Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 346: The Ignored Paper

Chapter 346: The Ignored Paper

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

"Based on molecular movement theory, introducing entropy into the explanation of the formula, Lucien Evans’ has provided us with a relatively complete analysis of the meaning of the formula, and thus solved the problem that has bothered many arcanists. The thermal radiation law is of great meaning to arcana research, so the outcome can be called as a breakthrough. The explanation is vital in improving the spells in the field of Thermodynamics, and the explanation itself is definitely worthy of profound discussion."

Cole paused for a moment and he could not help writing, "However, the premise of the paper is still an assumption. When using Evans Constant, it’s better not to dig into the arcana meaning of it. We can only use it as a constant to help us solve problems. The assumption has not been proved as the one and only explanation to the constant."

If the first part of his comment was indeed written by him in the tone of a member of the review board, what followed it was produced by Cole’s fear deep in his heart:

"In conclusion, it is recommended that forty-five arcana credits and four hundred arcana points should be given as Lucien Evans’ reward."

The suggested reward was even greater than that of Lucien’s last paper about brainwave, which showed the great value that the arcanists saw in the formula. However, compared to the credits and points that Lucien obtained from putting forward the periodic table of elements and the paper on synthesized carbamide, the reward was not decent enough, which showed the fact that Cole, as an orthodox arcanist, was feeling afraid, unpleasant and resistant in front of such a bold and shocking assumption especially when it had not been verified yet.

If the theory that the formula based on was not from Cole himself, the suggested reward might be even lower.


In a luxuriously decorated office of the Arcana Review Board, the floor was covered with the dark brown carpet imported from the other side of the ocean, the magic crystal light hung onto the ceiling, and in the walls, there were fine figures carved in relief. In the corner of the room, there was a private bar counter, behind which bottles of precious liquor were placed on a wine rack—the Lace from the Duchy of Violet, Berne wine, the Gold Rum from the Kingdom of Syracuse, the Black Metz and the Gold Lega from Schachran Empire.

Behind the desk sat a lady of wine-red hair. Tasting the golden liquid, she casually leafed through the papers to decide which ones she was going to keep for herself to review and which ones should be sent to her students or the arcanists working with her.

She was for sure nice-looking. Gulping the liquor, her eyes were even brighter. She was not drunk at all.

"The Energy Distribution of Black-Body Radiation?" murmured Sonya, a level seven arcanist and eighth-circle sorcerer from the Cabin of Palmeira. She wondered if the paper was about the explanation of the black-body radiation formula published recently on Arcana.

As an authority in studying snow and ice magic spells, Sonya put great emphasis on the formula of thermal radiation. Not only were the high-temperature spells related to thermal radiation, but also the spells using snow and ice. As an arcanist who was for sure capable of exploring the meaning of the formula, she had been so bothered by the problem recently that she even canceled her trip going back to the far Northland.

Meanwhile, she had also found some clues. She knew that Cole’s new theory should be helpful.

However, she still had to overcome a lot of difficulties and problems before reaching the final answer. She was expecting to spend another two weeks to finish the tough task. When seeing the title of the paper, her great curiosity was lit up.

Pulling out the paper from the bag, she became certain that the paper was about the meaning of the formula when seeing Lucien’s name on the front page. To her surprise, Lucien Evans had solved the problem which had been bothering the several grand arcanists for so long within this short period of time.

After reading the first part of the paper and seeing that Lucien also took the same perspective, there was a triumphant smile on her face. Gulping the liquor in her hand, she believed that all the great arcanists often shared the same opinion.

But a while later, the smile on Sonya’s face gradually froze.

"To make the formula work, it must be assumed that the emission and absorption of energy is discontinuous, but in portions."

The golden liquid in her glass started to became frozen from her spiritual power.

"What a subversive assumption..." Sonya sucked in her lips and her mind was full of all kinds of thoughts and emotions. There was anger, sarcasm, and also fear.

Sonya’s cold cognitive world in which the countless black dots moved slowly started to became even colder, and the snowstorm grew much stronger.

Fortunately, from the five arcanists’ papers, Sonya was more or less mentally prepared for such a conclusion. To be more specific, this was only Lucien’s assumption so far. She could handle it.

However, soon the temperature of the whole office dropped. The carpet, the desk, and all the places without the protection of the magic circles started to freeze, including the wine bottles on the rack.

"He did it! He explained the arcana meaning of the formula!" Sonya could not help but speak it out in high volume.

In great fear, she reread the line:

"To make the formula work, it must be assumed that the emission and absorption of energy are discontinuous, but in portions."

She murmured to herself, "That being said... the assumption is possibly correct!"

Grabbing the quill on the desk, Sonya started her own calculation and deduction using Lucien’s method. She could not believe it!

In the office, heavy snow started to pile up, and the cold wind blew. Being close to the ninth-circle, the changes in Sonya’s cognitive world were powerful enough to affect the physical world.

"Demon!" Sonya sprang to her feet from the chair and threw away the quill. Her mind was occupied by the great fear.

All of the wine bottles exploded on the rack. The liquor of all kinds of colors spilled onto the floor and the colors shaped great contrast with the snow.

Then, Sonya collapsed back into the chair and murmured repeatedly, "It’s just an assumption... Just an assumption..."

Her eyes and face started to be covered by a thin layer of ice-blue crystal.

Although her situation was way better than that of Cole, and she would say that she was more or less prepared for something big, Sonya was still unable to accept the assumption properly. If she nodded and conceded that the assumption made sense, she was, in fact, admitting that the foundation of the whole arcana system was an error, which was basically a denial of her life.

Unavoidably, Sonya’s soul was hurt when her cognitive world was greatly shaken. Fortunately, she still managed to maintain her world of cognition and would still be able to progress further.

"Assumption, just an assumption so far..."

Sitting there, letting time pass by, Sonya finally slowly recovered and looked around.

"My wine!"

She had spent a lot of effort on collecting all the bottles of nice wine. However, right now, they were all on the floor!

Sighing, Sonya shook her head with a bitter smile, "Working for the review board can be very dangerous. I shall have the board compensate for my loss. I wish I could directly have Lucien Evans pay for this!"

Taking a glance at the paper, there was still fear in Sonya’s eyes, as if in the document bag was sealed a demon that was powerful enough to destroy the whole world.

Rubbing the corner of her forehead, Sonya started to write down her review comment,

"This paper has defined the arcane value of the Evans’ Black-Body Radiation Formula and has solved the problem that has been troubling many arcanists for a long time. Although the premise of the explanation of the formula has not been confirmed, the fact that the formula is explainable is still of great value. It’s an important paper in the field of Thermodynamics that is worthy of in-depth discussion."

Like Cole, Sonya could not help but continued to write:

"Before the assumption is verified, it is not wise for one to put too much thought into it. Use Evans constant like the other common constants, and I suggest that, for the time being, the comment should be put at the beginning of the paper, so more arcanists could be more or less mentally prepared and previously warned. For the whole paper, I recommend that thirty arcana credits and three hundred and fifty arcana points shall be given as the reward."

If Lucien had not also said repeatedly in his paper that the premise of the explanation was just an assumption, and the paper was very logically developed and clearly presented, Sonya was very likely to reject the paper or make it fail to pass the review.


After the review result was available, many senior-rank arcanists had soon got the news and borrowed the paper to read.

In the headquarter office of Arcana, Drummond threw the paper fiercely on the desk. Although he was previously warned, his soul was slightly hurt, and his eyes turned red from the anger.

"It hasn’t been verified!" roared Drummond angrily.


Isabella, with the paper lying open in front of her on the desk, murmured to herself as if she was totally lost:

"Continuity... discontinuous... in portions..."

She saw illusions. She saw demons, devils, angels, gods, goddesses, as well as the stars of destiny. Her arcana world in her cognition now had cracks on it.

Wiping off the blood from the corner of her lips, Isabella comforted herself, "There might be another explanation..."

A long time later, Isabella told her student, Rachel, "When using the constant, I hope you can ignore the absurd assumption for now..."


The senior-rank arcanists’ response was within Lucien’s expectation. He knew that they would feel greatly shocked and terrified, and then they would tell themselves that only using the formula itself should be enough and they should for now ignore the assumption.

The grand arcanists offered most of the other arcanists some buffering time.

Without the support of firm and solid evidence, the assumption that rebelled against the orthodoxy and was powerful enough to destroy the existing arcana world system was doomed to be ignored and exiled by the ruler.

That was the path that every new ruler had to take before reaching his or her throne!


"Based on the comments from the two members, the overall comment on Lucien Evans’ paper is: groundbreaking and worthy of in-depth discussion. The paper was of great value, but its premise has not been proved, and the conclusion of the paper goes against the current understanding accepted by the public. Therefore, the paper is not persuasive and convincing enough. Therefore, thirty-five arcana credits and three hundred eighty arcana points are given to Lucien Evans as the reward."

Lucien had expected the result. He was already happy with the fact that the two members of the review board still had their heads on their necks intact.

At this time, Rock, who was responsible for the project of studying gas discharge walked in, and he said to Lucien in the office, "We’ve found something strange. You might want to take a look at it."

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