Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 286: A Fan of Lucien

Chapter 286: A Fan of Lucien

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

In Victor’s office.

After both of them calmed down a bit, they started exchanging what they had seen and experienced during their own trips, including the assorted local conditions and customs throughout the continent, and, of course, all kinds of folk and traditional music. Their warm conversation was full of joy.

"Good, good! You’ve grown a lot from your trip, Lucien!" Victor nodded approvingly. He could tell that Lucien now had a much better understanding and perception toward different music genres.

Because Victor himself also held concerts throughout the continent, instead of lying that he came back from Holy Heilz Empire or the Kingdom of Syracuse that Lucien in fact had never been to, Lucien told Victor that he travelled from the south central part of the continent to the Storm Strait and then returned the same way he came. Because he appreciated the folk music a lot there in that region, he stayed there for quite a long time.

Hearing his own teacher’s praise, Lucien grinned, "I’ve seen a lot of great, unique music genres during my trip. I’d like to have them to be part of my music."

"This is why I always believe that a musician should leave the place he or she stays in from time to time to see more and to experience more," said Victor, sharing all his thoughts with Lucien. "I can tell that you’ve been still practicing during the three years. You did not come to me with a solid foundation of music, but now you’ve filled the gaps."

Three years ago, despite of the fact that Lucien had excellent memory and great body coordination, it was still hard to grasp all the parts of the foundation of music. Although when talking to common musicians and instrumentalists, Lucien was fine, when he talked to master musicians like Mr. Christopher and Victor, he made many mistakes. Fortunately, they were all tolerant people, and they knew that Lucien was still new, so they did not give Lucien a hard time but corrected him in a nice way.

During his spare time in Allyn and the rest of his trip, except for studying arcana and teaching the apprentices, Lucien relaxed himself by playing music.

Most sorcerers had their own interests and hobbies during their spare time. Although being dedicated was one of the major conditions for a sorcerer to be successful, sorcerers needed to find the balance between magic and life. For example, the Hand of Annihilation was an outstanding painter, and also a playboy.

At this time, someone knocked at the door politely.

As the student, Lucien stood up and opened the door.

"Mr. Christopher?" Lucien was surprised.

Although having aged quite a bit, Christopher still shaved his beard well, like how he did three years ago.

Seeing Lucien, Christopher smiled, "Lucien, welcome back."

"Thank you very much, Mr. President." Lucien still called Christopher by the title president, even though the current president was Othello.

Christopher joked, "This old man was waiting for this young fellow to visit him. He has waited for so long that he’s decided to come over and find you. I’m very interested in what you’ve seen during your trip and your new music."

Three years later, Christopher had become more playful.

"I was about to..." Lucien was a bit embarrassed.

"Just kidding." Christopher grinned. "Actually, I’m here to invite you two to attend a small concert held by a young man. He’s from the southern Gusta. A tough young man who suffered a lot but is still pursuing his music dream. Finally, he made it to Aalto, and I heard his playing on the street. It was quite interesting. So I invited him to come over to the association and hold a small concert."

"On the street?" Walking to them, Victor asked.

It was quite strange to Victor. If this young man’s playing on the street was that impressive, he should have heard his name as well. However, he never did.

Christopher nodded seriously, "He’s got no money for renting a venue. He was playing piano and singing on the street. His music style was popular over the music festival, but most musicians in the association looked down upon it, because of their bias. By the way, his name’s Franz."

"I see." Victor smiled, "Is it starting now?"

Christopher pointed at the floor above and nodded, "Yes, let’s go. There’re people waiting for us."

Lucien and Victor each walked on one side of Christopher. When they were heading upstairs, Christopher smiled, "Franz told me that your music has given him a lot of energy and power. Without your music, he said he could not have come this far."

"Uh?" Lucien was quite surprised.

"Franz did not come from a wealthy family. His father was an ordinary man, working in an business association. Although the family did not have the money to send him to study music, he was selected into the church choir because of his beautiful voice, and he also managed to learn some basic vocality and composing skills. Later, he was kicked out of the choir because he refused to be a castrato. He studied music really hard since then." Christopher introduced, "Unfortunately, his music did not win the affection of nobles or the public. After his father passed away, his life got even tougher. He was a worker on the port, a warehouse keeper, a bartender, a bard... Life was hard to the twenty-something young man, both physically and mentally, until he heard your Symphony of Fate and started to make money by sticking to his music style. Now, he’s in Aalto."

Victor smiled, "What a tough young man. This kind of story always touches my heart."

"I’m really happy that I can help him," said Lucien sincerely. The story made him a bit less guilty.


Soon, they arrived in the hall on the fifth floor.

In the hall, many musicians, instrumentalists and music students had gathered together here out of curiosity. They all wondered what kind of young man could win the appreciation of Mr. Christopher.

Although the hall was almost full, the first row of seats still remained empty. They were saved for the top musicians.

"Mr. President."

"Mr. Victor."

"Mr. Evans."

When they walked in the hall, all the musicians stood up and greeted them. They watched them walking toward the first row.

Soon, the small concert started. Franz, wearing black suit, walked on the stage excitedly. He bowed to the audience many times.

He was about twenty-four of five, with thin face and curly, tangly black hair. His face looked very serious, as if he was praying in the church.

He looked at the famous musicians seating in the front. Franz knew that they were Mr. Christopher and Mr. Victor. But who was the young man?

Soon he realized who this young man was. His hands started trembling and he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Then, he sat down in front of the piano. A castrato came to the center of the stage.

The melody of the piano piece was like stream flowing. The poetry-like lyrics sung by the castrato were touching.

The structure of the piano piece was complete and full of varieties. The deep emotions in the music combined perfectly with the piano.

The audience in the hall was immersed in the melody. Some were slightly nodding along with the music.

The songs of different styles completely caught the heart of the people present. The hall was quiet. No musicians ever thought that a young man could give bard songs new life and this great sense of elegance.

When the first part of the concert finished, Franz stood on the stage, waiting for the musicians’ comments nervously.

This was part of the small concert.

Christopher smiled, "Evans has just come back. Let him say something first."

Franz’s hands were held together tight. He was beyond nervous.

Lucien tried to be humble in front of Mr. Christopher, but the president insisted. So, Lucien smiled and said, "The music has led us into a new world by making us forget the common form of ordinary songs."

This was a very high comment, and this comment came from his idol. Franz waved his right hand slightly out of the great joy. There were tears in his eyes.

Lucien continued, "You’ve greatly explored the possible forms of songs, which is a brand new path in front of us. I have some ideas about developing long verse into songs, and hope we can have a good talk after the concert."

Lucien was inspired by Franz’s songs.

"Of course... Thank you so much, Mr. Evans. You might not know this, but I have to say that during the darkest days in my life, when I was about to end my music life, it was your Symphony of Fate that saved me... You might have no idea how shocked and encouraged I was when I heard it..."

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