Chapter 442

This time, Lin Xinyan held it. They were so close that they were a little embarrassed. But soon she let go of it. She attached herself to his lips and gave him the water in her mouth.

Zong Jinghao opened his eyes and looked at his face close at hand. His pupils were mixed with water and showed a little moisture. When Lin Xinyan got up and looked at him, his eyes became clear and deep again.

He hooked his lips. Cuddle her, "sleep with me."

Lin Xinyan slides down and rests in his arms. His arms are strong and strong. Tightly around her slender body.

The heavy rain outside the window is still majestic, like to drown the whole city.

The night was deep, and Lin Xinyan slowly fell asleep in his arms.

But Zong Jinghao didn't feel sleepy. He looked out of the window, dark and unclear.

After a night of rain baptism, the whole city's air is particularly fresh, birds standing in the branches chirping.

When Zong Jinghao woke up, Lin Xinyan was still asleep. Maybe it's because of pregnancy, or maybe it's because I went to bed too late yesterday, and I'm sleeping soundly now, without any trace of waking up.

He reached out and stroked her face. When he passed her lips, his face sank. Even his eyes were not as gentle as before. Lin Xinyan moved. His palm was very warm and rubbed against his palm. Like a kitten, Zong Jinghao's cold eyes became warm again. He attached himself to kiss her forehead.

The woman who falls into a dream has no feeling at all.

He lifted the quilt, gently got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash and put on his suit. When he went out, he looked at the woman on the bed, still sleeping sweetly, and glanced over the mobile phone beside the pillow. She seemed to receive a message last night.

Who sent it?

He went over and picked up his mobile phone. Lin Xinyan's mobile phone didn't have a password. It opened as soon as it slipped. He opened the message. The first one was Bai Yinning's name.

His eyes darkened. The finger pauses, and then points to the content

It's not ambiguous, or it's a kind of information that makes him less angry, but last night's events still make him feel depressed.

Slide the mobile phone back to the home page, put it back to its original position, turn around and go downstairs. Yu's mother prepares the meal, and he goes out after dealing with two people. Before going out, he said, "don't ask her to let her sleep a little longer. Leave the food ready. You will be hungry when you wake up."

Yu Ma said with a smile, "last night she..."

Zong Jinghao thought for a moment and said, "she wants to have two children. She went there to look after the children. It's OK."

He didn't want to say much about it.

Yu Ma said with a smile, "that's good."

She was in such a good health that she went out at night. She was just worried, so she asked.

"I'm going." Zong Jinghao goes out with the car key.

Su Zhan and Guan Jin came down from upstairs last night. Did not see Lin Xinyan and Shen peichuan asked Yu Ma, "where are they?"

Yu's mother said she didn't know, and they didn't ask any more. There was no one at home, and they left without staying. Only Yu's mother knew that Zong Jinghao went out last night, and told her she couldn't say.

She can keep her mouth shut, too.

Walking out of the door, Zong Jinghao takes out his mobile phone and calls Shen peichuan. While pressing the key to get off the car, he opens the door and gets on the car. When the phone is connected, he sits in the car and closes the door. "Have you found out the cause of he Ruilin's death?"

"The reason given by the government is suicide, but I found the evidence of homicide. Now I'm in the prison to investigate the murderer." The test results of the things in he Ruilin's fingernails have come out. It's the skin tissue of the human body, as well as the phenomenon of hair loss, which is enough to show that she is not a simple suicide.

She should have fought with someone before she died. The skin tissue in her nails should have been left by catching the other person's skin when fighting with him. As for her hair loss, it should have been pulled by the killer.

When Zong Jinghao heard the news of her death, he knew it was strange. If she wanted to die, she would not wait until now to commit suicide.

"Call me if you have any results." When he was ready to hang up, Shen peichuan called him, "the person you asked me to follow is he wenhuai. The person who followed him saw them meet with his own eyes. I also confirmed that he can become a policeman because of his family's strength, but he family's background can't hold him up."

"I see. Get the men back. "


When he hung up, he put his cell phone in the center console, started the car and drove out.

It rained last night. There was a lot of water on the road. The tire rolled over and splashed on the car body.

His fingers are long and well proportioned, and his bones are clear. His nails are clean and tidy. He is elegant and elegant. He is especially good-looking when holding the steering wheel.The car was fast and steady, and soon stopped in the parking lot under the company building. He walked into the elevator and went straight to the top office area. The elevator stopped and he stepped down.

Guan Jin holds the document and is about to send it to his office for him to sign and read. He sees him coming. "Zong Zong," he said

There was no mention of Lin Xinyan's going out last night. Shen peichuan called. Don't let him talk nonsense, say it's Lin Xinyan.

He didn't dare to ask.

Zong Jinghao nodded slightly, his black suit was buttoned up, and he copied his pocket with one hand. Stepping to the office, he explained, "last time I asked you to check Bai's information, I sent it to my office."

Last time when he was in Baicheng, he asked Guan Jin to check the Bai family.

There he knew something about Bai. It's just not thorough enough.

Guan Jin didn't dare to ask any more. At this time, he could only do what he wanted from Bai's information.

Zong Jinghao pushed open the door of the office and put the document on the desk. "I'll get it right away."

With that, he quickly walked out of the office to get the information.

Zong Jinghao opened a button on his sleeve with one hand. He opened the chair in front of his desk and sat down. He opened the document sent by Guan Jin and read it. There was no problem. After that, he wrote a few notes at the end.

Before long, Guan Jin took all Bai's materials and put them on the table.

He left the documents he had read to Guan Jin.

Guan Jin took it up, Zong Jinghao took Bai's information, did not look up, "wait a minute."

Guan Jin stood at his desk waiting for his orders.

About half an hour later, we had a full understanding of the division of Baishi's enterprises. The reason why Baishi was able to solve the problem of so many people working in Baicheng was that Baishi's doors and semiconductors had physical factories, which occupied a huge area and employed more than 20000 workers. The door industry was well-known and sold at home and abroad, Mainly, they have their own team specializing in the research and development of intelligent lock cylinder and environmental protection materials, which do a good job in anti-theft and environmental protection.

That's why it's so strong.

He went through these domestic enterprises in his mind, and finally chose two. "I remember president Tang's brother-in-law also works in semiconductors?"

Guan Jin nodded, "yes, it's among the best in China."

"Ask him out for me, and Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Wang?" Guan Jin didn't respond. They didn't have business with Wang, did they?

"The one who asked me for financing last time." Zong Jinghao reminded.

"Oh, don't you look down on that company? A door maker. " It was rejected directly at that time.

Zong Jinghao leaned back and pulled his neckline, looking impatient.

"I'm going." Guan Jin left with the document in his arms.

I'm afraid he's angry.

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