Chapter 507

This words choked Su Zhan. Shen peichuan couldn't take a look at it. He said that Su Zhan's jerk was strong enough to annoy Qin ya. He didn't want to coax people in his life. He pulled Su Zhan away and said, "you wait for me, I'll solve it here."

Su Zhan is quite aggrieved. For the sake of Lin Xinyan, he was afraid that Zong Jinghao would be robbed, but he would be scolded instead. It's not balanced.

"Peichuan, how come women are so smart now..."

"Su Zhan, can you stop?" Shen peichuan helps me. He's going to be pissed off by this fool.

Su Zhan snorted coldly, "you solve it." Then he left with resentment, thinking that I didn't want to manage it.

Shen peichuan watched Su Zhan go away. Just looking at Qin ya, "are you Qin ya?" Very positive tone, not waiting for Qin ya to veto. He said again, "the reason why Su Zhan didn't find out is that the onlookers see clearly."

Qin Ya knew that Shen peichuan was a steady man. If she could say that, she must have found something. She chuckled bitterly, "I found it."

"How did the voice change, on purpose?" Shen peichuan asked.

Qin Ya shook his head, "hurt the vocal cord."

Shen peichuan sighed, "it's OK. Anyway, it's not ugly now." He reached for Qin Ya's mobile phone and said, "do you know about your sister-in-law?"

Qin Ya handed him the mobile phone, and understand the person to speak, do not beat around the Bush, "well, I left hospital to find her, has been together."

Shen peichuan handed Zong Jinghao's number to her, but he still wanted to explain for Su Zhan, "you know his temper. Sometimes he's very confused. He's worried that he never has a bad heart. Just now, he didn't recognize you. He thought it was the scheming woman who seduced Jing Hao. After all, his sister-in-law is not here. He... "He didn't finish the rest, but I believe Qin Ya understood.

Qin Ya also expressed his attitude, "I hope you can keep a secret for me, don't tell him my identity. I just don't want to be harassed by him. I want to live a quiet life. "

Shen peichuan looked at her for a while and said, "if I don't tell him, I have to give him some pain, or I will make a mistake. I support you."

"No Qin Ya hastily explained, "I'm not going to punish him. I don't want to have another relationship with him. I'm too tired. I don't want to get involved for the time being. I want to focus on my career. Besides, I'm really busy now. As you can see, there are a lot of people today. The exhibition is very successful. There are a lot of work to do after that. "

Shen peichuan sighed, "OK, I respect you." As he turned away, he seemed to think of something. Turning to look at Qin ya, "this period of time he is not good, he is also very uncomfortable, negative for a good period of time, not recently happened a lot of things, has been busy, he does not even have the present state."

Qin ya did not speak and did not respond.

Shen peichuan just wanted her to know, but he didn't want her to express her attitude. With this, Su Zhan can't be forgiven. He knows very well.

"Take care of yourself."

With that, Shen peichuan turned and walked away. Qin Ya laughed, "take care of yourself. You're not too young. Get a girlfriend. "

Hear girlfriend Shen peichuan inexplicably think of Sangyu, think of Sangyu, also think of the unexpected kiss.

And then it's full of guilt.

He speeds up his pace, as if to escape something. Qin Ya looks at his hasty back and smiles. Shen peichuan, who has always been steady, is also unstable.

Zong Jinghao by the side of the road is calling Guan Jin.

"Yes. Book the nearest flight to C City. "

Soon there came back Guan Jin's voice, "the latest one will have to be at 7:30 tomorrow morning."

"Well, book me one." Then he hung up. Su Zhan leaned against the lamppost and looked at Zong Jinghao, "what's the matter with you? What are you in a hurry to do in City C? "

Zong Jinghao didn't look at him. Light way, "business, you go back."

Then he stopped a taxi. Then he left.

Su Zhan, "..."

He felt that he could not understand Zong Jinghao any more.

Shen peichuan knew what Zong Jinghao was doing, so he didn't ask. Put his arm around Su Zhan's neck, "go back to the hotel, if you can't sleep, I'll have a drink with you."

Su Zhan looked at him, "do you want to drink?"

"OK, I want to drink. Will you accompany me?"

"Of course." Su Zhan's arm on his shoulder, the two men hook, did not immediately stop the car, but along the road.

"Su Zhan, I want to ask you a question." Suddenly Shen peichuan said.

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