Chapter 262: Clean Up

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

In the fierce thump of hooves, seven or eight strong Dragon Scale horses rushed southeastwards through the city gate of Segru.

"Bastards! Don’t you see people?!" shouted a gatekeeper, who was almost knocked over by one of the horses.

Apart from special situations, Segru’s city gate was never closed.

Another gatekeeper shot him a warning glance and lowered his voice, "Didn’t you see the man on the horse? It was Lord Jacob! How dare you!"

Hearing that, the first gatekeeper immediately closed his mouth tight and looked around alertly. He started to get worried that someone would remember what he just said and put him in trouble.

After a while, he asked the other gatekeeper confusedly, "What happened in Segru? Why was Lord Jacob in such a hurry?"

"Lord Jacob... I head that... Lord Jacob’s son is dead! He was killed by someone in his own villa, and all his guards were killed, too!" answered the other gatekeeper in a frightened but also excited way.

"Wow... I mean... What?!" Hearing that, the first gatekeeper felt not only greatly shocked but also excited. Warren’s name was notorious. Most people hated him very much. This was definitely a big deal, a big deal that had not happened in the East Haven for years! He wondered who had the guts to challenge the authority of a suzerain by killing his only son!

Hearing their conversation, several other gatekeepers gathered closer. The guy who got the fresh news was flattered, so he said to them excitedly, "All the slaves in Warren’s villa were gone! Maybe the young master pissed off someone he shouldn’t have, and the person directly killed every single one of them!"

The first gatekeeper looked back and released a sigh, "Warren’s the only son of Lord Jacob. Lord Jacob must be beyond furious now. We was being really careful recently, in order to stay away from any trouble."

"That’s true. Some people said that this happened in the afternoon, however, the noise was blocked by the villa’s own magic circles, so no one found out about it until evening. I bet the guy who did this must now be hundreds of miles away from here. It’s almost impossible for Lord Jacob to catch the guy. Lord Jacob’s Blessing, Werewolf, will definitely drive him crazy. Many people in the East Haven will die for nothing just because of his anger." The informed gatekeeper sighed. Fortunately, they were the gatekeepers of Segru, not the East Haven. Jacob would not easily vent on them because of the nine city lords.

Jacob was a level-four knight with Werewolf Blessing. He was fast, strong, tough and was able to heal fast from injuries. At the same time, he had also got the powers known as Rampage, Unholy Blight, Dark Asthenia Halo, and Roaring, all derived from his Blessing. The only shortcoming of the Blessing was that Jacob could not launch long-range attacks, and he could not stay conscious in moonlight, instead, he would turn into a real huge wolf.


In the living room of Warren’s garden villa.

Jacob stared at the blood and flesh pieces on the floor with his eyes wide open. He could not believe that the son he had raised for almost thirty years now had turned into the remaining pieces in front of him!

Wolf fur started to come out from his armor, covering his clenched fists.

Smelling the air, Jacob said in an extremely suppressed tone, "The smells of blood have mixed together. Bastard... He did this on purpose!"

Jacob’s men started to search the place, thinking to themselves that they could only bury the relatively big pieces of Warren. At this time, no one wanted to stand in front of Jacob to take his violent rage.

"Mr. Spencer, please check out the place using magic to see if we can find any clues." Wolf fur started growing on Jacob’s face, as his great anger and his intense urge to kill were going to explode at any time. He must and he would find the bastard who killed his son. He was going to make the guy’s body kneel in front of Warren’s tomb, for hundreds of years, thousands of years, even when the body had turned into pure bones!

A middle-rank mage was qualified to be a suzerain in this place, or at least a major consultant of the nine city lords. Therefore, Jacob, a level-four grand knight, could never afford a middle-rank sorcerer, not to mention that he was not even qualified for having a middle-rank sorcerer working for him. Due to the mysteriousness of magic, however, Jacob still needed one, so the Spencer guy he just talked to was a second-circle sorcerer, and together with his apprentices, Spencer worked for Jacob as his consultant.

Spencer took out a crystal ball from his pocket and put in on the top tip of his black magic staff. Then, he started to cast some Astrology spell.

The crystal ball turned black, as if a night sky was in there. Stars in the crystal ball all had their own track.

"Astrology cannot provide the direct answer, so the sorcerer who killed the master should be good at Astrology, and since he killed the young master with a Fireball spell, the sorcerer should be... around third-circle..." Spencer could not find answers from the crystal ball, but he had some assumptions based on his experience.

Jacob’s eyes had turned red. Pointing at the flesh and blood on the floor and the completely destroyed bar counter, Jacob yelled, "This kind of explosion... from a third-circle sorcerer?!" Clearly he did not trust what Spencer just said.

Bottles of wine were shattered by his furious voice, and the liquor covered the floor. The whole place was filled with the mixed smell of blood and wine, which made Jacob’s nose less sensitive than usual.

Spencer pointed at some of the glass pieces on the ground, "Lord Jacob, look at these. My guessing’s that lots of alchemical materials exploded together. So maybe the sorcerer controlled the young master or Reja first, and then he or she tied lots of explosives to one of them. When the sorcerer cast the fireball spell, the explosion thus turned out to be this powerful."

"I don’t want to hear how Warren died. I just want to know who the fu*king bastard is!" Jacob started roaring like crazy.

Spencer took a deep breath and then started casting again. This time, there were no stars in the crystal ball, but a creepy, old voice came out from it, "Carry the unknown destiny, flash back the ever-running time... The sorcerer who summons me... You can use five gems to get an answer, but only one."

This was a third-circle spell called Question. The caster could ask a question to an unknown evil existence at the cost of five precious gems, and the thing only provided the answers between yes or now. If the level of the question was not too much above the caster’s own knowledge level, the accuracy was about seventy-five percent.

It looked like Spencer’s magic staff was a level-three magic item.

The five beautiful rubies disappeared as soon as they touched the crystal ball, then Spencer asked, "I want to know whether the sorcerer who killed Warren had known Warren for just a few days?"

With smaller time range, the investigation would be easier.

The vicious voice answered immediately, "Yes."

Hearing that, Jacob hurriedly commanded, "You, you, and you, go and check it right now! We must be quick! Before the bastard gets out of here!"

Most of the knights hurriedly left the villa, and Spencer and another two knights checked the rest of the living room, but found nothing useful. So they decided to go to the chamber where those slaves were to see what they could find. Spencer also sent messages to his students to come and help.

Jacob rubbed his forehead and said, "Mr. Spencer, I gotta leave this in your hands right now. I’m too disturbed by my rage to think properly. We must find the fu*king bastard!"

Spencer nodded and hurriedly left the place with the two knights to see if there were any other clues they could find.

The living room suddenly became quiet, and this made Jacob feel even more bothered.

As he was walking back and forth in the living room, gray spider webs came out from nowhere on his feet and Jacob got entangled tightly in the webs!

A figure showed up in the corner where the wine smell was very strong. The man was wearing brownish red tight jacket, white breeches and black boots, as well as a monocle on the man’s good-looking, smiling face.

Lucien never left the place! He hid himself in the safe corner under the cover of the mixed smell of wine and blood! No one ever expected this!

Lucien was very patient. He had been waiting here for four to five hours, waiting for the chance to kill Jacob together! If he did not, Jacob would finally find out what happened, and that would make his effort of killing Warren become in vain, so Lucien needed Jacob to die! Once Jacob was dead, all the suzerains would be busy with fighting over his land and wealth, and no one would care about how he was killed or who killed him!

That was how Lucien cleaned up things afterwards!

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