinyan through the glass door. Suddenly, she opened the hands of rescue workers and ran over, "you said you would pay me back."

Guan Jin and security personnel stopped her outside.

She couldn't get in. She could only yell out of control to Lin Xinyan, "you said you would give me money. If you cheat me, you will die hard and make money without conscience. If you die, you will go to hell

Zong Jinghao frowned and said in a cold voice, "blow people out."

Guan Jinggang wanted to start, Lin Xinyan called him, "wait a minute."

She turned her head and looked at Zong Jinghao, "I know you think I'm stupid. After giving this money, there will be endless trouble. However, if it's not forced, who is willing to make fun of her life? She just wants to have a home and give her children a home, but unfortunately she meets my father, just like she said. If I don't keep my promise to her, I will be upset, because I understand her mood -- "

She understood how she wanted to give her children a home.

Because she also wanted to give her children a complete home, although she knew it was far away, I'm afraid it would not be possible in her life.

She is very weak, so thin, a gust of wind can blow her away.

But that pair of clear and bright eyes, now so firm.

It was the firmness he had never seen.

For a moment, he was in a trance. His eyes looked at Lin Xinyan, but he said to Guan Jin, "give her the money."

Yan Jin understood and looked at the pregnant woman, "come with me."

At this time, Lin Guoan came over in a hurry. He had been hiding in the office until Zong Jinghao and Lin Xinyan came over.

Seeing your daughter is like seeing hope.

"Yan Yan." He was a little excited. "You've come to save me."Lin Xinyan looks cold, "how much money do you have?"

Lin Guoan a Leng, didn't expect her mouth is to ask how much money. If he had money, he would not have fallen into such a field.

"I have no money." Lin Guoan said truthfully.

"What?" Lin Xinyan doesn't believe it. Even if Lin Guoan is forced to collect debts, he may not have any money. "If you don't tell the truth, who can help you?"

Lin Guoan looks ugly and never opens his mouth.

Lin Xinyan did not waste time with him, "since you don't want to say, I don't force you."

She looked at Zong Jinghao, "let's go."

Zong Jinghao put his hand around her shoulder, nodded slightly, and left the office area under the escort of security personnel.

Lin Guoan was flustered. Seeing that Lin Xinyan really had to leave, he gritted his teeth and told the truth, "I didn't have much money. Besides the house, there were probably more than two million dollars in cash, which were stolen by Lin Yuhan. I called the police, but I didn't find her."

Lin Guoan doesn't want to tell Lin Xinyan about it. His beloved daughter stole his money and ran away when he was in the hardest time.

Instead, it's this, his abandoned daughter. Still standing here at the moment.

He has red eyes.

"Yan Yan, it's dad who's blind that will --"

"Stop it." Lin Xinyan didn't want to hear it. The deeper he studied, the more heartache he felt. "If you sell the house, how much can you get together? First, you should pay back those people's money."

"That's my only property, I --" he didn't give up.

"Do you still have money?" Lin Xinyan suddenly roared, "you don't pay back the money. If you want to save your reputation, the immortals can't save you. Do it yourself! "

Lin Xinyan's attitude is determined.

Zong Jinghao looked at her, and his heart gushed with some appreciative eyes.

Unexpectedly, she can think of this layer.

If Lin Guoan is smart enough. First appease these debt collectors, don't let things get big, and then find a way to raise money, maybe the Lin family can be saved.

From Lin's back, Zong Jinghao back to the company. Lin Xinyan went back to his villa and didn't go to work today.

Zong Jinghao asked her to go back to rest. Her face didn't look very good.

Lin Xinyan felt tired and couldn't sleep in bed. His mind was in a mess. Thinking about a lot of things, but without a clue, she simply got up. Yu's mother was cleaning the doors and windows, and she went over“ I'll help you. "

Yu Ma waved, "no, no, someone will come to help later."

Every week, there will be a regular person to do a big cleaning, the lawn in the yard, flowers and plants need to be pruned, at home where she usually can not clean up, there will also be someone to clean.

Such a big villa, she a person, where can clean up so clean.

She is a diligent and quick person, but she can't spare time. The glass doors and windows are cleaned by professionals. She can't clean many places, but others can clean them.

Lin Xinyan was pushed to the sofa by Yu's mother and washed her hands. "What fruit would you like to eat? I'll wash it for you

"Apple." Lin Xinyan said casually.

"Good." Yu Ma enters the kitchen.

Lin Xin said in the sofa of the living room, stared at the French window in the living room, with white foam on her mother's face and sliding down the glass, she was lost in mind.

All of a sudden, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. She took it out and saw that it was he Ruize's number. Her heart tightened.

Did he find out?

Unconsciously, her hand trembled and pressed the answer button, "hello."

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