Chapter 430

The visitors were all in uniform. It seemed that they had made enough preparations. Those people at the door couldn't stop them. Zong Jinghao covered Lin Xinyan with a quilt and stood up straight. The light in his eyes was fierce. "You go down."

The guard at the door retreated.

"We enforce the law impartially. Miss Lin is suspected of a homicide case and wants to go back to the police station with us for investigation."

Zong Jinghao has stepped forward and honed his momentum by dealing with various figures all the year round. It's like an overwhelming net.

The man with the warrant swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but he didn't move. No one didn't know Zong Jinghao's identity, so did he. In ancient times, there were princes who committed the same crime as the common people, not to mention in today's society where everyone is equal.

He comforted himself that he had nothing to be afraid of, and pretended to be calm. "We also enforce the law impartially, and ask zongzongzong to make it convenient."

It's not captain Chen, it's a man with a face.

He looked down at the man, and his eyes narrowed slightly. No hurry, no delay, "just law enforcement? What if I don't give it to you? "

The man was choking his neck, and clearly wanted to show his police momentum, but he said nothing. There is no deterrent force at all, and even some retreat. "It's a crime to obstruct official business."

"That's good." Zong Jinghao stretched out his hand, "torture me, I'll go back with you to investigate."

Obviously, this group of people is not Wen Qing or Chen Qing. He wants to see who else is there.

The man was a little flustered. He was ordered to catch only Lin Xinyan. He didn't dare to catch this man. He didn't even dare to touch him. Did he handcuff him?

Zong Jinghao opened the two buttons on his collar with one hand, "if you are in a dilemma, you can give it to the person who gives you the order. I always have a bad habit of revenge. I don't have much power, but I have money. How much is a life worth?"

The man was so scared that his legs softened and stammered, "it's against the law to buy a murderer..."

Zong Jinghao's cold smile was like a syllable coming out of his chest. He said, "breaking the law is about evidence. Are you? Don't break the law one by one. I'm tired of hearing too much. Do you want to arrest me or call your boss? "

The man seemed to be in a dilemma.

Lin Xinyan protected his stomach with both hands, but he didn't say a word. Zong Jinghao didn't tell her what things had become. The situation was not clear. She couldn't intervene, let alone make trouble for Zong Jinghao. The only thing she could do was to do nothing and leave everything to him.

Clearly, a group of people blocked the entrance of the ward. Leng is that no one dares to move.

The man thought, "I'll make a phone call."

He went to the stairwell, looked around to make sure there was no one, then took out his cell phone and dialed out.

At the moment, there is a set of purple clay teapot on the tea table in a private room of a teahouse. He wenhuai is very skilled in washing and making tea. After pouring two courses, he pours into the top-grade purple clay teacup. After pouring, he pinches the body of the teacup in one hand and holds the bottom of the teacup in the other, and puts the teacup in front of Chen Qing, He folded two in Zong Jinghao's hand. I'm a wimp, and I can't swallow it. Now Brother Chen is willing to join hands with me. I'm very grateful. With my own strength, I have no place to fight back. As long as I can make a contribution, brother Chen, please speak up, even if you do everything. This is my sincerity. I'll give you a cup of tea instead of wine. "

Chen Qing holds his hand. He wenhuai is much older in the past two years. He has a lot of white hair on his temples. It's not good for anyone to lose two children in a row.

"You'll see it when you say that." Chen qingduan that cup of tea, "I should respect you."

He wenhuai smiles bitterly“ Today's me is not what I used to be. How can you respect me? "

The reputation he has been defending has long been in a bad state. He Ruilin, he Ruize, and many people's leisure topics are getting worse day by day.

The people who used to come to visit no longer exist, and their families are withering. Who else cares about them?

What do people say about him?

What kind of father can't protect his own children?

Chen Qing patted him on the shoulder, "I know, it's not that you're incompetent, it's that the Zong family and the Wen family are too powerful. To be honest with you, I'm afraid."

Wen Qing is ill. He shakes Zong Jinghao's mind. He knows that if Wen Qing wants to do this well, it will be cool. What he did before is in vain.

He can't let it go by the wayside.

So I took the initiative to find he wenhuai.

"I heard your daughter was divorced because of Lin Xinyan?" Chen Qing deliberately put everything on Lin Xinyan. Zong Jinghao was his son-in-law, but Lin Xinyan was redundant.Now he is just using he family to achieve his goal. I'm afraid he wenhuai doesn't know that Chen Qing wants to marry his daughter to Zong Jinghao.

Up to now, I still think Chen Qingzhen is afraid of Zongwen family.

Although Chen Qing's rank is not low, he has no deep foundation as a writer. Wen Qing has real power in his hands, and he also has a patriarchal family. He is afraid that the Chen family will end up like the he family.

So take the initiative to find him to join hands, he and Zong Jinghao is the son of the enemy.

He wenhuai sighed, "I wanted to get married with the Zong family, so I picked up the big tree of Wen family and Zong family. I didn't think that this woman suddenly appeared, which not only spoiled the marriage between the two families, but also fascinated my son. Finally... "

He wenhuai sighed again.

"Fortunately, now we have a chance..." Chen Qing exchanged a look with him.

He wenhuai said“ Yes, now I'll wait for the good news over there. As long as she goes in, I will never let her out again. I want her to pay for the lives of my daughter and son! "

Chen Qingyang leans back on the chair. The mahogany chair is carved with exquisite patterns. His fingers are tapping gently on the armrest, as if waiting for the good news.

At this time. He wenhuai's mobile phone on the desk rings. Chen Qing looks at it.

He wenhuai also took a look at him, picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button.

Soon there was a voice“ Zong Jinghao is in the way. We can't catch anyone. "

He wenhuai's face changed. "You're a public official with an arrest warrant in your hand. Why doesn't he let you arrest people?"

"He... Asked me to torture him and said... Let the people behind me go."

He wenhuai's face turned white and his hands shaking with his mobile phone. Chen Qing heard the voice over there, patted he wenhuai, looked at him and said, "if we can't catch people this time, we won't have a chance next time. We don't even have a chance when Zong Jinghao is unprepared. There are people with him, and there are only a few doorkeepers in the hospital, He's got enough people to get them out

"You mean hard?" He wenhuai asked.

"Is there any other way? It's the right thing to catch Lin Xinyan. Even if Zong Jinghao knows that you did it, he doesn't dare to do anything about you... "

"It's us." He wenhuai reminds a way, "although I gave a person, but can get arrest warrant but your hand."

They are grasshoppers on a rope. Don't try to get rid of them.

He family had trained their own people when they were still very prosperous, but there were Wen family and Chen family in B city, and their people had no chance to come out.

If he doesn't, he won't even get an arrest warrant.

Chen Qing chuckled, "slip of the tongue, don't worry about it. You and I are on the same boat."

He wenhuai made up his mind and said to the phone, "what are you doing with so many people? I have to get people out today! "

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