Chapter 523: Protection

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Camil had never agreed with Natasha and Lucien’s test for Sard. She believed that it was too hasty and best be postponed until Natasha had a bunch of loyal supporters because it might infuriate the Church. However, she barely objected to Natasha’s decisions after they were made, and she tried to cover the traces after they had determined their relationship.

At this moment, her solemn and rigid face looked somewhat strange. “A secret letter was delivered from the Radiance Church, reminding you that you should know your boundaries when you appease the nobles who are in favor of the Congress of Magic, and that you should not go to the royal magic tower of Holm too often, which would disappoint the devout and loyal nobles.”

“Just that?” Natasha raised her eyebrow. It was a reasonable reaction, but the problem was that it was too reasonable. There was no telling what was on Sard’s mind at all.

She, too, felt that Lucien’s proposal was a bit risky, but she understood that the situation could not be changed if she did not overstep the boundary. Under the threat of the Congress of Magic and the Church, all the nobles would sit on the fence first before leaning to any side. The current situation was like a pool of dead water. She could not achieve a satisfactory result without churning it first.

Keeping the strange look, Camil continued, “Also, it encourages you to instigate Lucien Evans to repent, whatever it takes. As long as Lucien Evans betrays the Congress of Magic, and joins the inquisition and becomes a leader of the night watchers, it will be the greatest contribution. The Church will give you full support.”

A grand-arcanist-to-be, and a talented sorcerer regarded as the future of the Congress of Magic, seemed to be in love with a certain pious believer. Such encouragement was more a reaction that the Church would take.

“The reaction is a little weird.” Natasha paced back and forth, not knowing what Sard meant exactly. Did he really believe in her devotion and think that she could seduce Lucien over, or was he just covering the incident with a random excuse?

“It’s hard to guess what an old fox is thinking...” Natasha raised her left hand and touched the communication earring subconsciously, hoping to discuss with Lucien. But then she realized that Lucien should’ve returned to Allyn. Therefore, she hurried to stop in case the purpose of the test was exposed.

When her long, vigorous fingers accidentally touched her earlobe, Natasha suddenly recalled how Lucien cared for it. Her lips immediately curled into a smile, and her eyes became gentle, too.

Camil turned around at the window, as if she found such an expression unsuitable to look at. It was not until Natasha was back to herself a few seconds later that she continued, “There’s something wrong with Sard’s reaction, but it is still reasonable. I suggest you stop testing him in such a way in case you cause a fire. Sometimes, you just need to wait for changes to happen.”

“Aunt Camil, I understand. The most important thing right now is to improve my strength and to control the Sword of Truth as soon as possible.” Natasha said calmly, not making any radical judgment because of ecstasy.

After Camil shut the gate of the palace, Natasha stood behind the desk and picked up the quil. Taking a deep breath, she began writing: “Protection, sympathy, justice, kindness, bravery...”

The words that represented chivalry flowed from her pen, fluent and magnificent at first but dim and obscure later, as if they were interrogating her own heart, faith and path.

After a long time, the only words below Natasha’s pen was ‘protection’ and ‘bravery’. Also, the strokes became clear and emitted firmness.

In such a way, Natasha sorted through her experiences so far, her recent confusion, the dawn she saw after she made up her mind, and the ideas that Lucien imbued with her, gradually locating the source of her chivalry and her faith, which was the love for her family and subjects and the bravery against enemies and schemes.

“Perhaps, this is the Lord in my heart.”

Natasha dropped the quill. Looking at the words on the paper, she had a strong sense of relief, as if the dust on her heart had been wiped off. While her confusion and hesitation in the past hadn’t been completely eliminated, she believed that she could definitely walk out of the swamp as time went by.

That would be the moment when she advanced into level eight and drew the Sword of Truth.

When that day came, she would not need to activate the defense in the Nekso Palace, or cover herself with Lucien’s ‘Congus Ring’ next to her, when she intended to test Sard’s reaction.

Warming up her body, Natasha suddenly had the desire of fighting that she hadn’t felt for a long time. Therefore, she grabbed ‘Pale Justice’, opened the gate of the palace, and went to the ‘Knight’s Corridor’ that had been intensified specifically, eager to unleash her delight by exhausting herself.


Inside Duke of Frenburg’s residence...

The conservatives, who have waited for a long time, also rose when Rex finally walked in. They asked, “What’s the Church’s attitude regarding the incident last night?”

Rex sat straight and frowned, “His Excellency Saint Sard reminded Her Majesty that she should not visit the royal magic tower of Holm too often, and that she should have boundaries when she appeases the nobles who are inclined to the Congress of Magic.”

“Only a reminder?” Count Barady observed in disappointment.

Rex snapped his crimson coat. “The queen is also encouraged to allure Lucien to betray the Congress of Magic.”

“Isn’t it feeding a goat to a tiger?” Duke York said angrily.

In his eyes, Lucien would grow into a grand arcanist and a legendary sorcerer sooner or later, finding his way into the Highest Council. Even though Douglas would be the president for a long time due to the longevity of sorcerers, it would still be much better than betraying and joining the night watchers.

It was not the War of Dawn where sorcerers could barely keep themselves safe. The current arcana system was not esoteric for him, either. Queen Natasha would only be seduced by him if she were to seduce him. It would be best to ask them to draw the lines.

Could they only use radical methods when the queen was already enchanted?

Duke Rex shook his head. “His Excellency Saint Sard was worried that radical methods would anger the queen and make her lean towards the nobles who favor the Congress of Magic.”

Duke of York was a grand knight in his thirties. Not as patient as the older men, he couldn’t help but stand up and pace anxiously. “Are we going to let things run their course? The queen’s tendency is apparent now. It is balanced but more inclined to the Congress of Magic. Many nobles on our side are not firm. They are used to following the crown and their lords. It is estimable that more nobles will be working with James, Russell, Henson and the rest of them. Our comparison will be reversed in a year. We have to make preparations.”

Duke Rex stared at Duke York. “What preparations?”

Looking around at the five dukes, three marquises and five counts in the room, Duke York said subtly, “We will make preparations like what you did when the late king was summoned by the Lord, president.”

His family was Kritonia’s family. That was why he spoke to Rex so boldly.

Rex changed his face. “York, I didn’t do anything. I only accepted His Majesty’s request to make Holm stronger. Did you hear any rumors?”

Duke Solefen coughed and interrupted Duke York. “York, do you want to divide the country? Do you want every noble in your territory to covet it? Order is the foundation for nobles, or we would’ve been separated and swallowed. We will only approach doom if we are too radical.”

He raised his hands to stop other nobles from interrupting and went on, “I believe that the current circumstances are tolerable. Although the queen is likely to be biased towards the Congress of Magic due to Hathaway and Lucien Evans, her other decisions obviously show that she will not abandon us. She needs balance and stability, which are what I want to see, too, instead of a ruined Holm.”

“Anyone who attempts to sabotage the stability of the kingdom will be the Solefen family’s enemy.”

He spoke bluntly without the rhetoric of nobles, but it was based on the fact that his father was the other legendary knight of the kingdom. Other people couldn’t copy him.

“This is my opinion. I’ll be on my way if that’s all.” Clearing his black cape, Duke Solefen rose and left, followed by two dukes, two marquises and three counts.

Duke York watched Solefen leave. In the end, he snorted, “Balance and stability. It seems that he has heard ‘Arcana Voice’ and ‘News of the World’ a lot.”

The phrases began to spread from those channels.

Duke Barsaton looked at Duke York weirdly. How did you know their origin if you hadn’t listened to it?

Then, he coughed and said, “As far as I know, the Solefen family has established alchemical workshops with sorcerers in private, earning abundant revenue from magic lamps, magic radios and telegrams. Also, they have vast lands in the alternate dimensions. The introduction of fertilizer has increased their family wealth because of the improved yield of the lands.”

He was insinuating that, while most people in the Solefen family were firm believers, they were actually happy to see the ‘balance’ and ‘stability’.

Duke York opened his hands. “Therefore, we need to make preparations.”

Duke Rex and the rest of them looked rather gloomy. After deep thought, Count Barady said, “Maybe we don’t need to do anything. Somebody has always been discontented...”


At night, the wind started to blow on Rentato, driving away the heat of the day.

Lucien, who had transformed, walked with Alferris, who was in the appearance of a little boy, was going to the ‘Salvation Church’ in the east district of the city.

“You will let me enter Richard’s dream later with Dream Casting.” Lucien said to Alferris.

Although he was capable of the sixth-circle magic, Alferris was one of the best experts in terms of illusions and dreams below the legendary level. It would be a better option.

According to the files, Richard was a renowned cardinal in the Holm parish. He was a native of the country and grew up in the Rentato abbey. He had never been away from the place during the hundred years when he turned from an intern priest into a level-eight cardinal. Many priests and bishops in the parish were taught and raised by him. However, because he was too gentle, and his interpretation about the Cannon was different from that of the Church, he was kicked away from the central circle of the Holm parish after the public sermon. He was a target that was worth getting in touch with.

Before, Lucien planned to ask the Affair Committee to send somebody to test and persuade him, and after the guy’s ideas were figured out, he would be referred to Natasha for final observation. However, the files showed that the Affair Committee had sent a lot of sorcerers and liberals to persuade him, but to no avail. The Congress of Magic was certainly not so idiotic that they never thought of getting in touch with the appeasers before Lucien proposed.

Therefore, Lucien decided to meet Richard in person and get a comprehensive understanding about his opinions. But in the future, such things should be entrusted to the trustworthy sorcerers in the Affair Committee, because the most important thing for him was still to increase his strength.

Alferris licked the ice cream that Lucien specifically made for him and asked, “No problem. You can do whatever you want in the dream.”

As a crystal dragon, he hated heat.

After they reached the Salvation Church, Lucien and Alferris found a corner to hide in, and Alferris cast the spell remotely. Now was the time of evening prayer in the church. The complete defense circle was not activated yet.


After the prayer, Richard was going to return to his house, but he ran into a young man in a black cloak when he just went out of the church.

Narrowing his eyes, Richard smiled, his white eyebrow shivered. “A dream? Who are you? Do you want to persuade me?”

Lucien thought for a moment and said, “I would like to discuss justification by faith with you, Your Highness.”

Richard was stunned.

Many sorcerers and nobles had talked with him before, but none of them had ever discussed doctrines with him.

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