Chapter 683: Entrance

On the Scarlet Plain...

The double-headed, whose body was as long and narrow as a lizard, stood inside the array of rocks, absolutely still. Its dark red scales reflected eccentric brilliance under the sunlight. From the gaps of the scales, sprouts were growing as if seeds had been planted into its flesh, donning the demon with a green ‘uniform’.

The gloating and cunning smile, mixed with some shock, was frozen on the goat head of the Sovereign of Blood, whereas the dog head was simply overwhelmed. They could not understand why they were caught so easily when they equaled to level-three legends in their ‘legendary demiplane’. Even if they could not defeat the enemy, why couldn’t they run away? This was their own ‘home field’!

‘Advanced Time Stop’ was the most powerful spell in space-time magic. Nobody except for the magic creatures such as the God of Silver Moon could even understand it without a deep understanding about time and space. They couldn’t perform it even though they had the spell and the gesture needed!

However, Lucien was able to perform it. His unique legendary item could release ‘Advanced Time Stop’! Wasn’t his class ‘Atom Controller’? Did it have anything to do with time and space?

The inert brains of the Sovereign of Blood felt that they forgot something, but it was too chaotic to have any understanding about arcana, much less the details of the general theory of relativity. As a matter of fact, the human-faced goat head, who pursued progress, intended to learn the basic concepts of arcana, but the dog head got agitated whenever it picked up a book to read. Then, the two heads would carry out their long tradition of mutual biting again.

As for ‘Luxury Cracking’, neither the demon nor Malfurion was too surprised. If Lucien Evans wasn’t capable of that, he wouldn’t have deserved to be called an authority in the field of elements and force field. It was only natural that he became the second legend in the Congress who grasped the spell after Hathaway.

About the penetrative attack of ‘Vengeful Gaze’ which ignored the defense of scales, Malfurion didn’t quite catch it and thought that ‘Luxury Cracking’ had deprived the demon of its defense. However, the two heads of the Sovereign of Blood were confused. That was their natural defense. ‘Luxury Cracking’ could have only sabotaged part of it but couldn’t have nullified it, but why did they feel that they were standing there nakedly?

It was beyond their understanding with their ‘knowledge’ of arcana.

“We have truly failed... How can he possess so many powerful spells...”

“Not only have we failed, but we have also been caught. Should we consider the plan accomplished in excess...?”

Different ideas occurred to the two demon heads. Flesh wriggled crazily on their chest where ‘Vengeful Gaze’ pierced through, but it could not be recovered. The dark red blood dripped on the ground, corroding the stone plate and the mud.

“Are there more items on the Sovereign of Blood?” Malfurion approached the Sovereign of Blood, only to discover that its waist was enshrouded in a black mist. Did any item survive ‘Luxury Cracking’? A legendary item?

He believed that a schizophrenia patient like the Sovereign of Blood was incapable of crafting a legendary item on its own. The best it could’ve done was to transform its body parts into weapons, like how it broke the bloody tail and turned it into two red blades.

So, was it a trophy after the demon killed adventurers or other enemies?

“Be careful.” Lucien reminded him. “I sense that it is evil and negative.”

Natasha stood on alert with the Sword of Truth in her hands. She did not question Lucien for launching a full-strength attack, albeit more or less regretful that the Sovereign of Blood did not put up any resistance or give her a chance to fight.

Malfurion raised his head, and a twig grew out of the flesh of the Sovereign of Blood, lifting the item.

“This is...” Malfurion couldn’t have looked more awful.

The item was a lifelike dark figurine. There was no telling what it was made of, but it was radiating blackness.

The face of the figurine was very clear. It was exactly Ferragond, Nature’s Avenger!

The figurine of Ferragond had a twisted and hideous face that was full of hate, rejection and fury. From the void around it, vague black air was popping up and melting into its body. The black air seemed to be the infinite feelings of hate at the bottom of every intelligent creature!

“An attempt to transform into the status of primeval devils with the power of emotions.” Lucien interpreted the situation calmly.

Malfurion said in disappointment and fury. “It was Ferragond! Nature’s Abhorrence is too outrageous!”

“Not necessarily so. Why is the Sovereign of Blood holding the special item with which Ferragond gathers the power of feelings?” Lucien looked at the stunned Sovereign of Blood.

“Perhaps, it is a term of their cooperation. Perhaps, the special item has to be placed near the altar.” Malfurion speculated.

Lucien smiled. “I don’t think any legend who is not deranged would cooperate with this double-headed demon which may burst into conflict with itself any moment. Since we have caught it, we can invade its brain and check later.”

Lucien paused after that. “However, until then, this figurine must not be left. It is a critical item for the status transformation whether or not Ferragond is the culprit. The sooner we destroy it, the sooner we will be relieved.”

In case Malfurion played tricks after he was attracted by the value of the statue, Lucien, who was not interested in the figurine at all, decided to eliminate the disaster as soon as possible.

“Okay.” Malfurion was too obsessed with the traitor among elves to covet the item for now.

Natasha raised the Sword of Truth and gazed at the figurine of Ferragond that Malfurion tossed over, whereas Lucien held the Moon Timer tightly although he seemed casual, prepared that Malfurion might attack suddenly.

At this moment, the effect of paralysis was already gone. The human-faced goat head of the Sovereign of Blood looked at the statue in anger and frustration. According to the plan, he would throw the figurine to the center of the altar and pretend that he was destroying the evidence when he faked his defeat. Then, the figure couldn’t be destroyed normally after it entangled the air of Nature’s Heart, and Malfurion could only separate it with his nature power. In such a way, the ritual would be activated, and his mission would be accomplished.

But why did he fail for real?

He still couldn’t figure it out!

Malfurion moved his eyes to the altar while Natasha destroyed the figurine with the Sword of Truth. He discovered that mysterious patterns extended out of the altar and entered deep into the earth and the void on the Scarlet Plain, constituting an enormous and cubic magic circle.

“This is very similar to the status transformation circle in the Realm of Gates...” Lucien thought to himself.

As expected, a green, exuberant air mass was placed at the center of the altar. The vitality it emitted had yielded green seedlings inside the altar.

Black spots could be found in the air mass. It had obviously been partly infiltrated by the negative and chaotic air of abyss.

Natasha’s body suddenly blurred and melted with the silver sword, before she slashed at the dark figurine in midair.

To prevent the congregation of negative feelings, the most convenient and effective approach was definitely ‘Sword of Truth’!

Malfurion threw out a few wood statues and turned them into dark green monsters, which rushed to the center of the altar, trying to take out the air of Nature’s Heart.

The sky was suddenly darkened, and a baboon-like head surfaced from the darkness, with its eyes closed and its face full of scales.

In the meantime, a gigantic hand descended from the sky and snatched the figurine, ignoring Natasha’s sword!

The mud on the plain that was saturated with blood collapsed, as if it could not handle the pressure. Chaotic, evil songs echoed from the void. They seemed to be hymns of darkness and profanity that were paying tributes to the leader of demons!

From the darkness around, dark tentacles moved close densely. Whatever they touched withered and decayed into mud.

The Moon Timer was still ticking in Lucien’s right hand. Wary of the situation, he moved his thumb.

After a crack, the black tentacles stopped where they were, their colors fading away. The collapsing plain kept their current status. The decaying stones and wood monsters showed a certain art of destruction in their own way.

The dark hymns were gone, and the gigantic, scaled palm was frozen in midair.

In the effect of ‘Advanced Time Stop’, the baboon head in the sky suddenly opened its eyes!

In its eyes, green, red and gold colors changed rapidly, giving the feeling of havoc and wickedness.

Crack. The monochrome was gone, and all colors returned. Everything was restored to what it used to be before the Moon Timer was pressed!

It had broken ‘Advanced Time Stop’!

“Prince of demons...” Malfurion and Lucien had both recognized the demon’s identity!


“Damn it. I knew that the Sovereign of Blood was unreliable! What did it do wrong this time?” After his smile froze, Lankshear cursed.

Ferragond was rather frustrated. He had only banished part of the projection of devils, and he was immobile due to the heavy wounds. Such a great opportunity to escape had been wasted!

Lankshear didn’t dare be careless after the accident. He trapped Ferragond before he paced back and forth anxiously, waiting for the altar on the Scarlet Plain to be activated.

Suddenly, dark greenness surfaced in the void, and the green lines enshrouded by the negative air spread out, constructing an extremely complicated magic circle with Ferragond as the center.

Taking a breath in relief, Lankshear smiled in delight. “Finally!”

Ferragond’s body was blurred. Ugly faces appeared below the green, flourishing light on the surface.

Lankshear took out various items from his magic pouch, finishing the last procedure of the ritual. He did not intend to become a demigod immediately but hoped to reach the peak of legendary. He was certainly not reckless enough to resort to a method that had yet to be confirmed.

Green, dark and dirty lines were illuminated one after another, forming another mysterious and complicated circle with himself as the center.

“Lankshear, curse you!” Shouted Ferragond miserably.

Lankshear smiled. “Very good. Keep that status.”

He extended his right hand and pressed the center of the magic circle, connecting the two magic circles. Light and shadow interwoven with flowing energy.

Suddenly, the air around glowed in greenness, and the magic patterns around Ferragond’s body were removed and melted into the magic circle around Lankshear!

Halos glittered, trapping Lankshear at the center of the magic circle.

“What’s going on?” Lankshear was completely confused, not understanding what the changes were about.

Ferragond was also overwhelmed by the new change, equally puzzled why he had been saved!

The magic circle suddenly radiated, and the energy seemed to be spreading far away. The green colors soon became transparent, displaying the situation on the other heart.

That was a green, beating heart, in which a gorgeous lady in a dress of leaves was standing. Her blond hair was shining, and her skin was also covered in shallow greenness. She had profound, deep eyes and a hallowed face.

“Your Majesty!”

“Your Majesty!”

Lankshear and Ferragond shouted in astonishment.

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