Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 590 - A Common Noble’s Hope

Chapter 590: A Common Noble’s Hope

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Pu. The boy Holk was drinking the iced Sky Blue, but he spewed it out with a total lack of manners after hearing Lucien’s reply. Viscount Trenna and the other nobles, on the other hand, became solemn and eyed Lucien suspiciously, communicating with each other in silence.

Kalie smiled subconsciously and was about to say ‘what a coincidence that you are also a Lucien Evans’, when something flashed in her head. Her mouth opened, and she was unable to say anything.

Although she had never seen Mr. Lucien Evans or his portrait, the nobles who were inclined to the Congress of Magic had already spread the look of the grand arcanist to all their fellows: black hair, black eyes, medium height, handsome face, and flawless demeanor.

Since there were plenty of young men who fit such a description, Kalie did not notice anything wrong at all when she just met Lucien, but after he introduced himself, the description seemed to be matching the real person perfectly. The same black hair, the same black eyes, and the same gentleness!

Crossing her hands, Kalie asked with a shivering voice, “Is Your Excellency Elemental Order?”

Lucien’s legendary class ‘Atom Controller’ was unknown yet. Therefore, Kalie only asked him with his alias ‘Elemental Order’, like Douglas and his ‘Emperor of Arcana’.

“I don’t think anybody would impersonate me.” Replied Lucien with a smile.

“Really?” Having no time to wipe his lips, Holk looked at Lucien with such glittering eyes that Lucien was reminded of Alferris, the little crystal dragon.

Lucien nodded with a smile but did not offer any proof. He would not cover his identity on purpose, nor would he prove his identity with some sort of magic if he was suspected. After all, he would not be affected at all whether or not those people believed him.

Kalie was still suspicious, but her father already said with a brilliant smile, “Your Excellency, you are the truth of elements, and you master the staff of space and time. Praise the changes you bring to our life. We lived like barbarians and did not know what civilization was until now.”

Is it really His Excellency Elemental Order? Kalie asked her father with her eyes. As she recalled, her father never met Evans before, either, or he would’ve recognized him just now.

Trenna nodded at his daughter in secret. They knew much more than Holk and Kalie. They knew that His Excellency Elemental Order was from a slum in Aalto, and that the Wesley family was also from a slum in Aalto...

After all the details were connected, they naturally confirmed Lucien’s identity. Also, he saw the two rings on Lucien’s right hand. They were exactly the renowned ‘Holm Crown’.

“I only bolstered the progress. As a matter of fact, such a social change is inevitable as arcana develops.” Lucien added in his heart, [particularly when the Congress needs the support of the nobles and the general public to resist the Church.]

Holk grew excited after the adults confirmed the stranger’s identity. He scratched his head but did not know what to say. In the end, pushed by Kalie, he finally rushed to the desk and picked up a pen and a piece of paper. “Your Excellency, can you give me an autograph? It will encourage me to study magic!”

In recent decades, because of the popular operas, people of Holm were more and more enthusiastic about excellent singers and actors. The trend to give flowers and ask for autographs had already started.

Amused, Lucien took the paper and wrote something on it.

While writing, Lucien secretly complained about the limitation of the age. If he had invented magic cameras or even included the function in the mobile communication item, Holk wouldn’t have just asked for an autograph but said, “Your Excellency, can I have a selfie with you?”

Not expecting that his idol was willing to give him an autograph, Holk was exalted. He thanked Lucien non stop when Lucien gave the paper back to him. Kalie also looked at the paper curiously.

On the paper were two curly words: “Good good study, day day up, to Holk.”

“From: Lucien Evans.”

Huh? Holk and Kalie were both dazed, feeling that the sentence was rather grammatically weird. But the boy was too overjoyed to care about it and simply folded the paper, putting it in his pocket.

Viscount Trenna was also excited, but he retained a casual smile on the surface. “Holk has been asking to study magic since years ago, but we dare not cross the line when the radical believers were still here. Now, we can finally send him to Allyn for studies. Your Excellency Evans, could you tell us which magic school he should go to?”

Most importantly of all, becoming a sorcerer meant losing the right of inheritance back then.

“Really?” Holk was even more excited. He looked at his uncle and his father and became hysterical after receiving an affirmative reply.

Lucien said simply, “It depends on the fields Holk is interested in.”

“Elements! Alchemy!” Declared Holk resolutely.

“In that case, Douglas Magic School and Alborg Magic School are both okay.” Lucien knew them rather well from his teaching experience.

Kalie summoned her courage and asked, “Your Excellency Evans, is... is it too late for me to learn magic now? I’m already an adult... If I want to learn medical magic, which school should I go to?”

“It’s never too late to learn as long as you have determination and the basic talents, but medical magic requires company with cadavers. You need to think carefully. Allyn Magic School is best in that regard.” Lucien said honestly. Then he asked, “I heard you talking about alchemical items just now. You seem to be fans. I wonder, what other products do you need? Feel free to talk. I’m just seeking inspiration.”

“I want to fly! I want an alchemical item that enables ordinary people to fly!” Holk always envied sorcerers and radiant knights who could fly.

Well, planes, or Doraemon’s bamboo-copters 1? Lucien smiled at other people.

Kalie had been braced to deal with bodies and therefore was not terrified. However, fearing that it was too much for her mother, she focused on the subject of alchemical items, too. “I hope that magic records can be popularized so that we can enjoy music in our own house.”

Trenna smiled. “What I want most is naturally the popularization of the alchemical drugs that can prolong longevity, but...”

He didn’t think that it could be easily simplified.

“Magic steam trains are not popularized enough. Other transportation devices are needed, too. We nobles can use wagons, but it’s too burdensome for ordinary people.” Baron Stevens said.

As they talked, rapid footsteps echoed. Alisa appeared at the door and said with reddened eyes. “Evans, John is back!”

When she called, the guards said that John had returned, so she waited at the gate after informing Joel. Thankfully, John returned to his home after only several minutes.

John appeared behind Alisa. He looked rather tall and strong in the silver armor. Seeing Lucien, he stepped forward in excitement and raised his right fist, as if he were going to punch Lucien’s shoulder like how they greeted each other in the past, but he stopped rigidly halfway. The change of identities and the years of separation made him rather overcautious.

Lucien walked to him with a smile. He also raised his right hand and punched John’s right shoulder: “It’s been a while.”

John sincerely smiled and did the same to Lucien’s shoulder with his right fist: “It’s good to have you back.”

He did not say anything else. One simple sentence had melted the alienation between them after years away from each other.


The ball had officially begun. Alisa went out to greet the guests, and Lucien, Joel and John stayed in the guest room to catch up.

“Evans, was it your recommendation that got me into the Musicians’ Association?” Joel asked, half drunk. His gold hair had turned grey.

John smiled at his joyful father. “Dad, the ball only just began, and you have already had a bottle of golden rum. That can’t do.”

“I... I am happy that Little Evans is back!” Joel spoke with a thickened tongue.

Lucien chuckled. “Uncle Joel, I think this is only an excuse for you drunk. Aunt Alisa must’ve been strict on you.”

“Little Evans, you didn’t understand my question.” Joel tried to deviate.

Lucien shook his head. “Natasha felt that you were good enough to teach the musicians of Rentato a ‘lesson’.”

“Her Majesty has keen eyes.” Joel was proud of his progress in music.

“Where is Elvin?” Lucien suddenly remembered Elvin.

Joel smiled. “Elvin didn’t want to join the ball and went to the manor out of the city with a few friends. He can’t activate his blood power, but he’s very interested in alchemical items recently. Can he still learn magic?”

“Send Elvin to Douglas Magic School and have a try. I’ll talk to them.” Then, Lucien added, “I don’t have much time to teach right now. My teaching style is not suitable for him.”

“I know. That’s why we only want send Elvin to a magic school.” John said.

Joel looked at John. “Care about yourself before you care about Elvin. You are one year older than Evans. Go to the ball now. I’ll accompany Evans.”

John, despite his usual calmness, blushed and did not know how to react.

Seeing that, Lucien tried to resolve the awkward atmosphere by giving a key to Joel. “Uncle Joel, this is the key to my villa in Allyn. You can spend your vacation there... This is the address of my magic tower...”

Joel nodded and did not ask.

Urged by Alisa, John finally stood up and said, “Lucien, talk to you after the ball.”

“Go now. I’m almost married, and you don’t even have many female friends.” Lucien nodded at the door with a smile.

Briefly stunned, Joel said with a smile, “I hope that Her Majesty and you are happy together.”

John followed with mixed feelings. “The memories of childhood seemed to have happened only yesterday, but everybody has grown up and has their own families in the blink of an eye. Time gives everyone a different future...”

Yes. Some of the memories in Aalto were clear, as if they just happened, but some were blurry, as if they were from last life. How treacherous time is!


Year 825 came with freeing winds.

With Arcana, Magic and other journals in his hands, Annick walked into his house in deep thought. “There are more and more modifications on the energy level, orbits and quantization of electrons in new alchemy, but they seem more and more aberrant and are even in violation of the original thought.”

“Should we look for a different approach? Have you forgotten anything? Sprint, in the hall, also frowned.

Recently, including the grand arcanists and the senior-rank sorcerers who raised doubts, everybody had been modifying the model in the new alchemy. However, as more and more problems were discovered, they all had a feeling that the new alchemy had walked to a dead end, and that certain things had to be abandoned in order to find a way out.

Annick closed the gate and looked at Lucien’s magic tower. “Master seems to have noticed the problem, too. He hasn’t published a single paper in the past two months.”

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