Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 533 - Abrupt Change

Chapter 533: Abrupt Change

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The east of Rentato was known as ‘Land of a Thousand Lakes’. The lakes large and small were as smooth as a mirror, presenting an entertaining view with the exuberant forest around.

Such a beautiful place had naturally been occupied by the royal family and the great nobles. James, Duke of Paphos, had a personal manor right next to one of the gentle lakes. It was truly enjoyable and pacifying.

A four-wheeled wagon, pulled by a dragon scale horse, slowly stopped at the gate of the manor. Arthur, despite being a fatty, rushed to opened the door of the wagon ahead of Lucien and jumped off, before he made the gesture of supporting Lucien to get off.

Lucien shook his head with a smile. He stepped forward and appeared behind Arthur. Then he murmured, “What’s the point of this? You will leave the best impression on Her Majesty as long as you operate the Holm Mineral and Harvest company and the Holm Mineral Union Bank well.”

The shares of Prince Patrick’s ‘investment’, without a doubt, had been inherited by Natasha. Lucien had been making fun of her about that, too. He had tried his best to invent magic items and save more wealth, and finally, he could declare proudly that he would not be scared of the cost for the magic materials that he needed until he became legendary. However, Natasha’s heritage alone had exceeded all his possessions. He felt rather envious.

Arthur turned around and followed Lucien. He replied without blushing, “I respect you from the bottom of my heart, Lucien. The alchemical and magical items you invented gave me unimaginable wealth and allowed me to join Duke James’ circle. So, my previous gesture was absolutely genuine. However, did you mention that Her Majesty was satisfied about the promotion and development of the ‘Holm Mineral and Harvest company’? What about the Holm Mineral Union Bank? Did she say anything?”

“Her Majesty is from a foreign land. She does not know the bank industry, which only exists in the countries around the Storm Strait, very well. So, she hasn’t offered any remark. You should write a report on the history and future of banks for her.” Lucien understood that, in order to promote magical items and influence the people of Holm, Brianne and other countries, he had to start from three aspects, namely the simplification of magic items, the financial support centered at banks, and the manipulation of public opinions.

Of course, that was based on the premise that the Congress of Magic was strong enough.

“No problem.” Said Arthur delightedly. He was so fat that his face was almost bloated, and his eyes had only a thin line left.

At the gate of the manor were two rows of soldiers in red uniforms, informing that Natasha had arrived.

Passing through them, Lucien and Arthur went to the most eye-catching garden of the manor under the guidance of a squire.

The garden was Duke James’ pride. It was claimed to be only second to the royal family’s villa. All kinds of amazing flowers were blooming in the vast garden, letting out intoxicating scent.

At the center of the garden, it was a rather spacious place for an open-air garden, with both a view of the lakes in the front and gorgeous flowers behind.

Hardly had he joined the party when Lucien noticed Natasha. She was wearing black clothes that looked like a hunting suit. Her purple long hair had been tied, and she appeared to be much calmer. It seemed that after days of adaptation, she had finally changed from the Violet Countess into a real queen.

Looking at Natasha with appreciation and love, Lucien felt quite great. The anxiety in his heart for days seemed to have been eased. He was already satisfied just looking at her quietly.

As if she sensed Lucien’s eyes, Natasha turned around and looked back at her.

Her silver pupils seemed to be glittering, and her lips curled. It appeared that she did not know that Duke James and the rest of them invited Lucien, either.

But very soon, Natasha controlled her face and continued talking to the nobles around.

She was wearing silky black gloves that were in the same style with her clothes. She did not take them off when the nobles kissed her hand.

Lucien had switched back to the double-breasted long tuxedo. Now that they had determined their relationship, he was not worried that his constant style would make her tired of him.

After a while, Natasha said with a polite smile at Lucien who approached. “It’s been a while, my knight.”

It was not until this moment that the other nobles who were relatively weak noticed Lucien’s arrival. Their conversations came to an abrupt end. Including Duke James, Duke Russell and Arthur, everybody glanced at them curiously and expectantly, hoping to find certain traces.

Were they really good friends, music partners, or were they something more intimate?

Lucien took off his top hat and fell on one of his knees. He grabbed Natasha’s right hand and kissed the back of her hand against the glove like a knight. “Your Majesty, your knight has never left.”

Her right hand slightly shivered, as if she recalled something. Lucien, on the other hand, recalled the scene of moonlight that he described earlier, and put on a smile.

After Lucien stood up again, Natasha smiled, “I saw many creative gadgets in Holm. They have filled the kingdom with vigor and hope. That’s your effort, Lucien.”

Arthur was more or less disappointed at their politeness and their normal conversation. They seemed like simple friends. There was not the tiniest detail that suggested a more intimate relationship. He thought that Lucien would eventually become the queen’s husband and Prince Nekso, but the reality was not as beautiful as he imagined.

Duke James and the rest of them were rather disappointed, too, but they also felt quite lucky. They feared that the queen truly fell in love with Lucien Evans, which might raise a civil war if she was determined to marry him despite the Church. That was not their purpose.

They hoped that the queen could keep an intimate relationship with Lucien without being enchanted, and that the balance between the Church and the Congress was maintained.

As for whether or not they were lovers in private, that was not their concern.

Trying to control his mood, Lucien talked with Natasha like a good friend and the queen’s knight, occasionally interrupted by her conversation with other nobles. It was just like any regular party.

After twenty minutes, having not found anything, Duke James smiled, “Just now, Her Majesty mentioned creative gadgets in the kingdom. I happen to have some in my place. Why don’t I give Your Majesty a tour, where you will hear the introduction from their creator, Mr. Lucien Evans, in person?”

“Okay.” Natasha agreed quickly, knowing that Duke James had more to say.

Therefore, Duke James and three other leaders of the liberals, Lucien, Camil and a young man with silver grey eyes went to the main house of the manor with Natasha.

“This is Count David, a ferocious knight of the royal family.” Duke James introduced him to Lucien.

Lucien nodded his head. “His Excellency Morris mentioned your father before. He was an excellent sorcerer.”

David had the typical look of the Hoffenberg family. His face was contoured shenke, but his silver grey eyes emanated certain coldness. He replied with a smile, “Mr. Evans, thank you for your approval of my father.”

He was neither cold nor warm, as he recalled his late father.

Very soon, the few of them entered the main house and stepped on the stairs. As the queen’s knight, Lucien naturally stayed behind and ‘protected’ Natasha with Camil, one on the right and the other on the left.

Right when Duke James and the rest of them were about to turn, Lucien suddenly sensed something soft in his left hand.

“Natasha’s hand?” Lucien turned his head in surprise, only to catch her delightful eyes.

Natasha’s right hand had taken off the silk glove. The warmth of her palm was a major contrast to the courtesy a moment ago.

Lucien understood her heart. He couldn’t help but hold it more tightly. Lucien felt indescribably satisfied by the secret movement. The warm feeling seemed to have made his heart peaceful again.

As they held hands, Natasha looked at the front, but the smile on her face couldn’t be covered.

After they passed the corner, they loosened the hold on each other’s hands as if it were nothing and followed Duke James to enter the chamber.

Inside the secret chamber, a tray with wines, champaign and ‘Sky Blue’ on it had been placed.

After checking the drinks, they each picked up a cup and looked at Duke James, waiting for him to speak.

“In fact, I only mean to ask Your Majesty’s opinion on the alchemical workshops and the promotion of magic items. Honestly, a lot of our wealth has been invested in it.” Duke James spoke rather straightforwardly, as he felt that he had grasped Natasha’s tendencies.

Natasha kept the solemnity of the queen. “My attitude is the same. All the magic items that benefit the kingdom and the people will be encouraged, and those which are evil and corrupting will be forbidden.”

“You are truly not one of those conservative people, Your Majesty.” Duke Russell said with a smile. “I’m hoping to invest in something, but I don’t know if it could make profits. Mr. Evans, do you have any suggestions?”

“What investment?” Lucien suddenly felt that he was in a business meeting.

Russell sipped the champaign and said, “Radio stations, like ‘Arcana Voice’ or ‘News of the World’, rather than a few simple news programs or music episodes.”

He keenly sensed the value in it, but he did not know how to make money from it.

Natasha looked at Lucien curiously. He seemed to have talked about it before in private.

Lucien smiled. “The main problem is that magic radios are still expensive. Although they have been simplified, only the people above the middle class can afford them. The popularization of the item means that the radio stations wouldn’t have great returns.”

“Do you have any suggestions? Further simplification?” Count Henson was quite interested in it, too.

Lucien looked at them and said thoughtfully, “I suggest that the radio station should also publish newspapers. Whoever subscribes to the newspapers for one year will be given a magic radio. Then, the radios will be popularized soon enough.”

“But there will be heavy losses!” As the Minister of Finance, Count Henson was very sensitive about losses. One magic radio was much more expensive than a year of subscription.

Lucien looked at Natasha and said, “There will be losses, but it’s a necessary price for promotion. The revenue, however, will come from advertisement. I’ll ask my companies to give the radio stations tremendous advertisement fees”

“Wouldn’t you lose money?”

Lucien smiled, “Advertisement is investment and will pay off later. We can afford the wait.”

Even though he lost money, it would be worthwhile if he could control the public opinion of the radio stations of Holm through advertisement.

Duke James was about to talk, when his face was darkened. He crumbled the cup in his hands into pieces. “It’s poisoned!”

It was not until he heard poison that Lucien felt a corrupt, terrifying poison bursting out inside his body, but it was eliminated by the Congus Ring immediately. However, below the poison was a weird curse that made him unable to focus his spiritual power as he were drunk!

Were the wines in the secret chamber all poisoned?

Why did he fail to notice it?

In his anxiety, Lucien looked at Natasha and immediately felt that his heart was heavy, because her face was also dark and her hands were shivering.

Duke James roared, “Who poisoned the wine?”

His voice was so loud that the glass was almost shattered, as he tried to draw the attention of the nobles outside.

He knew very well that, as long as the criminal was not an expert above legendary, they would’ve raised his wariness if they approached him, who was a gold knight, and they poisoned the wines within the range of his consciousness.

That was, of course, if they did not have the cooperation of spies!

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