Chapter 551: Tide of Time

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After returning to the Atom Institution, Lucien was warmly welcomed by Heidi and other students.

“Master, how spectacular of you! You included the Oliver transformation into your system and completely abolished ‘Ether’!” Said Katrina in excitement. Her teacher had been silent for eight months because he was preparing for such a groundbreaking paper!

Heidi complained, “Master, why didn’t you say anything? In the past eight months, we were frequently mocked by the sorcerers of the sorcerer of electromagnetism and the school of Light-darkness.”

Because their teacher was the one who proposed it, and the theory stressed that Douglas’ motion system was its low-speed approximation, Layria and the other students accepted it without much resistance. Of course, about the new view on time and space, they were still at a loss due to their insufficient arcana knowledge, but they were not too overwhelmed.

Outside of them, Lazar and Rogerio smiled at Lucien, their hands in their pockets, and Jerome was holding a copy of ‘Arcana’ in his hands, as if he were waiting to ask questions. Alfalia, Lowi and the other assistants were further away. They were also excited because they indirectly witnessed a paper that could send someone to the throne of grand arcanist as well as a shocking part of history.

There was also the envy for Heidi, Annick and other students in them. As Mr. Evans’ students, those people could celebrate it around him happily, while they could only stand far away.

“How could I bring out such a paper all of a sudden? Did you not see the months of preparation?” Lucien intentionally pointed it out, so that his students and friends could think more instead of jumping to any conclusions when they encountered other papers in the future.

Sprint had contracted Annick’s head-scratching habit at some point. The arrogance on his face was gone, and only the most sincere admiration was left. “Master, I don’t understand much of your paper, but the formula where mass grows with speed seems able to explain the inconsistency between the theoretical performance and the actual performance of the cyclotron, right? Just now, Annick and I adjusted the frequency of the electric field after calculation, and we did obtain particles of higher energy than before! Was your paper inspired by the problem?”

Heidi, Alfalia and everybody else pricked their ears, because ‘Allyn Impression’ had offered a high reward for the stories behind the special theory of relativity. However, they were also aware that they must be approved by Lucien before they told anybody else about the matter.

“As a matter of fact, after grasping the classic electromagnetic theories, I had been trying to melt Mr. President motion system into it, but a lot of problems occurred. In the end, the light speed experiment gave me an inspiration. After certain intermediate phases that were similar to the Oliver transformation, I inferred those formulas naturally with as few hypotheses as possible. The relativistic effect that you discovered provided a powerful proof for my theory.” Lucien spoke of the excuse that he thought of a long time ago.

Annick was enlightened. “At that time, you already speculated mass changes in your explanation. Heidi said that it was impossible!”

The freckles on Heidi’s face had mostly gone. Blushing, she glared at Annick in anger and embarrassment. “How could I have known that? That’s a field only the senior-rank arcanists understand!”

“However, as my students, you should know what will happen next.” Said Lucien with a smile.

However, the elegant and reassuring smile, in Heidi’s eyes, was as terrifying as the look of the most brutal devil. Their master was obviously hinting that they needed to understand and grasp the special theory of relativity, which meant classes and classes, exercises and exercises!

Looking at the students who seemed to have just been hit by hail, Lucien smiled, “The sooner you grasp the basic transformations and the view on time and space, the easier it will be for you to shape your cognitive world from a higher level without being affected by obsolete theories. However, I need to specify in advance that the theory about time and space is still incomplete. You need to bear in mind that other theories may be introduced in the future to modify the current theory.”

The students, whom he had been grooming since childhood, were most suitable for new theories because they hadn’t understood the old arcana theories well enough. In another couple of years, it would take more time to transform them. They might even be shackled by the obsolete opinions and could not make any creative achievement.

Nodding her head, Heidi calmed down and asked curiously, “Master, are you going to submit the relativistic effect that Annick discovered next time? Many sorcerers in the school of electromagnetics and the school of Light-darkness that I know complain that it is only a hypothetical theory when they cannot fully understand your paper. Hehe, their tongues won’t be tough again after they see the evidence!”

Sprint secretly thought to himself that it remained to be seen whether or not they still had a tongue at all.

Lucien did not reply to her but spoke to everyone, “There are still imperfect parts in the paper. You can join the discussion on it later. Let’s work together to improve it.”


At the beginning of the Month of Passion, on the fifteenth floor of the Allyn magic tower...

Inside an office of the Arcana Review Board, the few members of the Hand of Paleness gathered.

As an authority on cell memories, Felipe was admitted by the Board without a question after he became a level-seven arcanist. His hands in the pockets of his black cloak, he asked the members of the school of necromancy including Pesor and Tina-Timos while leaning against the wall, “I wonder how Evans will respond to the article ‘On the Mistakes and Paradoxes in the Theory of Relativity’.”

“Alvaro submitted the paper only two days ago. It was very insightful. I don’t think Lucien Evans had any time to come up with a reply. We probably have to wait until next month.” After the shock of light quantum and Brook’s experiments, Pesor had been confused about both the wave theory of light and the particle theory, so he did not show much reaction to Lucien’s paper. If ‘Ether’ was gone, so be it. As for the disruption of the motion system, Lucien had made it clear that it was sublimation and a more comprehensive, unlimited explanation, so he also accepted it without much resistance. After all, for a sorcerer of the school of necromancy, that was not important.

Tina-Timos, on the other hand, frowned. “I heard that Lucien Evans submitted a paper yesterday, but it probably hasn’t been included in the arcana library yet. Although I’m in favor of Alvaro’s opinion, I can only stay neutral until I see Lucien’s response.”

She witnessed the ‘brainstorm’ last year in person.

“He is now a real authority. In the fields he is good at, other people will never feel secure until he replies.” Felipe looked at the badge on his chest. Seven black circles and seven silver stars did not seem far away from Lucien’s allegedly eight silver stars and eight black circles, but for other arcanists, Lucien could already compare to the few grand arcanists and was as notorious as the Lord of Hell. This was not about his level.

Also, he was very close to becoming a grand arcanist. If he perfected or proved either of the two theories, he would immediately be given the ultimate title in arcana and construct his own legendary class.

While they were talking, the latest issue of ‘Arcana’ was sent in. Felipe stood straight and grabbed one copy. Turning to the table of contents, he saw that the first article was not ‘On the Mistakes and Paradoxes in the Theory of Relativity’, or the grand arcanists and legendary sorcerers’ discussion about the special theory of relativity, but ‘An Analysis and Improvement on the Inconsistency of the Actual and Theoretical Performance of the Cyclotron and a Discussion on the Relativistic Effect’, authored by one Lucien Evans X.

Reading the paper and frowning, Tina-Timos heaved a long sigh. “I don’t think that Alvaro can wait for Lucien’s official reply in the next month.”

Pesor put on a bitter smile, and Felipe clenched his fists hard in his pockets, feeling that their gap was now even greater.

He was not close to the Demigod-lich who was his teacher, but he wouldn’t mind avenging his teacher if there was a chance. However, the reality was simply too cruel.


In the Allyn branch of the Moonsong League, the tower guard took emergency measures after sensing the anomaly in the laboratory.

As a member of the Punishment Department of the Congress, Jurisian arrived at the spot as soon as possible. He saw the headless body in front of the cyclotron, as well as the red-and-white ‘flowers’ that stained the wall, the experiment table and the floor.

“Mr. Alvaro...” Jurisian guessed the identity of the corpse without looking at his badge. He should be the only senior-rank sorcerer whose cognitive world collapsed.

The arcanists who followed him all fell silent.

Right then, Jurisian suddenly had the feeling that space was rippling before him. Then, everything was back to normal, and a laboratory nearby was opened.

Antunes, an eighth-circle arcanist who had lingered for years, walked out with a smile and was slightly stunned by the situation here.

Jurisian understood something. He covered his forehead with his right hand and said, “Congratulates on the substantiation of Mr. Antunes’s cognitive world. You are about to become an archmage.”

Antunes nodded and brushed his grey hair. Having complicated feelings, he said, “Bury Alvaro...”

The tide of time was unstoppable. He could only sigh that Alvaro had been eliminated and feel lucky that he followed the trend.


At the beginning of the Month of Fire, every arcanist was waiting for the latest issue of ‘Arcana’, which purportedly included Mr. Evans’ replies to certain questions about the special theory of relativity.

Louise, with her white wolf, got the seventh issue of Arcana of year 824 and saw the title that was more peculiar than she thought: Answers to Certain Questions and the ‘3+1′ Dimensional Narration on the Special Theory of Relativity and the Oliver Transformation’.

The paper answered many questions from last month systematically and comprehensively. Admitting that the issues regarding the non-inertial frames of reference hadn’t been resolved, it had fixed other parts that were believed to be mistakes and paradoxes. The changing frames of reference and the unintuitive narrations were too dizzying.

“This almost marks the real establishment of the special theory of relativity. When the inertial frame of reference is extrapolated into the universal reference system, Mr. Evans will be acknowledged as a grand arcanist.” A level-five arcanist, who could manage to understand the paper, said next to Louise.

His partner nodded in agreement, “However, I think many arcanists who cannot understand the explanations will continue to raise similar doubts. Well, what’s the point of the ‘3+1’ dimensional narration on the special theory of relativity that Mr. Evans wrote in the end? Just another math model from a different perspective?”

“The three-dimensional axises plus an axis of time agree with our general perception, but of course, the mathematical transformations are rather complicated. Perhaps, Mr. Evans wanted more people to understand him...” The level-five arcanist was also puzzled.

Louise tried to read the paper. She thought to herself, “Mr. Evans certainly wouldn’t do any meaningless things.”


Inside the Atom Institution, Lucien was reading ‘Arcana’, when Thompson ‘called’ him.

“Lucien, Juliana and Minsk, whom you proposed that we should monitor closely, suddenly went missing.” Said Thompson in a low voice.

Lucien was rather surprised. The time of action was about to come. What was the incident about?

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