Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 470 - The Best Braggart Ever

Chapter 470: The Best Braggart Ever

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

All the priests and the followers were now very confused. They felt that the information was too much for their brain to handle. Things like the small world, the middle world, the big world, and the boundless world had never ever occurred to them. However, although they did not quite understand, they had to admit that the words from this young priest’s mouth sounded very powerful and profound. Ell, the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption, had become a level higher than the rest of the gods.

Anheuse, who was hiding in a corner, was also very confused.

“Are we talking about the same great Ell...?” He murmured.

Francis was a bit amused. He had to hold himself back from bursting out laughing. Indeed, this young man was quite gifted in terms of telling stories. Even if this young man could not become a real disciple in the future, becoming a bard and telling stories would also make him an epic figure.

Nob felt a bit dizzy from the blood rushing all the way upward into his brain. He felt that his imagination was being ground into bits. He could not believe that there was someone better at bragging than himself, but it was the truth.

Nob could not copy Lucien anymore. Although following Lucien’s words, the bragging can never come to an end as Nob could say that there were also small boundless worlds, middle boundless worlds, and big boundless worlds. But it would be too obvious that he was stealing Lucien’s theory in front of the listeners, which would make him lose the debate even faster, for it would give the crowd the impression that the God of Moon could only repeat the words of others and was lying all through the debate.

Similar thoughts flashed through the mind of the rest of the priests. Frowning, they tried their very best to find a new perspective to defeat Leviathan’s view of the world. However, the religions they belonged to were still in the primitive level, even the simplest philosophy had not yet developed. With the priest’s imagination limited by themselves and their era, there was nothing available to them to be used as a weapon.

As for the Mother God of Earth, the God of Wisdom, the God of Storm, and the God of Love, since they had already lost the debate in the previous round, they were now taking pleasure in watching the other priests’ respond — If they were going to be expelled from the valley, they should all be expelled together.

Lucien took his time and continued. “My Lord creates the boundless world, maintains it, and then destroys it. But again, from the destroyed, a new boundless world is created by Him. My Lord is the Lord who creates, maintains, and destroys. He is the cycle; He is the resurrection.”

... The rest of the priests were speechless.

“My Lord has also created an eternal fairyland outside of this endless cycle of life and death. This place is the ultimate joyous land for our most loyal brothers and sisters. My Lord calls it...” Lucien paused a bit, “... calls it the Pure Land.”

Lucien was about to borrow the name ‘Mountain Paradise’, but he did not want Francis to feel suspicious.

The audience burst into an uproar. They did not expect that the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption, with such great power and might, would still lend his hand to them! But the descriptions given by Lucien all linked together well, and they started to believe that the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption could really help them get out of such a vicious cycle and leave this world full of pain and corruption.

He was indeed the God of Redemption!

While Nob’s face turned pale and could find no way to refute, Nena’s eyes slightly narrowed, as if she was also thinking.

Suddenly, Nob sprang up from the silver chair and took a big step forward. He questioned aloud,

“Leviathan, let me ask you. How was it before the world was first created by your so-called God of Redemption! How did the boundless world look like in the very beginning? What did the Pure Land look like in the very beginning?”

Lucien did not expect that Nob could put forward such a critical question and was stunned for a second. However, he quickly realized what was going on: Nena’s lips were moving very slightly.

This might escape from other priests’ eyes. But Lucien was also a knight, so he could spot it easily.

It seemed that the priest of the Lord of War could not hold back anymore.

“There was nothing; there was chaos. There was the original point of space and time.” Lucien decided to give Nob a chance on purpose. A perfect performance might lead to Francis’ suspicion.

Nob burst out laughing. “Then let me ask you: Where does ‘nothing’ come from? Where does ‘chaos’ come from? And what is it outside of ‘nothing’ and ‘chaos’?”

Nob’s answer was ready — It was the almighty God of Moon.

The followers also became confused. They wanted to know the answers; they wanted to know if a greater being existed before and outside of the “nothing”.

Francis’ eyes lit up, as he finally found the chance to fight back. After exchanging a look with Lucien, he stood up and said, “outside of ‘nothing’ is the ‘indescribable’, namely, my Lord!”

“Indescribable? What is it?” Nob and the other priests laughed at this response.

Francis said seriously, “the so-called ‘nothing’, ‘chaos’, and ‘the original point of space and time’ are all based on human understanding and are still within the human imagination. But the existence of my Lord exceeds any definition, meaning, concepts, logic, material, spirit, and language. It is indescribable; it is undescribable.”

Francis’ words were even more incomprehensible than that of Leviathan. All the priests, including Nena, could not find a clue at all.

Francis smiled, “I come from the country in the desert to the East. In my country, a famous wise man whose name is Lucien Evans once put it in this way...”

Lucien Evans, the wise man... Lucien almost burst out laughing himself, but he managed to force it back.

However, the priests and the listeners only caught the fact that Francis came from the East. They wondered if the power of Ell had spread across the East.

“He said that our observation of any objects in this world is based on our body and soul. Therefore, the information we obtained would never be comprehensive. For example, when we see light, we think light does not have a specific color. But if we see light through a bubble or a crystal, we know that light is in fact colorful. Therefore, our understanding is the mundane understanding. And our understanding can never describe the real almighty being, which is my Lord.

“Therefore, the existence of my Lord exceeds any definition, meaning, concept, logic, material, spirit, and language. Even the idea of ‘nothing’ is far from being capable of defining the Lord. In other words, any mundane attempt trying to define the existence of God is a kind of profanity.”

Francis’ words refreshed all the priests’ understanding of god. In the past, their understanding of god was too shallow to step out of the ordinary person’s mindset. But... their god, who made their presence and power felt from time to time, seemed to fail the standard of divinity.

Lucien also stood up and smiled. “My Lord has an existence, and also has not. My Lord is the nothing; he is also the everything. My lord shall not be defined by any means, no property, no difference, no shape, no space, no limit, no concept... My Lord is supreme by nature. My lord does not need faith or worshipping.

“But we human need faith. We need to be saved. Therefore, our perception of the true lord became the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption in a lower level of concept. He is the avatar of the true lord, an avatar that we can worship.

“We only need to worship the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption. We make heartfelt confessions, and then we can be saved. We can never understand or describe the true lord, and the true lord does not need our understanding or description. We can never affect the true lord, neither will the true lord try to affect the world.”

Francis nodded in agreement. Leviathan’s explanation was indeed very impressive, which showed that he was obviously a genius in theology. However, this explanation was still too complicated to be used in preaching.

However, Francis found this young man to be a bit suspicious and wondered if there was something wrong with him.

Lucien smiled to himself when he explained. An existence that would never be affected and would never affect anything, an existence that any discussion on which was meaningless — according to the Occam’s Razor theory, such an existence didn’t even need to exist. If the existence of god was really like this, Lucien could safely conclude that god was dead.

Anything that had an influence on this world must more or less left some traces, must could be explored and explained.

The confused crowd caught the main point in Lucien’s words — No matter what, they had to follow the God of Revival, Fertility, and Redemption. This God was very powerful!

Nena, the priest of the Lord of War, could not find any way to object. She felt a chill went up her spines, her right fist clenching tight. As a follower of the Lord of War, she was not good at smart articulation, however, she had got power to eliminate the enemies.

Lucien felt that the way Francis looked at him had changed, so he quickly switched the style of his talking. “Don’t even try to pry into the real lord, or you’ll be infected by this unknown power and be twisted into nameless monsters in forever pain.”

The listeners, including the priests, subconsciously stopped what they were thinking immediately. It sounded so horrible!

However, after a second thought, they believed that a real powerful god should be just like this.

Francis slightly shook his head. This young man and the belief he represented still could not get rid of the use of intimidation commonly seen in primitive religions. He was still confined by his surrounding environment, such a waste of his talent...

From afar, Ell was looking at the debate stage attentively. The clusters of fire in his eyes flickered peacefully, carrying the power to purify.

He murmured to himself,

“Is that... me?

“Am I that powerful?”

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