Chapter 486

"Wenqing and your stepmother are incompatible. You know better than me how much he hates this woman. He will come to me. That is to say, I know many people I know. Let me do him a favor and arrest that woman. It's just that the person who did it was not effective and had an accident. Anyway, it's not a big deal. You and Wenqing don't like that woman anyway. It's better not to have it now

Gu Bei didn't notice Zong Jinghao's face. He just felt that the atmosphere in the box was cold. Feeling a little dry, as if standing at the door of the three women in the way of the eyes, toward the door, a deep voice called the manager, "get people out, look in the way."

The manager took several subordinates and dragged them out.

Zong Jinghao's eyelids were slightly dozed off, and his pupils were rolling with a deep and bottomless whirlpool. "Boss Gu is really unusual. Now the wind is tight. The banners of "sweep, yellow and eliminate evil" are everywhere. The scene is still open. I dare to commit crimes against the wind when kidnapping people. "

"Isn't it all to do wen a favor? His identity is not good, personally. Borrow my hand. "

Gu Beiyang leaned back on the sofa and turned to see, "is it really for fun or..."

I don't know the relationship between Wen Qing and Zong Jinghao. He won't say so frankly. This matter has some influence, and he thought it over in his heart when he said it.

If he conceals something and Zong Jinghao hears it from Wen Qing, he will be a stranger inside and outside.

"What does boss Gu think I'm here for?"

Eyes collide, lightning, Gu Bei Leng for a while, said with a smile, "come to me here, of course, is for fun."

"Boss Gu is a disappointment to me today." Zong Jinghao's tongue rolled over his front teeth. The ruffian force of evil is more powerful than Gu Bei's. His words are sharp and his posture is calm. "Now it's not as good as before. Boss Gu should be careful and don't be blocked by others, but he doesn't know it."

Gu Bei looks a Ling, "what do you mean?"

How do you listen to him? It's all in his own words?

Zong Jinghao got up, Su Zhan and Shen peichuan also got up.

His eyes coldly down, "Gu boss, catch a person such a simple matter. Is it inconvenient for him to come to you, or is he afraid to do it himself in the limelight? "

Gu Bei's eyes narrowed. What does he mean?

Is Wen Qing making use of him?

"Is Zong always joking? That's your uncle. You don't turn to him, but to me. Do you think I'll believe it? "

Wen Qing is his uncle. Is he here to test him?

At this time, Gu Bei couldn't easily believe Zong Jinghao's words. After all, he and Wen Qing were on the same boat.

"Believe it or not, it's up to boss Gu. I just can't bear to see someone being used again, but I don't know." There is something in his words. Up to now, "thank you for your hospitality."

"I can't talk about the kindness. I didn't let zongzong have a good time. Next time I come, I'll be informed in advance. I'll make arrangements to let Zong have a good time."

Gu Bei is a little absent-minded. If Zong Jinghao's words are true, this is an obvious reminder.

What's the meaning of this word? He had been used by Wen Qing before, and he didn't know it?

"Can Zong always help me out?" Suddenly Gu Bei shouts Zong Jinghao who has come to the door. He stands up and comes over“ Does Zong always know something inside? "

Zong Jinghao has profound meaning. "I don't know if boss Gu heard about Chen Qing."

"Although the cover is tight, no one in the circle doesn't know. At this age, nothing is lost, and it's miserable enough..." but soon he realized something. He thought something was wrong. What did he mean when he suddenly mentioned Chen Qing?

"What do you mean Chen Qing comes to this end? Is it related to Wen Qing?"

Zong Jinghao flicked his dusty collar. His expression and tone were meaningful. "Did I say that? Don't give me any trouble, boss Gu. "

Gu Bei soon understood that he had concerns. Wen Qing was his uncle. How could he open up such a low position.

Su Zhan appropriate to insert a mouth, "this article tilt is old, love to meddle in. He also wants to take care of other people's marriage affairs, but he doesn't like it. It's annoying to rely on the old and sell the old. "

After listening to this for a long time, Su Zhan also understood that Zong Jinghao was making a plan to alienate Gu Bei and Wen Qing. Gu Bei and Wen Qing turned against each other and suspected each other. He took advantage of each other. When they were both defeated, he was making a move.

Zong Jinghao has already thrown out the bait of Chen Qing, so now he is going to give Gu Bei one. Why does Zong Jinghao want to tell him the reason, so that he won't doubt it.It is Zong Jinghao's dissatisfaction with Wenqing that forces Zong Jinghao to get married. Only in this way can Gu Bei get rid of Wenqing.

Zong Jinghao pretended to be unhappy and left Su Zhan, "don't talk, someone treat you as dumb?"

Su Shen lowered his head. "What I said is also true."

"It makes boss Gu laugh."

Gu Bei laughed, "where, at this age, it's normal to be urged to marry. Wen Qing is your uncle. He cares about your marriage and is also good for you. He has a bad feeling in his heart and is not worth it. "

He said that, but he didn't think about it. If it was like Su Zhan, Wen Qing had forced Zong Jinghao's marriage. It is also possible to be dissatisfied with him.

He mentioned in front of himself that Chen Qing had been harmed by Wen. Although he was cruel, it was also possible. After all, Zong Jinghao's reputation in the circle was like this. Acting decisively is cruel enough, who let him suffer losses, he will double back.

It must be Wen's obsession that annoys him?

Gu Bei has thought in it. When Zong Jinghao left, he called the manager in.

He is not a three-year-old boy. He believes it with just a few words. He has to make a clear investigation to be at ease.

"Go and find out if Wen Qing forced Zong Jinghao to marry any woman. What's more, to inquire about Chen Qing's affairs has nothing to do with Wen Qing. "

The manager said, "as soon as I can."

Gu Bei impatiently waved his hand, "go."

He hoped it wasn't true. If it's true

He chewed Wen Qing in his mouth and used him? It's really easy to think of him as a soft persimmon?

Out of the nightclub Zong Jinghao looked at Shen peichuan, "I'm waiting for you in the company."

When he got into the car, Su Zhan compared gossip, hit Shen peichuan with his shoulder, raised his chin slightly, and looked at sang Yu standing beside him, "when did you know him, and didn't tell us? Are you afraid of us

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm just entrusted to be loyal." Shen peichuan glared at Su Zhan, "don't you go yet?"

Su Zhan smiles. As he walks to the car, he looks at sang Yu and smacks his mouth. It's too young. Shen peichuan wants to eat tender grass.

"My family, peichuan, is old, but innocent. Be nice to him." Su Zhan makes eyes at sang Yu.

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