Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 722 - Transition From Listeners to Viewers

Chapter 722: Transition From Listeners to Viewers

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Thanks to the broadcast of “Arcana Voice” a few days ago, Banus and Ali were both aware that the “Rentato Music Festival” was scheduled on the last Saturday of the Month of Gold every three years for a duration of three days. They had come to the Baron Bechig Square today to learn the splendor of the Rentato Music Festival from “Arcana Voice” as soon as possible and to indirectly listen to the most touching and classic melody of Mr. Evans’ “Valkyrie” from interviews and other problems.

They did not foresee this at all. Looking at the floating sorcerer in midair and the dark “screen” that was taking shape with the combination of complicated silver patterns, they weren’t back to themselves for a long time.

It was not until the silver lines glittered one after another, letting out a gentle but warm light, that Banus and Ali were finally woken up from their shock. They craned their heads and looked ahead excitedly and confusedly.

“Live stream? Is the teletorium of ‘Arcana Voice’ set in the Rentato Royal Grand Theater today?” Although Ali had learned about “live stream” from “Arcana Voice”, he did not really know what it was about.

“Teletorium”, on the other hand, was learned from his pen pal’s letter. “Allyn Impression”, the weekly newspaper, had a special issue that introduced radio stations and interviewed famous anchors. As a gossip newspaper that came late but was most famous of all, Allyn Impression was not only loved by the arcanists but also pursued by the citizens of Rentato who were curious about the daily life of sorcerers and the affairs of the big shots. The circulation of the newspaper had already surpassed “Arcana” and “Magic”, making it an unusual case of getting rich for the sorcerers.

Banus did not quite understand what “teletorium” was about, but he was astonished by the Rentato Royal Grand Theater. He asked in excitement, “Can we hear the entirety of ‘Valkyrie’ today?”

Holm was a country where plays, oratorios, and operas were popular. Even though the average music level was not as good as Aalto’s, it was still rather distinguished in those aspects.

In Stuart, the Pearl on the Ocean on the opposite side of the Storm Strait, the citizens generally believed that the operas from Holm were much better than those from other countries in terms of plot, content, and meaningfulness. To put it more frankly, Rentato’s operas were indeed better than Aalto’s. After all, pure music was so brilliant in Aalto that the other fields were all eclipsed. Its playwrights and singers were not as good as Rentato’s.

Therefore, even though he was a common civilian, Banus had an unusual interest in operas. He had been longing for the Rentato Royal Grand Theater, known as a holy land of operas, for a long time. Of course, due to his economic status, he and Ali could only watch plays in most cases. They mostly listened to operas on special occasions.

“If ‘live stream’ has the same meaning as what ‘Arcana Voice’ said, we will definitely hear ‘Valkyrie’ today!” Ali was very excited.

With the duration of “Arcana Voice”, it could only play parts of the classic operas, but never the whole piece, and the opera singers that the baron of the town could invite were only mediocre. Therefore, even though they could not see the performers whom they had adored for a long time, it was still a most gratifying experience to appreciate a state-of-the-art opera at the earliest chance.

The best musician, the best singers and opera performers, and the best theater. It never occurred to them that they could enjoy the “luxury” of the nobles as civilians!

Banus rubbed his hands in excitement. “Hehe. We’re also lords this time! However, what’s that curtain about? They could’ve simply broadcast it. It’s all about listening after all.”

“It should be a wall, right? Huh, it’s probably meant to enhance the effect. Ms. Nightingale mentioned in Arcana Voice that some listeners might hear noises due to signal problems...” Ali tried to find a reasonable explanation.

Banus waved his hands hard. “I forgot that. Ali, you do have a great brain!”

Ali raised his chin proudly. I told you that I’m smarter than you!

After the silver lines all glowed, illusionary and delicate patterns appeared around the “curtain”. They combined in an amazing structure that dazzled Banus, Ali, and the other citizens into silence.

The middle-rank sorcerer who floated in midair finished the final debugging. As weird aria-like sounds came out of his mouth, a star in the sky glowed and sprayed a cluster of brilliance.

“Well...” Banus opened his mouth again. Could sorcerers command the stars in the sky? Wasn’t it the power of the gods?

In the dreamy and astonishing scene, the black “curtain” was enshrouded in pure, flawless light that resonated with the stars in the sky, building the most beautiful painting with the flying fireflies.

The star in the sky was less dazzling and became normal and steady, and the black “curtain” seemed to be turning transparent. A silver moon slowly rose inside, driving the darkness away.

A slow and peaceful melody floated out, so beautiful that it sounded like a clear lake that was rippling under the moonlight. It pacified everybody’s heart, bringing them vague sweetness, peace, and sorrow. They felt both somewhat gloomy and at ease.

Both Banus and Ali were intoxicated by the light of the silver moon that was gradually spreading out and the dreamy melody. The whole square fell quiet.

They were no strangers to “Moonlight”, the most beautiful piano song. Not only would the elegant restaurants hire musicians to play it, but Arcana Voice also often used “Moonlight” as the background music for the program. However, this performance of “Moonlight” was still better than any time they heard before, thus allowing them to appreciate the most wondrous side of the music. How could they not be fascinated?

The cold moon grew brighter, and a white piano appeared in the darkness behind the “curtain”. Next to the piano, a woman whose long hair reached her waist was seated, with one side facing the audience. She was wearing a black evening dress, revealing half of her fair shoulders. Her face was delicate and peaceful.

The moonlight seemed to have donned her in a silver gauze. Her long and agile hands bounced and danced in the brightness, creating the most beautiful notes.

“How beautiful...”

“How touching...”

Banus and Ali were so enthralled by the performance that they could think of nothing else.

In such an atmosphere, even a mediocre face would have been 100% mind-blowing.

In the quietness, the first movement of Moonlight came to the end. The lady turned around, showing everybody her beautiful and tranquil face.

“Welcome to ‘Arcana Voice’. I’m your old friend, Nightingale.” A sweet and familiar voice came out of the lady’s mouth.

“Ms. Nightingale?” Banus stammered.

“It’s... It’s a real person?” Ali’s eyes were almost popping out. How did the curtain, no, the wall, just turn into a living person who could play “Moonlight”?

Everybody who witnessed the act in the square was similarly stunned, including the middle-rank sorcerer who floated in midair. He almost forgot that he was still in midair. Although he knew and got involved in the Congress’ “stream plan”, such an opening was still a major shock for him.

“As a matter of fact, I am as surprised as you that the image signal transmission through the artificial planets can achieve such a result. This should be the most ‘real-time stream’ in history. Friends who are listening to ‘Arcana Voice’ at home, if you feel that I’m talking strangely, go to the nearest square and check it out. In fact, I already announced it last night...” Louise’s sweet voice came over, solving the question of the “viewers”.

“A real-time stream?”

“We can see Ms. Nightingale in Allyn from Samara?”

“Magic is too... marvelous!”

“Incredible! Incredible!”

Noises burst out in the square. The excited audience began to talk to each other about how they felt, even if they did not know those standing next to them.

Louise smiled. “‘Valkyrie’ is about to begin in the Rentato Royal Grand Theater. I’ll stop wasting your time. Now, the sorcerers in the theater will take over.”

The moonlight dimmed, like spreading ripples that blurred everything. By the time it was clear again, Louise was already gone from the “curtain”, replaced by a splendidly-decorated theater that was full of gentlemen who wore tailcoats or long tuxedos and ladies in gorgeous dresses that dazzled the audience in the square.

“The Rentato Royal Grand Theater!” said Ali in amazement.

Banus was both happy and sad. “But I still want to watch Ms. Nightingale play the piano...”


Inside the teletorium of the Sky Radio Station in Allyn...

Seeing that the signal had been switched to the Royal Grand Theater, Louise finally patted her chest, greatly relieved. “I was so anxious just now.”

“Louise, weren’t you a musician before? You’ve already held concerts. Why were you anxious about a solo performance in a teletorium that nobody watched?” Samantha, who was supervising the program nearby, said half in comfort and half in confusion.

Louise shook her head. “Nobody watched? There must’ve been more than a hundred thousand people who watched the live stream. I felt anxious when I thought I was performing before so many people. Also, in concerts, people mostly listen to music, and they can barely see the musician on the stage. Such a live stream is the opposite. Everybody can see my every movement clearly. If it weren’t for your encouragement, I would’ve tried to record it in advance as Mr. Evans suggested...”

“Understandable. Everybody will be nervous in their first ‘real-time stream’. Mr. Evans only proposed the idea. We planned and carried out the details on our own. However, well played, Louise.” Samantha nodded in approval.

Louise gradually relaxed. She complained, “Mr. Evans should’ve guided us more on such an important issue.”

If he could hear her, Lucien could only open his hands and suggest that he had zero experience in that. Holding a satellite stream before TV was invented was not a case that had ever happened on Earth. It could’ve only been achieved in a world of magic.

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