Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 455 - Creation and Destruction

Chapter 455: Creation and Destruction

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Today, Lucien felt totally relaxed standing in front of Fernando.

“Sir, this paper is about the microworld. Using a new particle found inside the atom and two recently discovered elements, I further improved your atom structure model and applied it to describing alchemical reactions and explaining ionization and valence. As this study looks into the secret behind the transformation of matters, perhaps it can fulfill the shared dream of the generations of alchemists. So I named this new theoretical system ‘New Alchemy.’”

“A new particle found inside an atom and two new elements?” The look on Fernando eased a bit. He asked casually as he started reading the paper.

After the belief that atom was indivisible had been discarded, the exploration of the inner structure of the atom had stepped into a brand new realm. Fernando felt a bit more relaxed since the paper in his hands was certainly not going to destroy any sorcerer’s cognitive world, as no one was using the brand new theories to construct his or her meditation environment.

When Lucien first appeared in his office with the new paper, Fernando had to admit that he was quite worried. The aftermath of the experimental verification of the light quantum hypothesis was not over yet, and Allyn could not bear to see more sorcerers’ head explode.

Personally speaking, Fernando, also found the bloody scene quite thrilling to some degree. However, it would definitely scare away the younger generation from joining the Congress to pursue their magic dream. That would be bad, as, despite the improvement of the theory system, reduction in the subsequent generation’s population would impact the Congress’ strength.

“I was inspired by your experiment, Sir, the one using helium atomic beams to bombard a thin foil of metal. So I turned to bombard gases and knocked out hydrogen nucleus from nitrogen. The nucleus carries one unit of positive charge, so I believe that a new particle has been found. Then, the discovery of the positive ray confirmed my belief. As for the two new elements, I found their traces when analyzing the radioactive substance, based on the experiment that you temporarily put aside.”

Seeing the look on Fernando’s face softened, Lucien knew what Fernando was thinking. He could not help but slightly shake his head, as the realm they were stepping into now was going to be even more subversive and incredible than ever before. The knowledge they were going to obtain would overturn most sorcerers’ macro-cognition and ontology.

Fernando had finished reading the part on the discovery of the proton. He commented. “If it wasn’t because of your light quantum hypothesis, Hathaway and I would continue the study of the radioactive substance, and perhaps we would have already discovered the elements...”

Again, he perfectly saved his praise to his student.

Fernando kept reading and quickly browsed the data of the two newly-discovered elements. He started frowning again. “Your research data is saying that the two elements come from the decay of the previous element. This is one step into the Gods’ zone. No wonder you call it New Alchemy.”

“In fact, combining this with the finding of the proton, a theoretical system explaining the transformation of matter can probably be built,” said Lucien with the same calm look on his face.

Fernando suddenly looked up at Lucien, his scarlet eyes filled with fine lightning. His great power enveloped Lucien.

“You know what you’re talking about?”

Lucien was being careful with his words, using ‘probably’ to soften his tone. However, Fernando had directly caught the point — His student just claimed that a theoretical system had been built!

If he could call it a system, it would not only consist of one or two hypotheses!

“I do,” replied Lucien.

Fernando kept on asking. “Do you understand that you are heading into the forbidden zone, trying to take over the Gods’ power of creating the universe for human beings?”

“I do,” answered Lucien determinedly.

Fernando asked one more time, “Then do you understand what this means?”

“I do. It will change the time. And it means the title of grand arcanist.” Lucien answered while looking directly into Fernando’s eyes. “... But the system is still on the theoretical level. Currently, the magic circles and alchemical techniques are not qualified for carrying out specific experiments. It will take a long time to verify the system.”

Fernando closed his eyes for a while as if he was taking a break. Then he picked up Lucien’s paper and continued to read. He did not make any further comment again until he saw Lucien’s prediction of the existence of the neutron.

“Reasonable...” The Lord of Storm slightly nodded. “... So this is the reason behind the differences between the elements. The periodicity can also be explained. With the theoretical guidance and the method of particle bombardment, it will be just a matter of time for the neutron to be found.”

“So Sir, you do believe that particle bombardment can be a regular technique, right?” Asked Lucien expectedly.

Fernando was a bit amused and cast a glance at his student. “You have believed it for quite a long time, haven’t you. Aren’t you adding these kinds of magic circles to your magic tower? Adding these magic circles is very time-consuming.”

“Sir, you’ve been there?” Lucien was a bit surprised. He did not expect that his teacher would pay a visit to his magic tower under construction.

“Two silver hollow metal semi-rings engraved with magic circles. And a feeling hard to describe...” Fernando would not admit that he was secretly paying close attention to his student, and he roughly described the underground part of Lucien’s magic tower. “... I roughly know what you are trying to do.”

“A cyclotron. It accelerates charged particles outwards from the center along a spiral path, so cyclotron beams can be used to better bombard other atoms... ” Lucien briefly introduced his concept. “Theoretically speaking, the acceleration is limitless. But due to many factors, there is indeed a range. But the result will already be much better than before.”

The many factors that Lucien ambiguously mentioned were in fact relativistic effects.

“Limitless... bombardment... I feel that you’re destroying the world...” Fernando repeated the keywords and rubbed his brows. “... But this isn’t bad. I think I’ll get one as well.”

Fernando was also a fanatic when it came to doing experiments.

“When I reach the legendary level and own my demiplane, I want to have a Large Collider!” In front of his teacher, Lucien did not need to hide his passion and dream.

There was a smile on Fernando’s face for a second, and then he went back on reading the paper. Based on the atom model and the theory of decay, the following sections of the paper were very logical, thus they were totally within Fernando’s expectation. Finally, when he saw the part in which Lucien introduced the quantum theory into the understanding of electron orbits, he pressed his lips against each other into a line and then said, “before the light quantum hypothesis was proved, I would scold you for this. But now even light’s quantization has been proven, the quantization of electron orbit seems acceptable.”

Lucien grinned. This was the chance that he had been waiting for.

“But it is still hard to believe that electrons are also doing space jumps and skipping the areas in between... Is it because they have special properties?” Fernando was using his own understanding to explain the transition of electrons.

In Lucien’s expectation, Fernando would give him a good lesson after reading this part on the quantum jump, since the discontinuous transition indeed seemed to be absurd. However, he forgot that space jump worked in this world, which made the concept more acceptable by sorcerers.

So Lucien answered in a low voice. “Currently there’s no idea why it works like this. Though it is a logical conclusion following quantization.”

Fernando did not make any further comments on the following predictions made by Lucien. He kept reading until he finished the last part on explaining alchemical reactions using atomic electron transition and describing ionization and valence. He put down the paper and said to Lucien rather seriously,

“There are still contradictions between your new alchemy system and the classic electromagnetism theory. Perhaps further improvements are needed. But I currently do agree with you on the structure of the atomic nucleus and the transformation of matters, and on the extranuclear electrons and alchemical reactions.”

“Ever since human beings acquired magic, the history of alchemy also started...” Fernando took a pause. “... But you are the first one pointing out what alchemy is!”

Fernando rarely spoke so highly of Lucien, and this praise made Lucien’s face flush.

However, Lucien had to say that the Congress’s progress in the school of Alchemy was rather imbalanced. The arcanists were reaching the level of matter transformation, yet on the other hand, the research on the structure and the synthesis of organics was still in its infancy.

“Because of your theory, the school of Alchemy is now included in the school of Element. If Hathaway could accept, assimilate, and further improve your theory, she will become a top legendary in a few years.” Fernando said a bit emotionally.

Lucien cared more about his own teacher. “Then what about you, Sir?”

“Me? I am shifting between too many interests, so my promotion has always been relatively slow. The atomic structure and matter transformation do not have much to do with my legendary class, unless they are related to studies on energy blast or high temperature. If they do, I can go up further and become a top legendary.” Fernando treated this topic as one of his jokes, as he knew it well the result of focusing on too many fields and always being distracted.

Lucien nodded, but made no comment.

Fernando stared deeply into Lucien’s eyes and said, “when this theoretical system is fully developed, you should be able to obtain the magic pattern for creating your own legendary class through the interaction between your cognitive world and the real world. Because of the nature of your theoretical system, when you become a top legendary or a demigod, you should be able to directly manipulate the particles and energy and turn them into various matters. Your title can be ‘the Creator’.”

“It’s such a provocative title to the Church.” Lucien smiled.

If he could manipulate the particles and energy, Lucien thought to himself, he would be able to make use of the power of fusion reactions. Then his title should not be ‘the Creator’, instead, he should be called ‘the Lord of Destruction’.

Creation and destruction were two sides of the same coin in the sense of the particle world.

Fernando found Lucien’s response funny. “So your New Alchemy system isn’t something provocative to the Church?”

Before Lucien could say anything, Fernando grabbed the paper on the desk and said to him, “Let’s go and find Douglas. We’ll have a plan to give the Church a good strike. They’ve been enjoying themselves for too long recently.”

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