Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 577 - A Sudden Thought

Chapter 577: A Sudden Thought

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After he obtained the Robe of Grand Arcanists, the robe of ‘Immortal Throne’ was naturally abandoned by Life Hiding. The reward from the Hand of Paleness was never as practical as it appeared, and even less so after he had the ritual of ‘Life Hiding’. As for the seventh-circle magic, ‘Weakening Ray’, that Lucien was interested in, he could totally construct it inside his own soul.

Not holding back at all, and since he had his waistcoat and shirt inside, Lucien put on the magic robe after leaving a signature on the pivot of the Robe of Grand Arcanists for his own safety.

The moment he put on the legendary item, Lucien felt that it absorbed his spiritual power crazily like a gigantic swirl. If his cognitive world had not half-solidified, his head might have really exploded because of the quake of spiritual power.

After a long time, when Lucien’s spiritual power almost ran dry, the absorption finally slowed down, and the dark magic robe shimmered. Then, as Lucien’s wished, it turned into a double-breasted suit, and then the doubled recovery of spiritual power began.

Hellen did not say anything, as if she were dwelling in her own world. Just like Fernando said, she was not nonchalant but rather talkative. However, things other than arcana and magic studies could barely raise her interest, which made her look like an icy goddess.

“You have changed?” She was suddenly back to herself. “Evans, what mathematical knowledge do I need to grasp in order to understand your general theory of relativity? Can you give me a list of books?”

“Not a problem at all, but I don’t know what books you have already grasped, Your Excellency Hellen.” Sensing the flourishing recovery of his spiritual power, Lucien felt that his head was clearer than ever.

Hellen shook her head and smiled, “You are now a grand arcanist, too. There’s no need to address me as Excellency. You can assume that I know nothing at all when you write the book list. That way, I will know your mathematical foundation and can make up for what I missed.”

“Alright, Hellen.” Lucien did not insist on calling her Excellency. Otherwise, how would the legendary sorcerers that were not grand arcanists feel? However, his teacher was his teacher, Mr. President was Mr. President, and Granny Hathaway was always Granny Hathaway. Those were personal relationships and he did not need to consider for anybody else.

Hellen closed the door and led Lucien out of the place. “You will rest in Fernando’s library in the coming days until Mr. President gets out of his demiplane and reviews your paper with the Prophet and the rest of them.”

She had an even higher demand than the Lord of Storm did, not even allowing Lucien to return to his own magic tower or the Atom Institution in case somebody took advantage of the weakness. The accident tonight could be ascribed to her untimely treatment due to her emotional turmoil, so she was even more prudent about Lucien’s safety.

Lazar had no objection. “Then, I’ll tell the butler and Lazar.”

Hellen nodded and walked to the front, indicating that she would not eavesdrop on Lucien’s call.

Leo did not know much about magic, and what happened tonight was a major shock for him. He asked Pinocchio to activate the defense of the magic tower while he tried to reach out to Lucien.

After ensuring that Lazar was fine and everything in Allyn was normal, Leo was finally reassured, and then Lucien contacted Lazar.

“Lucien? Oh, I should call you Your Excellency Evans!” Lazar said excitedly, “Your explanation about the nature of gravity is so cool. How did you connect it with space-time?”

Obviously, he didn’t quite understand the first part.

Lucien said jokingly, “A good sir named Albert told me in my dreams.”

“Haha, you are humorous.” Lazar laughed. “You told me that you wanted to include gravity in the special theory of relativity, but I didn’t do any research in that regard. How idiotic I was! If I had made any ancillary tools, my arcana level would be raised now.”

His arcana credits were almost level five. The benefits from the new alchemy and other breakthroughs in the elemental field were running out, too.

Lucien patted his suit and said, “I found it strange, too. I asked you to work on the special theory of relativity, but none of you did anything except for Annick and the students whom I supervised.”

Lazar tried to smile. “Time, space, energy, mass and transformation of frames of reference are too difficult to understand. However, the special theory of relativity is like a lovely kid compared to the dizzying general theory of relativity. I’ll keep working on it.”

“Just, your students almost went crazy in excitement. They almost blew up my monocle when they failed to reach out to you. You have completely conquered them.”

Lucien’s lips curled. “That’s not a good thing in arcana. ‘Master is dear to me, but dearer still is truth’. Lazar, I will help my teacher review papers in the following days and won’t go to the institution. You will be responsible for the daily operation.”

Lazar accepted it quickly and then said, “Allow me to forget our friendship for now and pay tribute to your great achievements that have surpassed the age. You have explored the future road of arcana and driven away the clouds that loomed in the sky of arcana. The general theory of relativity and the new alchemy are both the most splendid accomplishments in the history of magic. The former is particularly so.”

After the call with Lazar, Luciencontacted Natasha.

“...Your Excellency, you are the master of time and space, the controller of stars, and the doorkeeper of the truth of the microscopic world.” Natasha was delighted when she heard Lucien’s voice.

Although she did not understand the general theory of relativity, she had learnt its great significance from Hathaway, Lucien and Morris. Therefore, she made up a tribute as a joke.

Lucien smiled, “You were listening to ‘News of the World’, too?”

“I already listened to ‘Arcana Voice’ and ‘News of the World’ when I was in Aalto.” While magic radios hadn’t been promoted to the opposite side of the Storm Strait, she was certainly not short of such gadgets. It was a source for her to learn the news about Lucien. “As a matter of fact, I always feel that arcana studies are interesting. I can learn them for fun when I am free, although I am not talented in spiritual power.”

Natasha had the necessary knowledge, and she did feel that the arcana studies and experiments were enjoyable. So, she intended to give it a shot, although she did not expect to make anything out of it, and she did not plan to devote herself to it.

Lucien chuckled. “I can teach you as long as you can control the magic circles and the alchemy devices. Let’s see if you can become an experiment disaster creator.”

The two of them began to chatter aimlessly as they talked. It was not until Hellen looked at him from the end of the corridor that Lucien was back to himself. “Because of the accident, I may not be able to return to Rentato for the time being. Send my apology to the Grand Duke.”

“I know. Granny Hathaway told me everything briefly. You just stay in Allyn and don’t go out recklessly. I will sort out the relationship of the parliament, the cabinet and the nobles in the meantime. Then, I will go to Allyn and visit your institution and magic tower!” Said Natasha. Then she added in secret, you don’t know that I’m already a level-nine gold knight yet, and that will be a huge ‘surprise’.

Lucien chuckled. “My students have always wanted to meet the queen. Alright, I’m going to hang up.”

“Okay.” Natasha replied with her biyin, before she said in a low voice, “My grand arcanist.”

After ending the call, Lucien suddenly remembered something. Natasha, Annick and other people must’ve contacted him many times, but he had neglected the scorch for various reasons. As it turned out, he had no idea who had tried to reach out to him, which might make him miss a lot of things.

“Contact management and ‘Missed Calls’ are needed...” Lucien considered the modules to avoid the problem.

It was not difficult to devise a storage circle, but it would significantly increase the requirement and price for the alchemical communication item. Also, alchemical life was made of melted souls. It was better at intelligent management instead of calculation. Therefore, it was necessary to develop computers based on magic.

Although legendary sorcerers were as capable as the computers at the beginning phase, Lucien was very certain that they could compare to the first generation of Galaxy-level computer even if they were combined. He could not abandon the development of computers just because they were not very useful at the initial phase. After all, the semiconductor elements had already been discovered.

While thinking, Lucien hurried to catch up to Hellen.

Hellen eyed him strangely but did not say anything. For her who was dedicated to arcana and magic studies, Lucien’s previous calls were too much a waste of time. Why couldn’t he just tell them what to do straightforwardly?


In the next day and a half, Lucien seized the moment to construct the second ninth-circle spell in order to stabilize his strength.

A regular ninth-circle spell only took two to three days to be diagnosed even if the mathematical foundation and the arcana and magic knowledge were good enough. However, Lucien had ‘Snow Goddess’ Whip’ that he created on his own. He had mastered its structure a long time ago. Therefore, before Oliver and other legendary sorcerers opened the Land of Truth, he had already successfully constructed it inside his soul and stabilized his stance in the ninth circle. In the meantime, he became the ninth-circle arcanist who grasped the fewest seventh-circle and eighth-circle spells.

Up until now, Lucien had only constructed nine seventh-circle spells, namely: Evans’ Freezing Ray, Magic Reverse, Antimagic Ray, Finger of Death, Simulacrum, Forcecage, Energy Immunity, Chaos Teleportation, and Lightning Storm; and nine eighth-circle spells, namely: Magic Order, Maze, Elemental Skin, Mental Barrier, Space Lock, Advanced Curse, Advanced Spying, Strong Magnetic Blast, Foresight.

Suddenly, Lucien felt space turbulence spreading out in waves. So, he hurried to go to Hellen’s library.

The moment he entered the room, the fully closed portal of teleportation was opened. Douglas stepped out from inside and nodded at Fernando, Oliver and the other legendary sorcerers. “Thank you for your trouble.”

Lucien smiled. Everything was good as long as the president was alright.

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