Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 414 The Castle Ablaze with Lights

Staring at the castle which looked like a black eagle swerving over the cliff, Lucien stood some distance away from it. Since he did not have the transfiguration mask with him, it was very easy for him to be caught by Dracula, as Dracula had noticed him before in Sphinx Mausoleum.

Rhine had disappeared in the desert to the south of Gusta Empire, and when Dracula was looking for Rhine, he met a mysterious senior-rank mage with lots of precious magic items in the Mausoleum. If somehow Dracula saw the same mage visiting Observer’s Castle later, he must be able to see the connection.

Lucien took out his pocket watch and confirmed the time again. Casting all the helping spells on himself, swallowing down all the magic potions he still had, and grabbing Pale Justice in his hand, Lucien carefully sensed what was going on around the castle. Meanwhile, he had turned on the monocle. If anything happened, Natasha would contact him.

Indeed, Lucien could still carry out his plan without Natasha’s help, but that would bring him a lot of extra troubles and potential risks.

Lucien assumed that five minutes was enough for Viscount Hazlehurst to report to Dracula, for Viscount Hazlehurst was Dracula’s offspring.

Putting the pocket watch away, Lucien started to count the time. Another reason that he chose Viscount Hazlehurst was that Dracula relatively favored him.

And Lucien fully believed that Natasha would do exactly what he asked. There was a mutual trust between them.

Time went by in seconds. Three minutes and fifty-six seconds later, Pale Justice suddenly started to tremble, as if a horrible enemy was approaching.

Through the sword, Lucien could feel that at the edge of the cliff close to the Observer’s Castle, some weak but extremely vicious power flashed across. The power consisted of the purest darkness and the breath of death.

Holding his breath, Lucien started the countdown.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

The Observer’s Castle which was seemingly forever covered by darkness lit up slightly as if a layer of dust had been removed. A layer of dim light, which was a byproduct of Speed that Lucien just cast on himself, also appeared on Lucien.

"... Five, four, three..."

Night breeze passed by. Tonight there was no sound at all, except for a slight rustle made by the dark creatures. Lucien took out a tube of potion which would help accelerate his flying speed and drank it all.

"... Two, one."

When he reached the last number, Lucien left all his worry and fear behind. He dashed for the castle like a speeding bullet.

Lucien could feel the strong wind flapping against his face, and the dark forest underneath retreated fast like black tides. Many dark creatures, looked up in the sky in great surprise.

Lucien had no chance to look back. He must be fully determined to seize the chance and be safe!

Against the wind in the sky, before those dark creatures could take any actions, Lucien landed in front of the Observer’s Castle.

"Kilahkim." Lucien spurt out the password.

All of a sudden in the darkness, countless fist-sized, red-eyed bats fiercely flew out, aiming at Lucien.

Although Dracula had left the castle because of Lucien’s plan, he did not forget to leave projections of blood bats here.

Although these bats were just projections, they were still very sensitive and alert since Dracula had the power to half substantialize things even in a dream. The bats could even launch real attacks!

Flying and swirling, the countless blood bats released dizzying sound waves.

"Welcome, distinguished guest." The castle’s alchemical life, Mikhalik, greeted Lucien in a low voice. Then the gate slowly opened, as if the bats did not exist.

Grabbing Pale Justice tight, Lucien was given immunity to rage, charm, weak and many other negative influences, making he able to resist the dizziness deep in his soul. He jumped toward the half opening gate very swiftly.

Lucien’s strength and speed had been improved remarkably by the potions and the magic items he had, but his level of quick-response and balance were left behind. Therefore, Lucien stumbled and tottered into behind the gate.

The blood bats fiercely hit the edge of the gate. At this time, Mikhalik’s low muffled voice came again.

"Enemy attack. The first layer of defense activated."

Black bolts of lightning covered the walls and the gate. As soon as the bats touched the lightning bolts, they were burnt down into piles of dust. But the bats were not afraid of death. Instead, they continued with their attack.

Lucien pulled himself up and put away Pale Justice. Removing the magic effects of strengthening, Lucien regained his balance. Then he rushed for the main hall, casting magic spells along.

At this moment, although Dracula was informed that someone had broken into the Observer’s Castle, he would not come back in person, because he was now occupied by the fake Rhine!

Obviously, Rhine was much more important! Dracula would not waste a second!

Lucien, after acquiring his balance again, ran at full speed through the blood-colored flower sea. He had seen this before, so he was not afraid. Right now, the only thing he kept in his sight was the door of the main hall.

The numbing sweet smell was resisted by Health Belt, and the eyes could not affect Lucien at all since he was not looking at them. Drawing a straight line, Lucien arrived at the door of the main hall like a shooting star.

"Kilahkim." Lucien cast the spell again.

Although it had been only a bit more than ten seconds, Lucien felt that it was as long as his whole life. All of the strength in his muscles had been extracted and squeezed out. He felt completely exhausted.

Taking out the magic potion Congus Forest, Lucien drank all of it. When the feeling of exhaustion was gone, Lucien heard Mikhalik’s voice again, "Welcome, distinguished guest. Except for the controlling core, the energy room, and the base of the treasury vault, you can go anywhere you wish."

Lucien did not lower his alert. He gave Mikhalik the password that Rhine gave him.

"Please give me your command, my distinguished guest." Mikhalik’s voice became more docile, "Except for the excess to the controlling core and the base of the treasury vault, I shall take your order as I take my master’s command."

"Good. Top alert. Activate all the defense magic circles. No one can come in except for Mr. Rhine." Lucien spoke very fast, making the best use of every second.

Mikhalik burst out an exclamation as he realized how serious it was. Then he answered, "As your command."

The black bolts of lightning outside the walls all disappeared. Instead, a transparent shield covered the entire castle as if it had been the castle’s extension.

The magic creatures including the Scarlet trees in the magic garden had all disappeared. Everything was overwhelmed by deep darkness.

A few seconds later, Mikhalik responded, "Defense magic circles all activated. Alert level: legendary. Any other command?"

Until this moment, Lucien finally could let out a sigh of relief. Even if Prince Dracula came back himself, it would still take him at least a few minutes to break the shield and the protection mechanisms of the castle.

"Turn on the lights. All of them." Lucien commanded.

"Yes," answered Mikhalik very decisively. The alchemical life understood the meaning of this.

The creatures hiding in the dark forest under the cliff saw, for the first time, that the castle was lit up in light. The light was so bright as if it could pierce through the thickest darkness.

The dark creatures were confused.

Following the first light, more lights were lit up one by one in every single room of the castle. Within a few seconds, the entire castle had become ablaze with lights. The details of the castle were fully revealed.

When the darkness was driven away, the bright moonlight directly shone on the castle. Because of the reflection from the walls and glass, there was a pure silver-colored halo in front of the main hall, which seemed peaceful and cold.

"Turn me into Mr. Rhine. Use the best transfiguration spell." Lucien commanded again. The last thing he wanted to do was to let Dracula knew the existence of a sorcerer whose name was Lucien.

"Yes, sir," answered Mikhalik respectfully.

Dark air fell upon Lucien, and when it disappeared, the transfiguration spell had taken effect.

Cherishing every second, Lucien stepped into the moonlight halo, which gave him a kind of feeling which was hard to describe.

When Lucien was just about to cast the special summoning spell taught by Rhine, the moonlight suddenly dimmed, as if the entire sky had been covered by a huge shadow!

"You filthy little bug! I’m going to eat you up!"

The low voice was full of fury. Under the power, all the trees in the nearby dark forest were snapped, and the dark creatures exploded one by one like firecrackers! Even the shield covering the castle also started squeaking.

Prince Dracula had come back! This was faster than Lucien’s expectation!

What happened to Natasha?

Would the summoning rite still work while the silver moon was blocked?

The two thoughts rose simultaneously in Lucien’s mind.

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