Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 563 - The Surging Waves from the New Era

Chapter 563: The Surging Waves from the New Era

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the Parliament of Nobles in Cocus, the Duchy of Calais.

“All my words and promises will be written in the Code. I, as well as the future kings, and queens will abide by the law just as all you nobles! The Congress of Magic will be the supervisor!”

When the nobles heard those words from Natasha, none of them could remain calm anymore. However, a second later, after an incredibly loud explosion, the voice had been completely cut off, and there were only electric currents left.

“What happened?”

“What’s going on?”

“Something happened to Nekso Palace?! Was it because of the war among those legendaries?”

“Was it the Church? Or the Congress?”

Yourcenar, Song of Dusk, looked northwest where the city of Rentato was.

As a legendary knight, he could see the picture: There was that burning sun radiating its endless light and power in the sky, and then an eye-catching mushroom cloud rose.

At this time, Joaquin, the president of Moonsong League, walked in the front gate. His face was lit up with the wild joy. He claimed aloud, “The electromagnetic signal has been interrupted. That means Eternal Blaze had been successfully launched!”

“Eternal Blaze?” Yourcenar repeated the words confusedly. He never heard such a powerful legendary spell.

But he did not ask, knowing that the information Joaquin had was also rather limited. He supposed that all the communication in Rentato had all been cut off.

Joaquin’s joy and confidence influenced the nobles. Recalling Natasha’s speech, their hearts were thudding like crazy. The drive and excitement they were experiencing were like flames making them feel rather restless. Some of the nobles were now looking at the Grand Duke of Calais, and the rest was looking at Yourcenar, as if they were begging him.

Yourcenar released a sigh and there was no more hesitation. He walked to the Grand Duke and kneeled down on one knee,

“Your Majesty, the old era has ended, and the new one is coming. Please give the order to expel the extreme South Church and only keep the Moderates as the duchy’s religion!”

Under his lead, all the nobles stood up and kneeled down together,

“Your Majesty, please give the order to be ready for the new era!”

The voices joined, lingering in the parliament hall like surging waves. No one dared to block it, as the trend was totally inevitable!

The Grand Duke of the Duchy of Calais knew that there was no way that he could reject this. The shackle of the old era had been destroyed, and the new order was forming. At this moment, even the majesties had to obey the trend of the times, or they would be thrown out of their thrones as the nobles would regard them as betrayers who served the Church.

There was no other choice left to the Grand Duke. His family had not yet produced a legendary knight. Therefore, he stood up and announced aloud,

“I, the Grand Duke of the Duchy of Calais, here give the order to expel the South Church but keep the Moderates!”

“Here I swear by my soul and my destiny to the Lord of Hell, I will return the power to you like how the Kingdom of Holm is going to do!”

Yourcenar and the rest of the nobles smiled,

“We pledge our lifelong allegiance to Your Majesty!”


In Salyvaor, the capital of Brianne.

Bedrenka, Hammer of the Void, and Basor, Knight of Disasters, kneeled down in front of the king of Brianne. Behind them were the members of the Parliament of Nobles,

“Your Majesty, this is unstoppable and inevitable. Please make your decision as soon as possible. If the Congress wins the war on its own, we’ll be of no use to them!”



No matter how old Life Reaper was, he now looked like a cheerful teenager with light brown hair. However, at this moment, the smile on his face had completely disappeared. And he was kneeling down as the rest of the nobles and said,

“Your Magic, the new era is coming, and we have to get ready. Please give the order to assist the Congress of Magic!”


In Kasvig, the capital of the city union of the coastal Northland.

As the leader, Burning Lady herself was rather inspired by Natasha’s speech, as Natasha’s words had given her the way to strengthen the loose union. Also, she had got the news sent back from Brianne, Colette, and Calais. Like a red rose, she smiled, and then she stood up,

“The new era is right there. So I am going to assist the Congress of Magic and reform the city union. Does everyone agree?”

The nobles all kneeled down out of joy, “All as you wish, my Lord.”

No one dared to say no at this moment.


After the Grand Duke of the Duchy of Calais gave the order, Song of Dusk had left the hall and soared into the sky to find Torrens. He was going to give an extra strike to Torrens, so that the beginning of the new era would mark his name.

However, far before he approached, Torrens, Angel of Wisdom, had quickly dodged to the other side to avoid the breath of the rainbow dragon. After casting the divine spell to make sure that Erica could not lock onto him for a short period of time, Torrens cast something like Chaos Teleportation and ran away from the battlefield.

Yourcenar was quite confused. How did Torrens know that he was not here to help?

Seeing that Yourcenar had no intention of attacking her, Erica returned to her human form. She smiled, “I was about to run away as well, as anyone approaching right now can be an enemy. It doesn’t do harm to come back after making sure who are enemies and who are not.”

She got a bit distracted by Song of Dusk’s arrival, or she would have been able to keep Torrens here.

Yourcenar realized that Erica was right. Running away was the best option for Torrens no matter if he was an enemy or ally. Torrens could always come back later if Yourcenar was here to help.

“There’s no time for acting. I’ll stay here to protect Calais, in case Torrens will come back. You go to Rentato.” said Yourcenar. Although Torrens knew that it would be more direct and of symbolic meaning if he went to Rentato himself, but the Congress of Magic might doubt his true intention. At this point, the last thing he wanted to do was to distract the congress. Erica going back to Rentato and meeting the legendary archmages and grand cardinals would explain everything, as the teleportation circle connecting Cocus and the Holy City had been destroyed.

Erica nodded, although she was still on her full alert facing Yourcenar. Using Teleportation, she left for Rentato. It was not safe right now using the teleportation circle to go back as the energy storm was too powerful.

In the coastal Northland, the situation was pretty much the same. The Grand Cardinal fighting there also found a chance and sneaked away. But Ines did not get this lucky in Colette, as he was facing Lord of the Undead. Running away had cost him an arm and a leg. The terrible injury had reduced him from level-two legendary to one, and it was going to be extremely difficult for him to recover from it.


When the dazzling light appeared in the sky, Oliver, Hellen, and Hathaway all instantly turned around and flew towards the opposite direction as fast as they could.

They would not have to be in such a mess if Paradise on Earth had not blocked all the teleportation magic spells.

From a distance, then they all cast the defensive legendary spells that they were good at.

The rest of the legendary sorcerers also had no intention to prevent the grand cardinals from running away. Even if the cardinals all managed to run away from the battlefield, it would still cost them hours to recover and come back. And if they were all killed, the Church would definitely send more powerful grand cardinals here who would do much more damage to Allyn and destroy the legendaries’ resurrection tools. In addition, as the Grand Cardinals were not enough close to the central explosion area, the explosion might not be able to kill them but instead, severely hurt them.


The “sun” rose, and its light was so bright that it had deprived their eyes of all the colors they could see. Only white was left in their pupils. Then a strange-shaped mushroom cloud slowly rose. After the deafening explosion, the cloud rose in silence but the scene was beyond shocking.

The holy light was dissipated within a second, and then Paradise on Earth started cracking and collapsing like a glass toy.

Mecantron spat out a full gulp of golden blood, and his eighteen pairs of wings suddenly dimmed. The wings were now shaking and swaying like dry tree branches in the horrible storm and high temperature. Paradise on Earth was built based on his power.

When Douglas turned to protect himself from the power of Eternal Blaze, Mecantron seized the chance and kneeled down,

“Whoever prays in your name shall not be harmed.”

The illusionary waves spread out from Mecantron, and his target was the huge-scale transmission circle.

Paradise on Earth kept cracking, as the power of the “sun” extended to every corner of Rentato. The huge-scale transmission circle also started cracking, but at the edge of being completely destroyed, God’s Guard saved it.

Mecantron suffered more from casting God’s Guard. More blood came out from his mouth, and his aura had been greatly weakened.

After completely cracking Paradise on Earth, the remaining energy of the storm kept going. The divine power barrier activated by Lucien had also been severely damaged. In the end, it slowly disappeared.

The west side of the city of Rentato remained almost intact, but the noble district in the east had been razed to the ground. If it had not been that the legendary fight had driven people to the west or close to Nekso Palace, much more severe casualties would surely have ensued.

Nekso Palace was under the core divine power protection. Under the remaining waves of Eternal Blaze, it managed to remain intact.

The nobles looked out from the windows. Their hearts were bleeding – Their houses, treasures, and collections were all gone!

Within the central area of the explosion, the cloud and smoke slowly scattered and disappeared. Melmax, Holy Avenger, was now in a great mess: His legendary armor was now only left with a few pieces hanging, and half of his body had gone from vaporization. Fortunately, the sword in his right hand had not been completely destroyed. But now his power had been greatly reduced to the lowest level as a legendary.

The two saints behind him were even more severely hurt. Anasta and Maria had been burnt black, and now they were struggling to cure themselves.

The power of faith was draining, and their power had been reduced by one rank. They had to thank Melmax for standing in front of them to take the explosion, or the damage would have remained permanent.

As for Anthony and Augusta, who were standing further from Melmax and who were not as powerful as them, had been completely evaporated. Nothing of them remained.

“My two saints...!”

Melmax’s eyes had tears in them.

At this time, as if he felt something, Melmax looked up in the sky. He saw the pope slowly appearing in the sky, who now looked much older.

Finally, His Holiness came back! Melmax was thrilled.

Seeing the arrival of Benedict II, the grand arcanists and legendary archmages were suddenly all on full alert.

Melmax’s joy did not last long, as he sensed that a series of body explosions started happening. The bodies of twenty red robes, over a hundred cardinals, over a thousand priests and the same number of angels exploded one by one, as if the damage occurred to Paradise on Earth had reflected to them.

However, the creepy explosions did not hurt anyone around. The blood, flesh, and tissues joined each other and rose into the sky. A dark-red gate was formed in the air, on which there were messy patterns and symbols.

The gate was suddenly pushed open. A monster reached out its palm.

The look of the monster was beyond description of words. It was all messed up: It had over a hundred eyes, a dozen of heads, hands, claws and feet from countless creatures. The flesh ball was even wriggling changing constantly.

As soon as it appeared, the chaotic, evil power spread out. Its power formed a black ball, and the target was the pope!

While the Lord of Hell formed because of the sins from desire, this thing formed for no reason but just for pure slaughter and devastation.

“The Will of Abyss...” Benedict II’s face went pale.

At this time, the sun in the sky suddenly appeared, and a full moon appeared. Its target was also Benedict II!

They would kill you while you are sick and weak!

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