Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 477 - Lucien’s Saint Badge

Chapter 477: Lucien’s Saint Badge

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In Lucien’s half-substantialized cognitive world, the bright Host Star of Destiny abruptly started orbiting. The black hole behind that seemed able to devour everything rotated to the front, bending the surrounding light. Even time seemed to slow down. Any prying into this space using basic senses became unreliable, as sight and light had deviated from its trajectory.

Praying, Lucien appeared to be rather serious and devoted. Suddenly, the Seed of Spirit began trembling like a hound that saw its bleeding prey. In the next second, the seed had dissolved into Lucien’s chest and burst out pure and cold light, enveloping Lucien within.

Ell was surprised to see that the power of the moon suited Leviathan so perfectly. The slight deviation in Lucien’s cognitive world made Ell believe that there was nothing suspicious about what just happened, but only the proof that Leviathan was quite gifted and trustworthy. Ell nodded approvingly and retreated his sight.

Jacob was also a bit surprised and shifted his gaze as well. Their reaction made the speculative mysterious smile disappear on Francis’ face. Once again, nothing here seemed to attract Francis’ interest.

The light of the silver moon gradually dissipated. Lucien now looked even calmer and introverted. He took a swing with his fist, and, not surprisingly at all, it left moonlight shadows in the air.

“Your body took in the Seed of Spirit very well. The power of the moon suits you. The result is the best.” What Ell wanted to say was that the result even exceeded his expectations. However, it suddenly occurred to him that as the Supreme, he could not admit his uncertainty about the specific power the seed carried, so he changed his words.

Jacob chimed in. “You have really become the seventh apostle now, Leviathan. It seemed that your power has reached that of a competitive divine-blooded!”

“This is the blessing from my Lord,” said Lucien calmly. The seed seemingly brought calmness to him, so he was not in any wild joy at all.

Ell nodded. Next, Ell turned to instill power Jacob’s Seed of Spirit, enhancing it to the limit of level six. Then Ell released a sigh and said, “It’s a pity that I totally destroyed the Lord of Underworld, or I would’ve been able to find His realm and assimilate the godhood of death.”

Ell looked rather confident, for He had managed to persuade Himself that it was His own power that killed the Lord of Underworld.

Lucien almost burst into laughter but held it back. Weighing his words, he said, “Great Lord, when I was in the water, the currents pushed me to an area which I believe is the Lord of Underworld’s realm... Maybe there is treasure left...”

Confinement Spell could seal the target in a space created by distortion. Unless the target was at least three levels stronger than the caster, there was no way the target could get out. The target would either be confined in the space forever or get lost in the space maze and finally be destroyed by the space storm.

The only chance to get out for the target was to send out a message asking for help. As long as the location was known or could be located through prophecy, the ninth-circle magic spell Freedom could be used to crack Confinement.

Therefore, when Lucien helped Ell by activating Sun Staff’s Confinement, he was well aware of the fact that it was the true self of the Lord of Underworld that was confined, not the avatars. The Lord of Underworld’s avatars would at most become weaker due to the reduced connection.

“His realm is at the bottom of Solna River? Wasn’t it in the Death Vally where the river originates?” Asked Ell in surprise. “Did the Lord of Underworld move for fear of the possible revenge from me? Such a pity, the Death Valley is the perfect place for the godhood of death and underworld... Or was there some kind of agreement between the Lord of Underworld and the Lord of War that made the Lord of War move there at ease? Maybe it has something to do with the arrival of the Lord of War in the city of Husum and the debate...”

Ell did not doubt that Leviathan, the “devoted” follower, would lie on this matter.

Having no clues for the answers to these questions, Ell said, “Although Antanas could never expect that we would go back to the city of Husum, there’s still no need for us to go back. The Lord of Underworld is dead, and the treasure is always there. When we find the realm of the rest of the fake gods after we kill them one by one, treasures are guaranteed.”

In the past, Avando had been obsessed with treasure and beauty. But now, Ell, after awakening the ambition and vision, was now able to control the desire. There was nothing more important than ascending the supreme throne again.

Ell smiled and then threw Lucien the laurel box that had started to rot. “If you like treasure, I’ll give you some, as your reward.”

Lucien took the box and saw a layer of fine silver powder lying at the bottom, which seemed to be the remainders after Ell consumed the light ball that was the godhood of Asin.

It was powder of the Stone of Moon God! Lucien was very surprised, as it was even more precious than top-quality Moonlight Stone or Death Stone. More importantly, the powder could be used to repair Lucien’s Ice & Snow Medal and Immortal Throne robe!

Lucien was about to use other materials to fix the medal and the robe, but now he had found this much better alternative.

The smile on Francis’ face became rigid for a second — He also wanted the powder.

Jacob said cautiously after hearing Ell’s ambition, “we have to be careful. The false gods might join the Lord of War and use themselves as baits. We can wait for a while until the Lord of War’s patience wore off, and then we can deal with them one by one.”

“I know.” Ell nodded and said, “Leviathan is smart and motivated, Francis is powerful and profound, and Jacob is cautious and well-organized. You three are my best servants.”

After Francis, Lucien, and Jacob expressed their loyalty one more time, Ell continued, “Francis once talked to me about the ranks of angels, and I am satisfied with it. You three are the most powerful angels following me. Francis, you have the power of destruction, so you are the Angel of Death, and also the Angel of Justice.

“And you, Jacob, you are my first follower and you have ever been preaching my words. You are the Angel of Enlightenment, and also the Angel of Redemption. You, Leviathan, you are the new and youngest apostle, full of energy. So you are my Angel of Glory, the Morning Star, the Son of Dawn.”

Lucien was a bit speechless. He wondered why the title “the Fallen Morning Star” followed him to this alternate realm.

“I will go back to my realm to enhance my godhood and stabilize my domain. Jacob, go back to Politown and get ready for preaching. Also, send some followers to watch over the false gods and to take down records in order to assist Francis for future plans. Leviathan, you go to the place we previously agreed on to wait for Anheuse and then go back to Politown with him. On your way back, start preaching but do it secretly.” Ell gave orders to them one by one, leaving Lucien to wait for Anheuse because it was known that Leviathan could not fly.

“As your command, my Lord,” answered the three in chorus.

After Ell, Jacob, and Francis all left, Lucien finally released a sigh of relief. They, Francis in particular, were giving him great pressure.

After waiting for another while to make sure that they were not somehow coming back, Lucien touched his chest and took out a patterned badge covered in a layer of moonlight.

Before joining the Secret Praying Congress, Lucien was told about the Seed of Spirit. The existence of it was constantly being mentioned afterward. Cautious as Lucien, he must have been prepared.

After reading through the materials, based on the features of the false gods and their power, referring to the design of Sun’s Corona, Lucien made a semi-finished badge using the materials he had.

Although at that time he did not have the full grip of the structure that he learned from Sun’s Corona, Lucien was still quite confident that it could absorb the power of the Seed of Spirit and turn into a complete divine item.

After knowing how God’s Glory and the Seed of Spirit worked, Lucien was totally confident that his plan would work. Therefore, he took his time watching how Francis took in the power of the seed.

Then, as the Secretive, Lucien successfully deceived Ell and Francis, who never thought of thoroughly investigating Leviathan. Relying on the resonance from Sun’s Corona, Lucien absorbed the Seed of Spirit using this badge and turned it into a level-three divine item.

The badge could improve the wearer’s recovery ability, agility, speed, and strength to level three. If the wearer’s Blood Power originated from the silver moon, then the level would be increased to four. But, since the badge did not improve the wearer’s reaction speed, a real level four grand knight would still be more competitive.

Lucien left the message within the item and named it,

“Ell’s Saint Badge, level-three senior-rank divine item.”


“Perhaps, this badge is the truly devoted follower.

“From Lucien Evans.”

Hanging the badge under his robe, Lucien started fixing the two magic items using the powder. Then he would be meeting Anheuse.


At the bottom of Solna River, among the currents, there was dim light emerging. The voice of the Lord of Underworld came,

“I’m finally free! I will kill you, Ell! I’ll put your soul deep into the underworld and lash it for ten thousand years!”

Somehow the Lord of Underworld had freed Himself from Confinement and returned to this dimension.

After the dizziness from teleportation disappeared, the two red light spots in the Lord of Underworld’s sockets suddenly froze,

The Lord of Underworld saw no one around, but he thought that it was his avatar finding the Lord of War for help that freed him.

As soon as this thought appeared, a sword entangled with flame emerged out of nowhere, carrying an overwhelming power of destruction.

A deep crack appeared the body of the Lord of Underworld. The two red light spots disappeared easily, like candlelight that was blown out.


“My sincere appreciation and gratefulness, my Lord. I did not expect this at all... It was all my fault.” After losing the power for maintaining the human look, Asin now had gone back to his real look — an old centaur. As Asin spoke, his white beard swayed fiercely. He was obviously very upset.

The Lord of War, whose appearance was a middle-aged man wearing an eye patch, nodded. “The enemy is too cunning, and the rest of the gods are too timid. You are the first one serving me in loyalty, and I will treat you well.

“This godhood is from a false god I killed last month. It suits you, so take it.”

A light ball was sent to Asin from the Lord of War’s hand.

It was a great surprise to Asin, as he never expected that the Lord of War would make such a generous reward.

“My Lord, this is... godhood of the Morning Star?” Asin stammered.

“The Star of Morning, the Star of Dusk, the Incarnation of Love and Beauty, the Secret Death and Resurrection. After you take in the godhood, you will become Ell’s main target,” Antanas said rather openly. The four duties coming from the godhood would be a great tempt to Ell, as nothing else other than the godhood of the Lord of Underworld and this one worked better for Ell to boost his power.

The Lord of War was using Asin as a bait, obviously. After a second of hesitation, Asin still took in the light ball. There was no other option.

As Asin absorbed the godhood gradually, His body started to change. Features of the centaur and the beard disappeared, the shape of human body resumed, but now Asin had turned into a gorgeous beauty with fine skin and blond hair.

“Good. From now on, you’re the God of Love and Beauty, the Star of Morning and Dusk,” said Antanas, satisfied, as he reached out his right hand and touched Asin’s face.

After Asin left, the hall became quiet again, and cold wind blew in. Antanas just stood there in silence for a long time.

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