Chapter 47

She thought she could be very calm. Hearing Zong Jinghao's reminder, she was prepared. But seeing him, the past hidden in her heart, the wounds and the pain, always existed.

She thought she put it down, but she didn't.

Lin Guoan's face is a little ugly, but now he is asking for help. His face is gone. What's the dignity?

He fell on his knees with a puff. Kneeling at Lin Xinyan's feet, "Yan Yan, the company is going to close down, there is a collapse project. There was a conflict with the owner, which hurt people's lives. My father is desperate. You help my father this time. "

Originally, because of the project, he was facing a lawsuit, which involved human life. Fortunately, Lin Xinyan gave him the contract of Repulse Bay, and he sold it to get some money. He comforted his family members and paid a lot of money for it.

However, the attitude of relevant departments is very serious. He will be held responsible.

Because of the large amount of money invested in this project, the company can not recover, the capital chain of the company is broken, and is facing bankruptcy.

Lin Xinyan looked at the man kneeling at his feet, hands clenched, slightly trembling, do not want to admit and his father-daughter relationship, do not want to admit that she had been hugged by him, do not want to admit that affectionate called his father.

That's the man.

Now he's on his knees.

It's deceiving to say that she doesn't feel it. Her heart is really hard.

Lin Xinyan is speechless. Lin Guoan thinks she doesn't want to. The blood in her eyes is gathered in the middle, and it's Scarlet. "What you said last time, I've done what you said. Shen Xiuqing and I have divorced. She went out of the house, and I didn't give her anything."

This is one of the reasons why Shen Xiu's love is out of control. When she didn't marry Lin Guoan, she was the hostess who had no money and no power. After she married Lin Guoan, she didn't go out to earn money and lived the life of a rich wife.

How can she survive if she is cleaned out like this?

Before that, she had been familiar with the upper class ladies' circle, and asked her to do some inferior work. She can't take it.

She is used to being superior.

In addition, Lin Guoan blamed her for everything in the company, saying that the company would fall into such a crisis because she angered Zong Jinghao. Instead of attracting people, she hurt him.

Lin Xinyan also said that as long as he divorced her, he would help him through the difficulties of the company.

So I forced her to the Civil Affairs Bureau and divorced her.

Shen Xiuqing puts all this down to Zong Jinghao. It's not that he pretends to be lame. How can she let Lin Guoan bring Lin Xinyan's mother and son back from abroad?

If he doesn't pretend to be lame, he won't let Lin Xinyan marry him.

There will be no later things, she will not be afraid of Lin Xinyan revenge, and crazy want to get Zong Jinghao for her daughter. It will not fall into the fate of having nothing and being cleaned out of the house.

All this is Zong Jinghao's fault.

He didn't pretend to be lame, everything changed.

Lin Xinyan wants to make himself smile, but he can't. this man is as ruthless as ever.

She and her mother at the beginning, Shen Xiu's love now.

"Yanyan, Dad regrets it. Really, I shouldn't abandon your mother and you." Lin Guoan red eyes, almost shed tears, "it was not Shen Xiuqing who gave me a son, I will not be so reckless. You know, you were 10 years old at that time. Your mother never got pregnant again. I'm a man. I need a son. "

"Enough!" Lin Xinyan can't listen, son? Son?

The nails she hated were almost in the flesh of her palm, but she didn't know it.

She was shaking all over.

Zong Jinghao, who was close to him, found her excited mood, stretched out an uninjured hand to hold her and wrapped it tightly in the palm of her hand.

His palms are broad, strong and warm.

But inexplicably can pacify people.

Lin Xinyan's mood slowly calmed down.

"You go first."

"Yan Yan"

"Don't say any more. If you say one more word, I won't even think about it!" Lin Xinyan roared. She couldn't control her emotion. She was excited when she said she was excited.

Maybe it's something Lin Guoan did that can't make her not excited.

"Calm down." Zong Jinghao clasped her shoulder.

Lin Guoan still wants to talk. Zong Jinghao interrupted him, "if you want help, leave immediately!"

No matter how reluctant Lin Guoan was, he did not dare to stay.The living room soon quieted down. Yu's mother didn't dare to say a word. She thought it was her father who came to see her daughter. She had no idea that there was such a grudge between father and daughter.

Yu's mother loves Lin Xinyan.

Parents divorce, the most injured is always the child.

Lin Xinyan wiped away the tears on his face, "let you see the joke."

She lowered her head, her hair covering most of her face.

Zong Jinghao pursed his lips without any advice.

Some things can't be put down by a few words of relief.

Not to mention this.

No matter how much she hates Lin Guoan, it's hard for her to see his embarrassed appearance.

"Well, what would you like to eat? I'll do it? " Yu Ma digs away from the topic and tries to ease the atmosphere.

Lin Xinyan led his mother and said, "I want to eat sweet."

After pregnancy. She doesn't like sour, spicy, but sweet.

"Well, I just bought fresh spareribs today. I can make sweet and sour spareribs for you and make a sweet soup." Yu Ma turned to the kitchen and looked back at the door. Two people on the sofa, laughing.

After Yu Ma left, the living room was quiet for a moment.

"You did it?" Unconsciously, there was a question in her voice.


Lin Xinyan looks up to his eyes. It's said that businessmen are not clean. Is he the same?

In order to achieve the goal, by all means?

Or even hurt people's lives?

"What do you mean?" Zong Jinghao's pupils were dark and he thought he was calm. Not calm tunnel, "you think the murder, and I?"

Quiet for three seconds, "isn't it?"

It's very fast. Zong Jinghao pinched her jaw, "in your eyes, what kind of person am I?"

He did do something to make Lin beat. Disappear.

Lin was like a dangerous building under a tornado. As long as he pushed it gently, it would collapse suddenly. How could it make him spend his time and even kill people?

She thought he did it.

Today, she doubted him twice, the first time that he was in the Lin family. What did you really do to Lin Yuhan.

Now he is suspected of hurting people's lives in order to achieve his goal.

What does she think of him as?

On his nearly angry eyes, Lin Xinyan was aware that he might be wrong, "sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you."

Zong Jinghao breathed heavily, but his strength didn't relax.

Or was she unhappy because she doubted herself.

The chin is very painful, his fingers are very strong, the chin is like dislocation, she does not say a word, does not plead, just silently bear.

Zong Jinghao's anger gradually died out in her silent forbearance.

His face is close to a few minutes, "dare to doubt me again later --"

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