Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 519 - The Pace of a Knight

Chapter 519: The Pace of a Knight

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Do you like my birthday gift?”

Natasha’s voice was slightly hoarse. She tried to pretend to be casual, but her heart was still beating faster than usual, as if the anxiety deep inside her heart was spreading out. Did Lucien like it? Would he accept it?

Even though she was a queen and a brave knight, she found it hard to remain calm, and she was not as confident as she appeared

“Even if he refuses me, I will not give up. I will definitely conquer him someday!”

Natasha made up her mind and encouraged herself that one failure was acceptable.

Suddenly, she felt that there was a hand on her waist and her back, and she heard Lucien’s deepened voice:

“I love it, but...”

The hand on her back suddenly pressed hard. Caught unprepared, Natasha leaned forward to Lucien and saw his eyes where a surging storm was rising.

“... but it is not enough!”

Huh? Natasha hadn’t understood what he meant, when her mouth was already blocked by Lucien. She sensed his scorching breath spurting on her face.

Her lips were sucked and divided by Lucien, and a tongue broke into her mouth firmly. It went on a wild rampage, searching for the bold and open partner from a moment ago.

Well? Natasha seemed to understand something. She closed her eyes in delight and excitement. The dimness before her eyes seemed to have been completely illuminated.

Lucien kissed particularly wildly to express his long-repressed feelings, but he was still more or less ill at ease. Was it only a birthday gift just now? Did it mean anything else? Was he mistaken?

Uneasiness, expectations, anxiety... Everything had been mixed and cooked into a pot of indescribable feelings. Lucien slowed down and waited for Natasha to give an affirmative answer.

Suddenly, Lucien felt that the fresh and smooth tongue entangled his own. It was so powerful and so sweet that it was even trying to push back into his own mouth. In the meantime, two hands held his head.

Boom. Lucien felt fireworks blooming in front of his eyes. Natasha had given her answer obviously.

Their kiss gradually grew intense. After who knows how long, the two of them were finally separated.

Lucien was about to say something, when Natasha, whose face was flushing, said in delight, “Lucien, you taste better than I thought.”

Her pink tongue licked her lips quickly and agilely.

Lucien was immediately embarrassed. It was indeed as expected of Natasha. However, that was why he liked her.

Natasha breathed heavily. “After overcoming my mental resistance, I realized that I fell in love with you a long time ago. No, Lucien. I want to solemnly tell you...”

Her silver purple eyes became serious. “... that I love you. I hope we can try living together. I want to share my remaining life with you until death do us part.”

As a girl with enough romantic experience, Natasha knew very clearly that confessions of love could only be done when two people knew each other very well. Confessing love to a stranger that one barely knew would only terrify them, and if they were willing to accept it, they would be after the pursuer’s fortune or sex.

Lucien suddenly felt that the date plan he drafted arduously was a waste of time, because it had proved useless before he had a chance to use it. Even the confession of love had been done by Natasha.

However, it was not the time to be bothered by that. Lucien looked at Natasha’s eyes warmly and tried not to let his ecstasy shake his voice. “Natasha, I love you too. Since I don’t know when, I have already been enjoying spending time with you. I realized what I wanted on our return to Aalto. Over the past years, I’ve been trying to approach you and pursue you. I also would like to share my remaining life with you. I want you to be my wife.”

Always remembering that ‘those who date not for the purpose of marriage are scoundrels’, Lucien expressed his solemn attitude.

Natasha put on a brilliant smile. It was the best feeling in the world that the one you loved loved you back.

She seemed tired of keeping her back bent. Therefore, she descended with her hands on Lucien’s shoulder and sat on Lucien’s legs directly. Then, her face looked rather strange.

Lucien hurried to explain in embarrassment, “This... This is a normal reaction.”

Crap. The romantic atmosphere was slightly sabotaged.

Natasha immediately realized what was going on. She slightly twisted her back and observed Lucien’s funny face as she expected. Then, she craned her head and spoke alluringly next to Lucien’s ear, “Lucien’s Big Ivan?”

“Yes.” Blushing, Lucien did not know how to reply.

Natasha opened her mouth and sucked Lucien’s earlobe, letting the numbness spread throughout his body. Then, she let go and chuckled, “I like your reaction. Don’t be shy.”

More than embarrassed, Lucien turned his head and sucked Natasha’s fair ear softly, too. Out of his expectation, he saw that her body was shivering, and that redness rose from her neck to her cheeks.

Was it her sensitive point?

“I like you doing this do me, too.” Her eyes as hazy as a mist, Natasha spoke directly. Then she asked both curiously and happily, “You said you fell in love with me and tried pursuing me years ago. Why didn’t I feel anything?”

“I feared that you were only into girls. So, I’ve been trying to build up my relationship with you and change you.” Lucien replied honestly.

Natasha smiled and seemed moved. “Lucien, I’m still into girls, but you are the only exception. Despite your gender, I don’t feel uncomfortable at all having physical contact with you.”

While saying that, she turned her waist to further prove what he said, making it even more difficult for Lucien to hold it back.

“Hehe. Since you were trying to build up our relationship, you must’ve made plans for the birthday dinner, didn’t you? Would you have done it if I didn’t confess?” Natasha seemed to be enjoying Lucien’s self-containment. She moved her waist slowly but unstoppably while she asked.

“Yes. I made a whole plan that included food preparations, subject guidance, piano-playing, love-confessing and everything.” His brain filled with blood, Lucien simply confessed dutifully.

Natasha was stunned. It was just a casual question, and she did not expect that Lucien did have a plan. Therefore, she asked in great interest.

Now that he had accidentally blurted out the embarrassing thing, Lucien had no choice except to introduce his whole plan. In the end, he said, “As it turns out, the plan is absolutely useless.”

Natasha burst into laughter. “This is so you! How hilarious!”

Her voice suddenly stopped as she laughed. Her eyes turned deep and profound as she said hoarsely, “But I like! I like it very much!”

Lucien sensed Natasha’s breath was getting hotter. Looking at her in the eyes, he understood her happiness.

Although he had never been through such situations before, he suddenly felt that the plan was not entirely useless. While the content on the plan was never put into use, the plan itself successfully touched Natasha. Lucien immediately felt sweet and happy, but that was soon disrupted by Natasha’s declaration.

“Lucien, let’s have a baby.” Natasha seemed unadapted to being emotional. She hurried to hold herself back and suggested delightedly.

Lucien almost passed out. Wasn’t it going too fast?

Sensing nothing wrong, Natasha continued happily, “I was planning to make a child by means of artificial insemination that you mentioned with your bloodline. However, such trouble is unnecessary now. We can be more direct. Haha!”

Lucien was embarrassed again. “Natasha, don’t you feel that you have ruined all the romance?”

Natasha finally realized it. She said regretfully, “Right...”

But she was soon refreshed. She looked at Lucien in a smile, “In fact, I think this is the atmosphere that is most suitable for you. Don’t you think so?”

“Me too. It’s relieving without any pressure.” Replied Lucien honestly.

Natasha went on the previous topic, “Lucien, I really I hope that we can be together openly someday, and that our children can grow under the bliss of their parents. Yes, that’s an idea that I’m certain of right now and a goal that I will strive for. Protection is the feeling from the real Lord at the bottom of my heart. It is there and it will always be, never to be shaken by anything else.”

Her eyes were clear and firm, as if she had found her path to walk on.

“Me too. I hope that our children can grow up in a complete family.” It was easy for a couple to fantasize about the future when they were together. Lucien, being no exception, smiled, too.

Natasha chuckled. “But first of all, we need to have a child.”

“We can work it out later.” Lucien responded in a smile.

Natasha, however, moved her waist again. “Is that so? Your Big Ivan seems to be suggesting otherwise. I want to take care of it right now.”

Instead of waiting for Lucien to reply, Natasha sat straight with only the support of her spine and grabbed Lucien’s hands.

“Natasha...” Lucien found it hard to keep up with the progress.

Hardly had he concluded his sentence when Lucien felt that his right hand, under Natasha’s guidance, touched a highly-rising spot that had a tip on it.

“Do you like it?” Natasha’s voice was even more hoarse, as if she were fascinated, too.

His blood flooding into his head, Lucien couldn’t help but nod his head. Then, his left hand was pulled by Natasha through the layers of clothes and touched her smooth, elastic skin.

“Do you like it? Natasha leaned forward on Lucien and asked again hoarsely and sexily.

“I do.” Lucien felt that he could no longer be called a man if he contained himself any longer. Getting both of his hands busy, he said, “Let’s go to the bedroom...”

“Let’s do it right here, on the table, on the rug or on the chair.” Natasha chuckled and said, her voice filled with infinite charm.

Lucien felt that the first time was best on bed. Therefore, he tried to pick up Natasha. But all of a sudden, he felt that a slightly cold hand dug into his clothes and slipped all the way downwards from his chest until it grabbed his thing.

“I can’t wait to taste your feelings.”

Water seemed to be dripping from Natasha’s silver purple eyes, as she kissed Lucien’s lips again.

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