Chapter 688: Four Choices

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Hearing Lucien’s question, Aglaea thought for a moment and replied, “Legendary space-time materials are very rare. It’s true that our people collected some in the past, but they were all dedicated to the craft of legendary items and the defense of our territory. There’s nothing left. If you want similar materials, as far as I know, they can be found in four places. Firstly, the ‘Blue Key’, owned by the emperor of the Kuo-toans.”

The emperor of the Kuo-toans was the Lord of the Boundless Ocean and a top legend. All water was his domain. Therefore, Lucien merely nodded after hearing that without giving any comment.

Aglaea went on. “Other than that, ‘Danisos’, the primordial time dragon of the Dark Congress, is the best space-time material by himself. Other remains of the primordial time dragons in the tomb in the Swamp of Dragons, if there are any, should probably be usable, too. However, the population of dragons has always been small, and time dragons are the rarest of all. Since the elves began to record, there have been no more than five primordial time dragons. So, it will also be very difficult.”

Lucien frowned at the elvish queen’s introduction. It was not exactly what he had in mind.

Aglaea changed the topic. “The remaining two choices are easier than the first two. There’s a hidden level in the abyss that our ancestors named ‘Chaotic Cosmos’. At the center of the Chaotic Cosmos, ‘Time Plate’ will be naturally condensed. Once it is taken away, the whole plane will constrict, nowhere to be found again. It will not reappear until a long time later when the core is formed again.”

“The elves once obtained a ‘Time Plate’ and built an important part of our defense with it. If the demons in the Chaotic Cosmos haven’t become lords, the ‘Time Plate’ will certainly be there.”

The advancement of demons was different from sorcerers, knights, druids and other professions. On the surface, they made advancements by swallowing opponents of the same level, but in fact, they were simply trying to earn the feedback and reward of the abyss. Therefore, after uniting a certain level in the abyss, the demon would be given the power of the core of the level, which would improve its strength and turn it into a Demon Lord.

For the Chaotic Cosmos, if a demon had become a Demon Lord, it would mean that ‘Time Plate’ would have definitely been melted with it!

“‘Chaotic Cosmos’?” Lucien chewed on the name. The Congress of Magic had never recorded this level before, and nor did the Magic Empire!

Atlant was also a bit confused. It was obvious that he had never heard about ‘Chaotic Cosmos’ before.

The elvish queen smiled. “That’s because the Chaotic Cosmos can constrict and hide itself. Nobody knows about it except for our ancestors who discovered it by accident. If you are interested in it, Evans, I’ll tell you the way to locate it.”

“You have my gratitude.” Lucien immediately said.

After giving the intelligence to Lucien through secret messaging, Aglaea said, “The fourth place is the Silent Hell. Before the former Ice Duke went missing, he found a very unique Stellar Core from the Stars’ Grave. It is doubtless that this Stellar Core is still hidden somewhere in the Silent Hell. Perhaps, Tiphotidis hopes that he can be resurrected with it. The incumbent Ice Duke is still trying to find it.”

The Congress of Magic hadn’t told the elves that Tiphotidis had been killed by the joint attack of Rhine and Sard, because it was not too important a message.

“Resurrection...” Lucien clicked his tongue. Considering the style of the Master of Argent, he might’ve been really prepared for that. However, he was unlucky enough to encounter Rhine, who could summon the power of the Silver Moon, and Sard, who was capable of ‘Light of Judgment’. Nobody except the demigods could’ve been resurrected after their dual attacks.

The cunning and sophisticated devil had been haunted by bad luck ever since Maskelyne sealed his reflection in Aalto in the World of Souls. At first, his many plans were sabotaged by Lucien. Then, he became a victim of somebody else’s victim, and he didn’t figure out what was going on even to his death. His life was truly a tragedy.

Focusing his attention, Lucien rose and expressed his gratitude again, stating that he would make a wise choice. The primordial time dragons had never wronged him, and it was not his style to just kill them for their materials. The Lord of the Boundless Ocean was the same. It was obvious that the emperor would not be happy to give him the Blue Key the moment they met. Therefore, he had only two choices, ‘Chaotic Cosmos’ and ‘Silent Hell’.

He might encounter Maltimus in the Silent Hell, which was the demigod’s home field. Therefore, Lucien was more inclined to the Chaotic Cosmos. However, in any case, he had to make pertaining preparations first. A reckless adventure was not expected of sorcerers.

After the dinner, Lucien, Natasha and the rest of them left the elvish tree and flew out of the elves’ territory, ready to jump back to Allyn through the Atomic Universe.

“Master, I feel that the whole thing was weird. I believe that Mr. Ferragond was innocent, because Martha’s behavior before her self-detonation was too strange, but why was Mr. Lankshear the criminal? Why did the elvish queen show up in time and stop him? She claimed that you discovered clues and informed her at the critical moment?” After her investigation with the police department, the soul of a detective had been awakened in Heidi. She asked the question that Annick and Katrina both wanted to ask.

Lucien chuckled and looked at them. “Lankshear was truly the mastermind behind the curtain. As for the truth of the matter, does it have anything to do with us? As long as the elves can live with it, there’s no need for us to do anything redundant.”

“So, something was really wrong?” Heidi was quite excited, feeling that her deduction had been proven.

Lucien, however, didn’t offer any response but simply smiled.

That was the intelligence that only the Highest Council could know.


In Lance, the Holy City.

Benedict III’s body changed nonstop. It spread out and then constricted, as if he were testing something.

Suddenly, his changes stopped, and his eyes somewhat squinted. He raised his platinum staff and performed divination.

“Gonheim, the Demogorgon of Darkness, has killed and swallowed the former Prince of Demons?” The demise of a top legend was an important thing, and Gonheim did not try to hide it. Therefore, Benedict III got a clear and accurate result. As for the transformation of the elvish queen, he got vague hints about it, too.

Benedict III put down his staff and paced back and forth, while he thought to himself, “Who told the way to become demigods to them?”

He suspected that a legend who obtained the way to become demigods from him intentionally leaked it to the Demogorgon of Darkness and the elvish queen. He intended to find out who it was and confirm his real purpose, although he would’ve spread the way to become demigods to the Stroop forest himself according to the original plan.

After considering for a moment, a red robe came in with the intelligence on the changes of the abyss. The Church always had experts who monitored the situation in the abyss and hell.

“Your Holiness, the Demogorgon of Darkness successfully ambushed the heavily wounded ‘Prince of Demons’ in the Abyssal Stomach and assimilated ‘Ocean of Acids’ into ‘Frozen Fortress’. He is now the new Prince of Demons!”

Such a phase change caused the shock of the abyss. It was impossible to cover the traces. Therefore, similar reports quickly spread out in all forces and organizations.


Inside the Kingdom of Holm, in the forest next to a railway.

A kobold, who had dragon scales on his body, cockily looked at the other kobolds in ragged clothes around him and asked, “A convoy that is fully loaded with treasures will pass by later?”

“Yes, boss.” A weaselly kobold replied obsequiously. That was the new leader of their tribe, who had come from the northland. Because he was very strong and could release the might of dragons, he killed their previous leader and ate him up easily.

Holding a stick that was fully embedded with nails, the kobold leader announced, “The blood power of dragons has been awakened in my body. I’m to become the great king of kobolds. You will serve me respectfully. That’s your honor!”

Kobolds were a sub-dragon species with vague blood power of dragons.

“Of course, boss.” The weaselly kobold, as well as his peers, kneeled on the ground.

Wu! Wu! Wu! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of sirens and the wheels crashing the railway came from far away.

The kobold leader sniffed. “There’s no smell of any powerful sorcerers. Very good. You didn’t lie to me. After we loot the treasures, we will get a lot of weapons, armor and food.”

“Boss, you can stand before the iron monster and intimidate it with your dragon might. Then, we will attack it together, like how we rob other business teams.” The weaselly kobold said, his eyes rolling.

The kobold leader was very confident in his dragon might. “That’s not a problem. Even if the iron monster is not scared, whoever controls it will be. Dragons are the greatest species and above all the other creatures!”

He was very confident in his agility, too.

Clang, clang. The magic steam train approached, and the kobold leader jumped in the middle of the railway. Waving his nailed stick, he roared, “STOP!”

Horrifying pressure spread out, and all the little animals around were frozen in fear.

The kobold leader was about to smile in satisfaction, when he discovered that the iron monster did not decelerate at all but came at him straightforwardly at such a high speed that he didn’t even have a chance to jump away.


After a huge noise, the magic steam train went forward like before.

After the train was away, the weaselly kobold who was hiding nearby finally craned his head and looked at the railway, where there was nothing but a pulp of broken meat left.

“You wanted to enslave us?” The weaselly kobold spat at the remains.

“How hilarious! A bumpkin that didn’t know anything wanted to enslave us!” The other kobolds all exclaimed in joy. That was the lesson that their tribe had learnt after wasting many lives. The Iron monster cannot be robbed!

They packed their things and went another way. Suddenly, they found a small business team. They waved their arms and charged forward.

The weaselly kobold was glad that they were finally earning something today, when an iron-box like monster drove from behind the business team. It rushed at the kobolds without slowing down at all.


The kobolds were blown away or crushed over one after another.

The weaselly kobold tried to look for the railway on the ground, but he didn’t find anything. He shook his head in fear. “Human beings are truly terrifying...”

Inside the magic steam train, an elvish girl looked out of the window in confusion. “Your Highness, what was the noise about?”

Iristine smiled. “That was an outdated kobold. Leave him alone.”

“Your Highness, have you really decided to go to a generic school instead of a magic school?” The elvish girl moved her eyes back and continued their topic just now.

Iristine nodded her head. “I’m a druid. I’m learning arcana just to expand my knowledge. It will be the same in either the magic school or the generic school. I can’t follow the curriculum in the Holt Magic College at all. Also, I can observe the changes brought by arcana in generic schools. Rest assured. I’ll often visit Allyn and meet Heidi and the rest of them.”

The students in the First Generic School of Rentato, however, grew excited, because they heard that they would have an elvish princess classmate when the new semester began!


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