Chapter 233 - First Trial (2)

Yvonne's only trouble was where she would find the handkerchief as she did not have a clue about the location that her brother must have asked the servant to tie it.

This crisis was averted when she used her etcher's sharp sensory organs which had come in handy in this situation.

The pair of etcher and etched were moving at a high speed in the direction of the scent that Demon had caught.

The horse was galloping through the woods, dodging the trees and branches to make sure that none of them could hurt his Master.

Even when he was moving at this high speed, he was alert and did not let his Master slip or get hurt by anything while he was so close to her.


At the grazing field,

Though there was a canopy set up for everyone to take a seat, no one had moved an inch as they waited for the little girl to make her appearance with the etcher.

Everyone's eyes were fixed at the wood ahead of them which caused them to miss witnessing the servant who was rushing in their direction.

Captain Desmo and Rutherford had noticed the sounds of footsteps rushing towards them when the servant was close enough.

This made the men turn in the direction of the sound and found a servant gasping as he ran faster.

Butler Limo had his eyes on his Master and when he saw the Earl turning, he followed his line of sight only to find a servant running straight towards him.

The panting young man came forward and whispered something into the Butler's ears.

In response, Butler Limo nodded and rushed to his Master's side and relayed the news which he had received.

Rutherford frowned when he heard the latest news which had been passed onto him.

'What? Why?' He sneered when he was made aware of something new.

Reluctance was clear on his face after hearing what Butler had to say but he nodded his head as though he was giving permission for something that the servant had come to ask.

Howard had forgotten about his sister stuck in the woods as he faced his father, trying to figure out what secret conversations were taking place while his test was still on.

Even when his attention was on his father, he was still keeping track of the amount of time left for the test to end.

'Exactly five minutes left for her to return.' He clenched his fists and turned his eyes back towards the woods.

The servant who had arrived in a hurry left with the same hurry after receiving his orders from the Butler.

"Four minutes." The young boy's mutters shifted their attention to him before they extended their gaze to the woods.

No matter where they looked, there was no sight of the horse and the child who was riding it.

In their anxiety of trying to find the little girl, they failed to notice something vital.

"What is everybody looking at?" A new voice was heard among the group.

This alerted the people standing there as they all turned around to see who it was.

Captain Desmo frowned as he leered at the person who had sneaked close enough to him without being discovered.

However, all suspicions and doubts faded from his face when he saw that his other students had appeared here of all places.

The person who had received the biggest shock was none other than Howard St. Claire.

'What the hell is he doing here!?' He glowered and glared at the smiling face of his best friend.

The boy with bright red hair waved at his friend and grinned like a fool, further infuriating the young boy from the St. Claire family.

'Think you can get rid of me so easily!? Never!' Taylor Tanner sneered at his friend who had tricked him and escaped.

But no matter how hard Howard tried to escape, Taylor would always find him.

Raylene turned towards the source of the voice and found that not one but three boys had come over to their estate.

At the front was Taylor Tanner who had rushed over while at the back were his elder brother Topher and his friend, Damien.

The three boys had come over to the estate uninvited and this was what the servant had rushed over to inform their Butler and Master.

The Earl could not chase away the children who had come to their gates and hence was left with no other option but to let them inside.

Rutherford narrowed his eyes at the boys with whom he did not want his daughter to mingle.

'Especially this one!' He gazed at the younger son of Duke Tanner.

He had heard how this young child clung to his Vonna and even had barged into their house one day in hopes of spending time with his beloved daughter.

The protective Papa bear instincts in Rutherford had awakened as his stern gaze scanned the innocent faces of the three boys.

Topher chuckled sheepishly when he felt the Earl's scary eyes fixed on them.

"We apologize for stopping by uninvited, Earl." He expressed his apologies and slightly bowed his head to show his sincerity.

Damien soon followed his friend's footsteps and nodded to express that he shared the same feelings.

After all, they weren't the ones who had thrown a tantrum to come by this place.

'Apologize, you fool!' Topher chastised his shameless little brother who was the cause of the embarrassing situation they were facing right now.

Taylor shivered under the cold eyes of his elder brother and gulped as he knew that if he did not follow his brother's instructions, he would surely be punished later on.

He would not be anxious when facing his father's wrath but the same could not be said for this sadistic and mean elder brother of his.

Topher smirked when he noticed that his brother still feared him and was pleased with this outcome.

"I'm sorry, Earl and Countess St. Claire! I wanted to meet Vonny once we reached the Capital!" Taylor exclaimed in a sad tone while batting his lashes at the couple.

Raylene let out an awkward chuckle as she pinched her husband's waist, fully aware of the raging waters arising in his heart.

She knew of his anger at these words as she was feeling the same thing as he was.

'Duchess Beatrice's younger son is still interested in my Vonny!' She lamented in her heart that there was someone who was trying to attract their child's attention.

Nonetheless, she had to exhibit a calm and collected exterior as these were sons of higher noble families.

Their higher birth was the only reason why Rutherford had not chased them away the moment they had arrived.

Noticing the St. Claire couple's acceptance of their sudden arrival, the boys turned towards the others present.

Captain Desmo had been the Tanner boys' trainer while Marquess Samed was their maternal uncle, this brought about another round of greetings.

The boy who stood in silence was the only one who had caught a glimpse of a certain figure approaching from within the woods.

"Is that…?" Damien's startled voice brought their attention over to the figure whom they had been anxiously waiting for all along.

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