Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 507 - Summer Change

Chapter 507: Summer Change

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Not far away from Death Valley that was already gone, Fernando, Hathaway and Bergner floated in the sky and observed the destruction, inferring the temperature and power of the explosion based on the astonishing traces and the gigantic pit.

“If this was really an explosive magic, wouldn’t the sun be a planet where such explosions happen all the time?” Bergner asked at a loss.

It was not because he was hostile against ‘fusion explosion’; it was just that he felt lost as a prophet when the sun, which was in a very important position in astrology and horoscopes, finally revealed part of its mysteries.

After Fernando killed the Demigod-lich, Bergner did not leave in fury. According to Congus’ reason, it was obvious that two living grand arcanists were more important than a dead legendary sorcerer. If Congus’ self-defense was left aside and the rules of the congress were respected, Fernando wasn’t wrong doing what he did, either.

Perhaps because the Lord of Storm had always abided by the rules of the congress, people had forgotten that he was short-tempered not only in academic questions, or how he achieved his legendary class and nickname. It was not until he suddenly attacked that Bergner felt it was only reasonable and as expected of the ‘Lord of Storm’. Therefore, he accepted the result with a bitter smile.

Fernando shook his head, “Technically speaking, this was not an explosive magic. I don’t find any unique traces left by the traditional explosive magics. There’s only the purest release of energy and an unimaginably high temperature.”

He specifically added ‘traditional’ when he mentioned the explosive magics in the school of elements. It was obvious that he regarded what was before him as a brand-new way of using explosive magic that approached the mysteries of the sun. Walking down the path, the faction of light and electromagnetism would be able to be partly included in the field of elements.

“Exactly.” Hathaway nodded softly and agreed with Fernando’s conclusion.

Bergner, a prophet who was not good at elements, sighed, “I can’t imagine that Lucien Evans has created such a magic. However, I do have a feeling that the times have changed. Perhaps starting from this moment—No, since Lucien proposed the Energy Quantum Theory, arcana and magic have entered a marvelous and appalling era.”

While Fernando and Hathaway did not respond to Bergner’s words, their looks and their silence suggested that they were considering it. What a prophet said must not be overlooked easily.

At this moment, two people flew close from far away. Fernando’s hands that had been clenched in fists all this time loosened, and he criticized gravely, “You were truly idiotic this time! You didn’t know that somebody played tricks on you, and you were forced into the Portal to an Alternate Realm just like that! If you are this careless again next time, I think I will have to collect your body for you, if your body can be found at all!”

Hardly had Lucien arrived when he was greeted with the storm of roars that he had missed. He felt rather warm to see his teacher’s angry look, and therefore hurried to admit his mistake.

“Granny, how did you come so soon? We thought we would have to wait until the evening or the next morning.” Natasha had often heard Lucien talking about his teacher’s roars. She observed it joyfully and planned to record it to make fun of Lucien later. However, after a while, she changed the subject for some reason.

Hathaway looked much more gentle as she stared at Natasha. She said casually, “We killed Congus and came from the Portal to the Alternate Realm that he established.”

“You killed Congus?” Lucien was surprised and delighted. He was worried that ‘Eternal Blaze’ could not kill Congus who had a phylactery, and that there would be infinite trouble if the guy escaped. He did not expect that his teacher had already taken care of the problem.

They must’ve held back a lot of pressure, mustn’t they?

“He should die!” Fernando did not change his attitude. Then, he held back his ‘anger’ and asked with a fake smile, “What’s with your magic? That illusionary sun we saw the other day was made by you, too, wasn’t it? What about the Silver Moon and the existence from the World of Souls?”

“Master, you saw it, too?” Lucien did not expect that his teacher could’ve seen it over such a long distance. Then, something most important was obviously missing in his speculation at that time. The world was more complicated than he thought.

Hathaway had been standing quietly. She interjected at this moment, “Everybody saw it. Is it a legendary magic that was derived from the new alchemy?”

She was keener than anybody else as she was studying the ‘new alchemy’.

“Yes. I noticed some phenomena when I studied the decay of atoms and reached a lot of conclusions. After I killed Congus for a second time, the knowledge was integrated, and the world gave me feedback. I achieved the prototypes of two legendary magics, which triggered what you saw. Later, with the help of the Silver Moon, I completed the main body of ‘Eternal Blaze’, or ‘Atomic Fusion’, and released it.” Lucien did not reveal the special theory of relativity or the mass-energy formula but explained it from the experimental phenomena that would be seen in the new alchemy.

The deduction of the special theory of relativity was not difficult. Considering the knowledge and the existing accomplishments of the Congress of Magic, anybody who overcame their biases could come up with it in a few years. However, it was exactly because of the biases that Lucien dared not show his teacher the paper immediately.

While the wave theory of light and the particle theory were the foundations of different factions and cognitive worlds, the opinions on time and space was the fundamental ‘common sense’ that every arcanist used to understand the world. They came from everyday, intuitional and errorless feelings. For example, even the ordinary people had the feeling that time flowed by quietly as they enjoyed peace.

Therefore, for an arcanist, absolute, independent, time was the cornerstone of their worldview. It was well believed that ‘Time Stop’, the ninth-circle magic, merely froze the area and slowed down the movement, and that it did not really manipulate the time. The magic was like an upgraded version of Deferment.

The disruptive part of the special theory of relativity was not the mass-energy formula but the idea that time and space are relevant. It told people that time was a function of speed and depended on matter, which would be a revolutionary storm no smaller than the one caused by the Energy Quantum Theory. In the meantime, it declared the obsolescence of ‘Ether’.

After all, the preliminary studies on fission and fusion did not require the mass-energy formula. Therefore, Lucien hid it for now so that his teacher could take it in slowly.

Thinking about that, Lucien secretly asked for forgiveness in his heart. “My teacher is always the first one to take the hit of the groundbreaking theories. I feel really sorry for him. Well, can fission and fusion help him reach a higher level?”

Fernando asked solemnly, “Fusion? The other is fission?”

The decay of elements that was observed was clearly fission. That was why he asked in excitement.

“Fusion releases energy just like fission does?” Hathaway asked the important question, with zealotry beaming out of her silver grey eyes.

They completely forgot that the area was under the control of the Church, or that an insane explosion of ‘Big Ivan’ just took place, but simply floated in the air and discussed atomic fission and fusion.

Having been taught by Lucien in advance, Natasha listened enjoyably and chimed in now and then. Bergner, who was terrible at elements, was so overwhelmed that he simply left and stayed on alert.

After a brief introduction, Lucien said, “Master, Your Excellency Hathaway, the explosion previously must’ve been noticed by Varantine.

“Varantine? Does he dare to come here?” The Lord of Storm glared at Lucien. There were two grand arcanists and one level-two legendary prophet. Why would they be scared of the leader of the ascetics who was not even a Saint?

Even if the pope came here in person, Fernando still believed in the capabilities of his side as long as God’s Arrival was not available. Although they could not beat him, it was not difficult to escape. A legendary sorcerer was more difficult to kill than any other class, unless they were surrounded and the space was blocked. But since a prophet was here, it was absolutely impossible to ambush and surround them.

Despite saying that, Fernando held back his desire in arcana exploration. He went on, “Let’s go back to Allyn. You can write your experiences with the Silver Moon and the existence of the World of Souls into a report. Tell people the things about Maskelyne, too, if you want. You cannot face the World of Souls on your own.”

Congus had some files left in his place, which let Fernando know why they had been chasing Lucien.

Natasha took the opportunity to bid farewell, ready to return to the knights sent by Duchy Violet.

“Talk soon.” Natasha was not upset by the departure and made a gesture of electromagnetism messaging to Lucien with a smile. She flew away at ease after whispering something to Hathaway in secret.

Seeing that she left, Fernando suddenly put on a horrible smile. “Lucien, your pursuit of love seems very tough.”

Have I been seen through? Lucien asked embarrassed, “What are you talking about, master?”

“Haha, don’t be shy. I have abundant romantic experience. What have I not been through? The only reason why I’m single right now is that I do not think it is a big deal now. Whatever question you may have in that regard, you are free to ask me.” Fernando made fun of his student without any reservations.


In the Nekso Palace at Rentato, the capital of Holm...

A white candle was burning inside a silver candlestick. The dim light from it created an air of loneliness and desolation under the contrast of the storm and lightning outside.

Sard, wearing a white hat, looked at King Feltis who was lying on the bed and said, “Your Majesty, your life came to an end a few months ago, and it has been sustained by the divine power since. However, even the divine power cannot extend your life anymore. Everything is set. You can return to the arms of the Lord in peace. Rest assured. Death is not the destiny. You will enjoy eternal happiness and salvation on Mountain Paradise.”

Feltis’ dirty eyes became clear, and he appeared more or less guilty, but his guilt was replaced by more dutifulness and determination. He said intermittently, “Honorable Saint Sard... Rex, the things... will be in your hands. Holm has always been a kingdom favored by God... and it will always be one.”

Rex, Duke of Frenburg and president of the Parliament of Nobles, was full of grief in front of the king whom he had served for years. On one of his knees, he grabbed Feltis right hand and said, “Your Majesty, I will live up to your hope.”

“It’s my mission to add more glory to the Lord. Your Majesty, rest assured, the prince will not fall into hell.” Sard drew a cross on his chest.

Crack. An enormous lightning struck and illuminated the room. Feltis closed his eyes with a smile, his right hand slipping off.


In the residence of the Minister of Finance, Count Henson was woken up from his dream.

“What? His Majesty has been summoned by the Lord? Get the wagon prepared now!” Count Henson stood up from his bed abruptly and walked out in his pajamas. His lady hurried to follow and covered him with a black gown, before she handed over his staff.

Count Henson who had lost his usual grace went to the wagon at the gate of his villa almost running. Then he shouted, “Hurry! To the Nekso Palace!”

Having not activated his bloodline, he ran far more slowly than a wagon dragged by Dragon Scale horses. Being carried to the palace, on the other hand, it would expose his panic. Therefore, despite his anxiety, he simply cleaned his clothes inside the wagon to show that he was very calm in order to give other nobles confidence.

BOOM. A lightning bolt struck, and deafening thunder echoed, exactly an implication of Count Henson’s heart. The wagon rolled fast as the coachman tried his best, making mud splash everywhere.

The four wheels rolled so fast that the whole carriage was almost thrown when the wagon took a turn.

The window was opened as a result. The wild wind blew in, and raindrops the size of beans poured into the wagon. The night outside was as dark as ink and seemed to contain infinite horror.

The wagon stopped outside of the Nekso Palace. Count Henson rushed into the palace despite the storm. Then, he saw Duke James and Duke Russell who were standing by the gate.

“What’s the situation? Where is the prince?” Count Henson breathed hard. He was already an aged senior.

With a gloomy face, James replied hoarsely, “The prince has been summoned by the Lord, too, because of grief.”



Count Henson’s exclamation was eclipsed by a series of shocking thunder. He stood in the rain and simply allowed it to pour on him. There was nothing but fuzziness before him, now bright and now dark.

(End of Volume V)

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