Chapter 571 - An Irrelevant Dream

Yvonne jolted awake from her nap as a question blurted out of her mouth.

"Who are you talking to?" She yelled her inquiry, surprising the people around her.

Rutherford glanced down at the little girl who had sat up in haste while Raylene turned towards her, gazing at her child with concern filled in her eyes.

Howard's shoulders also jerked after being startled by her abrupt action and Fryght growled in protest for having his sleep disturbed.

However, his Master's frightening glare which landed on him the next second quietened the etcher down as he returned to snuggling in Howard, his little master's arms.

Outside the moving carriage, Demon too had noticed the strange behavior of his master and was anxious to know if she was fine.

'What's wrong, Master?' He inquired, communicating through their minds which was possible due to their interlinked souls.

Yvonne looked around her as she sat up straight only to realize that she was in the carriage with her family right now.

Rubbing her eyes, she then wiped the sheen of sweat that had formed on her forehead.

"Who was talking to you?" Raylene inquired regarding the question she had yelled out which had startled them earlier.

Turning towards her mother the little girl's brows furrowed as she tried to recall what she had meant when she uttered those words.

The last thing she remembered was snapping out of her dream with that question blurting out of her mouth.

However, she could not, for the life of her, recall what had taken place after she had fallen asleep.

Usually, when she had dreams circling the script or its deleted scenes she would recall each and every detail she had witnessed in it even after she woke up.

Unfortunately, it looked like this was not the case this time as no matter how much she tried, all she came up with was a big blank.

No recollection of the dream she had seen made her pout in disappointment.

Therefore, she could only look at her mother and shake her head, indicating that she truly had no clue about what had caused her to behave that way.

'How can I forget what I saw in the dream?' She grumbled as those dreams usually held important information which had been skipped in Asmodeus' script.

Her dream could have been about something important which had made her blurt out that question with such haste but it looked that things would remain a mystery.

This was making her frown as she wished to know more about it but sadly, there was not much she could do as she never had any control over her dreams.

They came and went as they pleased and all she could do was watch and retain the memories from it.

'But this time it was different…' She frowned at this new discovery which she was not liking one bit.

Noticing the expressions of trouble written all over her face, Rutherford sighed then patted her head.

"Maybe it was an irrelevant dream you saw." He tried to rationalize her situation at present.

If the dream held nothing important then it was normal that she could not recall it once she awoke from her slumber.

Yvonne glanced at the muscular man seated next to her before she nodded slowly, accepting this explanation from him.

The dreams of the past were too vivid in her mind as though she had experienced them first-hand.

Therefore, there was a chance that what she had seen this time held no real value which could justify why she had not retained memories of the same.

"Don't think too much about it." Rutherford rubbed her head while comforting her.

The little girl brought out a soft smile before she lowered her head.

'Was it really not important?' She questioned herself while fidgeting with her fingers.

As she thought of this matter, there was a strange sensation flickering in her heart that she was missing something.

However, even when she tried to remember what she might have seen, she did not succeed as her mind was still a big blank.

All she could do was give up with a sigh, hoping to recall whatever had taken place in this dream some other time.

While the child was lost in her thoughts, the parents shared a glance and there was worry evident in their eyes.

This was not the first time that they had seen their daughter look troubled in her sleep.

They had witnessed a similar scene back when Yvonne had lost her memories after falling off while trying to climb a horse in their Summer estate.

When they were returning to Amarthea at the end of that summer many years ago, she had behaved the same way.

Mumbling incoherent words and tossing and turning in her sleep was what they had witnessed their child doing during their carriage ride.

They had consulted a physician who had assured them that it was the tedious and long travel that had caused this abnormality in their child.

This had comforted them and they too had noticed that Yvonne did not behave oddly nor did she complain about anything even after a few days.

However, now the parents were beginning to realize that she still experienced these episodes sometimes.

'Is there a connection between her dreams and the summer estate?' Rutherford wondered as this situation had taken place during their return to Amarthea back then as well.

With this newfound doubt which took birth in his mind, the worried father was keen on finding proper answers to help his child out.

Yvonne had no clue that her parents were about to go on a hunt in search of answers as she was busy trying to convince Demon that she was fine.

To her, her family had deemed this to be a strange dream which had caused her to behave this way and had left it at that but Demon was still concerned about her.

'Master, let me know if you feel that something is wrong.' He requested earnestly.

Not being able to refuse his request, Yvonne gave her word that she would surely let him know if she sensed something out of the ordinary.

However, even she knew that her etcher would not be able to help her recall her dream as this was not something he or anyone else was capable of.

On the other hand, the etcher also knew his inability to lend his support to his master but he knew someone who could do that for her.

'Lord Asmodeus asked me to inform him if something was wrong.' The etcher thought to himself as he cut off his connection with his Master.

The God of this world had given him the task of watching over this child and also allowed him to call out the God's name in prayer.

After giving that task to Demon, Asmodeus had assured that if Demon or Yvonne were ever truly in help of saving then he would be there for them.

Therefore, Demon was prepared to call on the God's name, praying to him which would bring the God here to save his Master if something was wrong.

Yvonne was oblivious to the thoughts in her etcher's head and the conversation that had taken place between the God and beast.

Thus, right now, she sat inside the same carriage with her head lowered, trying to divert her attention from figuring out the contents of her dream which seemed to have been wiped out from her mind.


As the St. Claires were close to the border between the Tanner fief and Amarthea, many other nobles had already returned to their respective estates in the Capital.

Their summer vacation had unexpectedly extended for almost a year and there was much that needed to be taken into account.

Therefore, right now, those noble households were busy trying to assess the areas where they needed to work on, in order to return to their previous style of living.

In this regard, even the businesses which had been either shut down or slowed down during the plague and the lockdown were attempting to restart their businesses which were their sources of income.

They had a long gap with lack of income but now was their chance to regain everything that they had lost during this plague.

Thus, in no time, the Capital and other fiefs had rebuilt their marketplaces to resume all activities now that the threat looming over them had been eradicated as a whole.

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