Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 621 - The Familiar Face

Chapter 621

: The Familiar Face

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The vertical bar shorter, and the horizontal longer...

The great prophet...

The red eyes full of sarcasm...

The familiar dressing from the North Church...

All the details and memories flashed through Lucien’s brain quickly but clearly. He grabbed tight his shield and sword and said in a low, furious voice, “Geno? The Lord of Hell?”

No wonder this mysterious denomination hiding in the North Church could also cast divine spells!

No wonder they could deceive a great number of priests into becoming their followers!

No wonder the Lord of Hell knew so much about the Saint Truth!

“Geno? He died a few hundred years ago. Why do you still want to mention his name? Geno was just a tool, a tool for stealing divine power,” the young man in a white robe sneered at Lucien, “only those who know nothing about godhood think highly of godhood. The so-called Saint Ivan, Saint Aleksey... They were all stupid idiots, as they all forgot the most important thing. By the way, you sorcerers are also the same.”

The last comment was profoundly meaningful.

Lucien’s heart had sunken deep after confirming who the white-robed man was. It was very unlikely that Klaus had survived as he had used two substitute puppets in the previous fights and the power of Light of Judgment was just way too immense, not to mention the fact that it was cast by a clone of the man whose power was of demigod level!

That was why neither of them noticed the man’s existence earlier!

Lucien had to face him again, but this time he had no help from the God of Silver Moon. What should he do?

The Lord of Hell did not waste his time. He took a step forward and pointed at Lucien using his right hand, “Light of Judgment!”

You evil sorcerer covered in blood and filth, it is time to accept the ultimate sentence!

The look on the young man’s face was solemn and serious. Surrounded by the divine aura, a light beam in the air of ultimate justice dropped on Lucien directly!

At this moment, in this world, no one else resembled the God of Truth more than this evil existence!

The holy light hit the small but exquisite shield and sparked countless fine light spots. The invisible waves around Lucien dangerously trembled, and his feet had sunk into the ground.

When the light scattered, the Lord of Hell commented, “The Shield of Truth is indeed impressive.”

Lucien also felt a bit relieved. The projection, or clone, was not as powerful as the true Lord of Hell. Therefore, he would not be killed within a second.

“The last time you worked with the silver moon and threw at me a big ‘surprise’,” said the Lord of Hell casually, as if he was talking to a random, ordinary person, instead of a legendary sorcerer with abundant powerful magic items, “so I’ve been waiting, waiting for the chance to give the same ‘surprise’ back to you.”

Lucien did not say anything but suddenly wielded the sword in his hands. The blade of the sword burst out bright silver light and the light formed the sharp wind directly hacking at the Lord of Hell.

If necessary, Lucien would rather explode himself to avoid what happened to Klaus!

Klaus only made one mistake, and Lucien could totally understand. Facing the secret of soul and the truth of the world, Klaus had totally forgotten the great danger he was in because of the most sincere passion in his mind as an arcanist. He was an arcanist, and also a real human being, driven forward by this passion to dig further and deeper into the truth.

If it had been Lucien, he would probably have done the same thing.

The silver sword light cut open the power swirls surrounding the Lord of Hell and cut him!

The projection suddenly turned into bubbles and foam. A second later, a few steps away from where he was earlier, Geno appeared again. The small range of space he was in slightly distorted.

Lucien’s eyes opened big from the great shock he felt. That was not a divine power, not teleportation. It was just incredible speed!

Before the sword light located him, Geno had moved to the other side. What remained there was just the shadow he left.

That was the speed that the theory of relativity was based on!

However, the speed of sword light was determined by the one who wielded the sword. It was not real sunlight.

“Is that all, my little friend? Geno’s divine power is not compatible with my demigod power. It’s dragging me making me slow. But you still can’t get me?” The Lord of Hell, Maltimus, was still using the eternal sarcastic tone, and then he lifted his right hand,

“Purging Spear!”

A dazzling piece of spear tip formed in the air and then shot at Lucien at great speed. Its divine power had driven away all the death air left by the mummy and the filthy colors. The space was now as pure as a Paradise on Earth, and there was even hymns sounding in the air.


The tip of the spear hit the Shield of Truth and the sound of metal colliding sounded crisp but strange. Lucien’s left hand started shaking out of control, and the invisible waves protecting him somehow started moving much slower. It felt that there were two separate spaces, but one was much colder and slower than the other. And the two spaces were blending into each other!

The Lord of Hell’s power was much more formidable than that of the primordial mummy. The Shield of Truth might be able to last for a while, but Lucien would probably collapse within a minute!

Lucien, however, would not give up. He tried for a second time and the sword light fiercely hacked at the Lord of Hell who seemed totally unprepared.

Again, like wandering in his own garden, the Lord of Hell simply walked away from the attack effortlessly.

Lucien tried again and again, but nothing changed. However, taking the series of legendary divine spells cast by the Lord of Hell using the Shield of Truth had numbed Lucien’s hand. He had reached his limit.

At this time, the deafening roars arrived again from the main hall behind. The five legendary undead creatures, leading the huge waves of spectres, were almost here. And behind them, there were more legendary spectres coming!

Lucien’s brain worked fast. His route of retreat had been blocked by the spectre waves, and if he wanted to move forward, he had to bypass the Lord of Hell, which was very unlikely to happen.

It was a pity that Lucien had to move slower carrying the Shield of Truth, or he would have been able to directly go through the spectre wave under the protection of this extraordinary shield.

Similar to God of Truth, to make the best use of the Shield of Truth, Lucien had to stand still. If he was going to carry the shield around, Lucien had zero confidence that he could break through the countless barriers.

While using the shield to take down the series of divine spells, Lucien kept extending his spiritual power to search around. Suddenly, he saw the furnace. The many soul faces were looking at him from above. The horrifying faces made the hair on the back of Lucien’s neck bristle.

An idea occurred to Lucien after he got rid of the very unfavorable feeling.

According to Adol’s memory and Viken’s notes, only few legendary undead creatures dared to go through the furnace. If Lucien could run into the furnace, he could temporarily get rid of the threat of the undead scourge. Lucien had to gamble that the Lord of Hell would not follow him deep in the furnace, as the Lord of Hell still needed Geno’s body for the bigger plan – Lucien was certain that Maltimus had a bigger plan with Geno’s body. Losing Geno’s body to kill Lucien by no amount seemed like a good deal to the Lord of Hell, and demons were good at their business.

Then as long as Lucien stayed close to Furnace of Souls, instead of exploring further, Lucien would not run into the great danger that Maskelyne once encountered. After God’s Grace expired, Douglas and Fernando would come to look for Lucien, or at least they would lead the waves of spectres away, so that Lucien could get out...

The Prophet also said that, when facing great dangers, he should keep moving forward instead of retreating...

The waves of spectres had gushed in through the big hole in the wall left by the primordial mummy earlier. Among them there were skeleton dragons, liches, spectres, and two more primordial mummies, whose red eyes were extremely vicious and cold.

No wonder Maskelyne mentioned that primordial mummies were common, “lovely” residents here, Lucien thought to himself.

There was no more time for hesitation. Lucien had made up his mind. Putting aside the Sword of Truth in his right hand, Lucien grabbed Moon Timer.

Lucien’s finger stroked the surface of the pocket watch and the time flow in the space was disturbed. The bone arrows and the powerful rays shooting at Lucien were now like kites without strings as they had totally lost their target.

The Lord of Hell was also affected. His movement had become distorted, like a puppet with broken joints.

Seizing the chance, Lucien put aside the Shield of Truth and removed the transformation spell. Then he was going to send himself into the furnace!

In the Temple of Spirits, because of the chaos of time and space, the distance for teleportation was rather limited.

At this time, the Lord of Hell grinned, as if he was watching a comedy. He said to Lucien without being affected by the disturbed time flow,

“Light of Judgment!”

He was just kidding.

The Lord of Hell had always been immune to time manipulation and advanced time stop!

“Elemental Protection” That was the single spell that Lucien could cast.

The flash of light hit Lucien. For a second, Lucien saw many angel figures in the light. His colorful elemental protection shield failed and cracked. And then Elemental Skin was automatically activated responding to the great power. Meanwhile, Magic Absorber started taking in the energy like crazy and Spell Sequencer instantly threw out a number of force field walls as the last lines of defense to protect Lucien.

Against the light of judgment, all of Lucien’s defense layers cracked. Suddenly, Lucien disappeared from where he was and then appeared again on the other side!

Thanks to the series of protection spells, Lucien luckily survived this strike!

In the waves of spectres, one of the undead centaurs shot out a dark-green arrow at Lucien through the many messy time-space currents.

The arrow instantly arrived right in front of Lucien!

“Undead Rampart!”

Congus Ring became dark and formed a death wall consisting of souls and bodies, and the wall disappeared together with the legendary arrow.

Fortunately, Lucien had many legendary items, or he would have been dead already!

The Lord of Hell was now ready for another round of casting. His light red eyes stared at Lucien coldly as if Lucien was just a joke.

Lucien had to try his best. His middle finger pressed down the button on the pocket watch on the left. The black hemisphere dropped on the Lord of Hell brought Lucien a precious second to run!

Lucien burst out,

“Space Staff!”

The shining staff appeared in Lucien’s left hand. Lucien lifted the staff and then the time and space within a certain range slowed down further. The movement of the horrifying number of undead paused, and the time shackles within this space had also been broken.

Space waves stirred, Lucien had sent himself directly into the furnace. Without any hesitation, Lucien had gone through the veils. He had no time to investigate the furnace itself!

At this moment, Lucien felt something strange. It felt that there was someone watching him from above coldly.

Lucien turned around, and in front of his eyes there was a face.

In the air, the half-transparent face looked very familiar to him. Black hair, black eyes, and there was also this familiar gentle smile...

Lucien felt that he was looking in a mirror.

A horrifying mirror!

Lucien Evans?

The soul face was Lucien Evans himself!

As if the face sensed Lucien’s gaze, the soul face changed slightly, but the new face was still familiar to Lucien!

It was Xiafeng’s face. Lucien Evans’s previous life!

The two faces blended into each other in harmony.

Lucien felt the extreme coldness in his brain. He was out of breath.

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