Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 406 Opportunities Come to Those Who are Prepared

The gentle sigh directly struck Sophia’s mind like lightning. The dense smog was driven away, and some memories had come back to her.

After knowing the secret of Sun King from Relph, Sophia chose to collaborate with the Gorse duke and the Glorious Crown in order to win the royal throne. To set up the complex trap, she had betrayed her good friend and the knights who were loyal to her.

However, in the end, the people she chose to collaborate with had turned into the horrible monsters. If Deniz had not chosen to sacrifice himself to save her life, Sophia must have already been killed. All her dreams and ambition would have been turned into foam upon the water.

And this was all because of her greed...

Recalling how she laughed at Frederick, Beyer, and Arthen for their greed, Sophia realized that what was happening to her was rather sarcastic.

Feeling regretful, annoyed, anguished, desperate, abandoned, there were many negative emotions tangling with each other in Sophia’s mind. She cherished her life a lot, for she was a princess who owned beauty, wealth, youth, and power. She was not going to give up her life so easily!

"I don’t wanna die!"

Sophia cried out loud. She had put all her hope in the mysterious, young sorcerer.

Although the sorcerer’s power was horrible and she was his enemy, Sophia believed that as long as her offer was tempting enough, she still had a chance to survive. But if the monster - Sophia looked up at the demon surrounded by the black smog - defeated the sorcerer, she would for sure be killed in great pain!

She shook her head out of fear, and then her green eyes fixed on the young sorcerer. He was her only hope. She could give him anything he wanted!

Trying her best, Sophia forced herself to calm down using magic. However, another round of emotion followed.

She felt extremely nervous and worried.

Although this demon, Pain, was different from the one named Greed, since it was still not fully developed, and it was not one of the seven most mysterious and powerful demons, its host was the body of a level nine gold knight, whose power and speed much surpassed that of senior-rank sorcerers and radiant knights.

Was the mysterious sorcerer able to defeat the demon?

Recalling how the sorcerer just fought, Sophia realized that all of the most powerful spells that he used were from his magic items, and the magic that he cast using his soul power were only up to the fifth circle. Although using magic spells properly in the correct situation was more important than anything, the fact that the young sorcerer never cast a sixth circle spell still concerned her a lot.

Maybe...maybe the young man just became a sixth circle sorcerer in less than a year. Maybe he had not acquired enough sixth circle spells.

Sophia felt more than desperate again.

So she started praying, to the God of Truth. Although she was a sorcerer, and it was rather improper for a sorcerer to pray to the God of Truth, she had no idea what else she could do.

Although it seemed to be a quite long time, in fact, all these emotions went through Sophia’s mind just within three seconds.

Metatron murmured as if they were in a dream,

"Come...Come and fall in the deepest pain, as the nature of the world itself is the pain, as well as the nature of life."

Dragging the heavy burden of pain, Metatron forced his way forward. The stars in Lucien’s right eye moved faster and faster. However, because of the great disparity in power, Lucien could not get detailed information anymore,

"Relying on Metatron’s own willpower which is beyond strong, the demon, Pain, has gained great power from him and is growing very fast. However, Metatron’s willpower is still resisting, and this is why Metatron is moving slow and stiff, not as swift as Greed."

Lucien knew that there was no way that he could fight against a level nine knight. Even with his sword, Pale Justice, if he was still not fast enough, Lucien was still going to be killed by Metatron within one stroke.

The distorted faces in the black smog written with great pain started talking:

"The arrival of a newborn brings pain to mother..."

"Growth brings pain..."

"Illness brings pain..."

"Poverty brings pain..."

"Love brings pain..."

"Despair brings pain..."

"Death brings the ultimate pain..."

Each face represented a certain source of pain. The creepy atmosphere which enclosed Lucien started more or less affecting his mind.

Lucien knew that he had to do something.

Forcing himself to stay concentrated, he took out an item from the magic pouch.

At this time, a bright light lit up Metatron’s mind like a glorious crown. The power of the light restrained the black smog, thus the pain faces stopped gabbling annoyingly.

Lucien discovered his opportunity! The blood power of Metatron was still resisting the power of the demon!

Once this chance was gone, Lucien would not have a second one to survive!

Very decisively, Lucien threw the tube in the air. Meanwhile, he started casting and making complex hand gestures.

The light became brighter and brighter as if it was going to burn the entire hall down to ashes.

Sophia squinted her eyes, and she had lost all of her hope. Under the brilliant rays from the Glorious Crown, they would all die.

The solid, colorless material in the crystal tube tossing in the air was freezing cold.

Driven by the power of the spell and Lucien’s spiritual power conveyed by the hand gestures, the colorless solid started wriggling and became colder and colder. Soon, it became a dim ray and shot out toward Metatron.

When Lucien got his Ice & Snow Medal from Fernando, he was told that the Witch of Iceland had obtained solid helium by exerting high pressure. Thus Lucien asked his teacher to do him a favor and collected two tubes of solid helium for him. The solid helium was put into two very precious magic tubes, which was the most powerful weapon that Lucien had for his adventurous trip.

Lucien always treated his life very seriously!

The ninth-circle spell, owned by Lucien, Snow Goddess’s Whip!

The freezing ray fiercely stuck into the bright sunlight.

Metatron did not realize what was going on until the ninth-circle spell was ready. He had no time to dodge, so he could only drag the black smog back and cover himself with it.

The black smog was solidified, as well as Metatron’s blood. His skin looked like crystal, reflecting the sunlight. The scene was like a beautiful dream.

Close to the entrance of the hall, air and moisture in the space had gone and the space became totally solid. The only things that were still moving were the distorted faces, but they could not get out of the solidified black smog.

Sophia had no idea what the spell was. The power of the spell was definitely inconceivable. She also could not believe what just happened to Metatron, a level nine knight!

Who was this young man?

Sophia doubted the power of the mysterious sorcerer no more, for he did not use any magic items or scrolls, but just a simple magic tube.

Without any doubt, this mysterious sorcerer was very, very powerful!

Sophia wished that she could have been as powerful as him, so when facing danger, she could protect herself. Out of the great shock, Sophia’s mind started wandering.

Lucien, however, was not feeling great right now. Although he had managed to cast the ninth circle spell, he was pushing himself to the limit too much. Snow Goddess’s Whip had almost exhausted all of his spiritual power. The headache that Lucien was suffering was killing him.

At this time, the cool and refreshing feeling came from Lucien’s left hand. The Holm Crown ring, Origin, had returned the previously saved spiritual power back to Lucien’s body. His headache was thus relieved. Seizing the chance, Lucien instantly cast Bull’s Strength.

The freezing ice could not kill the demon. Before the ice melted, Lucien had to give it the final stroke!

The ice was melting fast, turning into white moisture rising in the air. Lucien took out a tube of magic potion and drank it all.

Grabbing his sword tight, Lucien strode across the hall toward the demon.

Lifting the sword high, Lucien fiercely hacked the faces off!

Sophia could no understand why the sorcerer all of sudden had turned into a knight. But she did not really care since she knew that the demon was not the young sorcerer’s rival and she was safe now.

Pale Justice got right into the black smog ball, and the painful cry from the faces lingered in the hall.

The black smog slowly cleared. The distorted faces were also gone.

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