Chapter 480

At this time, the engine sounded outside the door. Shen peichuan went out and saw a black car parked on the cement road. Through the windshield, he saw Su Zhan driving in front of him. Then the rear door opened and Zong Jinghao came down from the car.

He wore a black suit meticulously, straight and neat, with no expression on his face. He was as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Shen peichuan is about to get used to his expression. Since Lin Xinyan left, his words have become less and less. Apart from the fact that Wen Qing's affairs will come out, most of them are locked up in the company.

He and Su Zhan are better. Guan Jin is in hot water now. In this short month, Zong Jinghao has spent most of his time on his work. He doesn't know whether it is the need of the company's development or because he can't be idle. In a word, we have acquired two big companies in China.

There is a strange and tense working atmosphere among the staff in Wanyue office area. Last time he saw Guan Jin, Guan Jin complained to him that Zong Jinghao must be crazy. It is said that there was a meeting from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for six hours, and no one was released for lunch. No one is allowed to enter the meeting room casually. The water on the table has been drunk. No one dares to move. Those who want to go to the bathroom have to hold it. There are hundreds of company executives. All of them are bitter and astringent, but they have to sit in danger. They dare not breathe. They are nervous all the time. If the work he ordered is not done well or does not meet his requirements.

No matter how many people are in front of you, you must be covered up with a meal, and you won't save any face.

In a short period of one month, we can imagine the workload of purchasing two large companies.

Although I was cold faced with them, at least I was not "abused.".

Shen peichuan was still lucky. He came over and said in a low voice, "it's a shrimp who has never seen the world. I thought that even if I know something, it's estimated that it's limited."

Zong Jinghao's face was cold, "did you recruit?"

"Not yet. I'll wait for you." Shen peichuan lowered his head and touched his nose. He didn't dare to look at his face. Zong Jinghao took a look at him and stepped in.

Su Zhan, who followed him, came over. Shen peichuan held him and said in a low voice, "do you think we should go down and look for it in private?"

It's really a torment to be with such a guy with a changeable temper all day.

Su Zhan looked at Shen peichuan, hesitated and said, "will he be angry when he knows?"

He didn't look for it himself. Would it make him angry if they stepped in?

"Quietly, don't let him know." Shen peichuan looks at Su Zhan like a fool. Since it's private, it's definitely not for him to know. It's secret.

"All right, let's talk about it later." Su Zhan sighed and said with a smile, "finally someone is worse than me."

Shen peichuan looked at him speechless.

Su Zhan smile gradually big, "inexplicable, I feel fair in my heart, know Qin Ya not in this period of time, I forced smile pain? You don't know, but he does. " He pointed to Zong Jinghao, who had already entered the factory building, and attached himself to Shen peichuan, "he is more pitiful than me. His children and wife have run away."

Now he's a loner. He's in a good mood.

Shen peichuan gave a cold smile, "how can I feel that you are gloating?"

Su Zhan immediately became serious“ Nonsense, I'm not Schadenfreude, I'm... In fact, it's a little bit. Now he realizes my suffering. "

Shen peichuan, "..."

"Have you two finished?" The chilly voice is like the northeast wind in the December, and it's chilly.

The two of them turned around and saw the man standing in the messy factory building. His clean and cool appearance was in sharp contrast with the mess on the floor.

Shen peichuan, with a resentful smile, came over and said, "I just told Su Zhan that I would have a drink when I was free in the evening, but I didn't dare to ask you. That's just two more words. "

Zong Jinghao's low voice didn't have any fluctuation, and his cold eyes didn't make people feel any temperature at all. He dropped two words, "right?"

"Yes." Shen peichuan replied.

Zong Jinghao just looked at him one more time, but did not peck at his words. The radian of his mouth gently raised, his lips gently opened, and he said coldly, "let him talk."

Shen peichuan answered, and then walked up to the boy with a ferocious face. He looked a little scared and full of awe. "Tell me, who are you instructed by and why do you want to arrest people?"

The boy looked at him. His teeth trembled. He didn't dare to play tricks at all. He vomited out what he knew. "We've been doing things for people with money. This time, someone gave him money. We do business. Usually, my cousin takes some small jobs and fights for others. But this time, it's not his job. I heard him say that it was a man surnamed Gu who found him. At that time, he was very excited and said that he was a fat man. He just caught a man and had a lot of money. Who knows, his life was tied up and he didn't see any money. "At this point, he was quite aggrieved. When his cousin died, he did not dare to stay in city B. he was so scared that he ran back to his hometown and was caught by others. He paid such a high price that he didn't even get the money. He was in a bad mood.


"No name?" Shen peichuan asked again.

The boy shook his head. "I still heard from my cousin that his surname is Gu. I don't know who he is, but it seems that he is a very powerful person. I haven't seen it either. I've said everything I know. Can you let me go? "

He looked at Shen peichuan prayingly.

"Don't worry, as long as you're honest, you'll be released naturally. If you don't give back..." this time, Su Zhan leaned against the door, deliberately dragged a long tail, pointing to Shen peichuan's subordinates, "they are rough men. It's not easy to do it lightly. It's common for a fist to go down and become disabled or useless. "

The boy turned pale and stammered“ Really... Really, I've said everything I know. I'm just a little shrimp, following my cousin's ass. I really don't know Gu. Please believe me. "

Shen peichuan put his hands around his chest and rubbed his chin with one finger, thinking about Gu. Guess, "is it Gu Bei?"

Gu Bei, this name is not unfamiliar in the circle.

He turned to look at Zong Jinghao standing in front of the window, "is this Gu Bei the only son of old Gu? Relying on Laozi, I dare to touch anything and touch anything. The one who gives face in both black and white? "

"If it's the same, Wen Ching doesn't want to touch his own hands, so he takes this line. Isn't the old man surnamed Gu friendly with the old man of Wen family?" Su Zhan said.

This old man Gu and Wen Qing's father are of the same generation and have great power. He had heard of these things before when Zong Jinghao and Wen Qing had no quarrel.

Shen peichuan became more serious. If so, things would be in trouble.

Gu is not a good person. He will not admit it easily.

What's more, why would he help Wen Qing? Is he talking about friendship or interest exchange?

If it's an exchange of interests, it's good to make a breakthrough. If it's a friendship, it's troublesome.

Zong Jinghao's face was a little cold, and he thought about it. He walked out of the factory with long legs and stopped at the door. "I don't want to see this man again."

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