After mountain river, world of martial arts became the second top-tier professional team to lose to Hell's frontline.

At the same time, they were also the 10th team to be wiped out by Hell's frontline.

Putting aside the 'bye', brother Jue's team had defeated every opponent they had met in the past 11 rounds with a score of 3 - 0. Out of the 14 teams left, only two teams had maintained this "zero point loss" record: One was the [underworld frontline], and the other was the [Gate of Heaven].

The interesting thing was that these two teams were non-governmental teams without any studio background ...

By the end of Round 11, even though there were still a few rounds left in the S3 tournament, it was already quite obvious which teams had the potential to become the Champions.

Order, loser Alliance, Gate of Heaven, and Hell's front were far stronger than the other teams in terms of combat power, formation, and performance on the road to promotion. If there were no accidents, the champion would be born among them.

Therefore, for the players of the remaining ten teams, the following "random matching" became very important ... In theory, if the four teams met in the next two rounds, then at least one of the remaining ten teams would be the runner-up.

However, things did not go in the direction they had hoped for ...

At midnight on April 14th, the list of matches for S3's 12th round was announced: There were 14 teams participating in this round. Because it was an even number, no teams had a free pass this round. All teams would have to face each other. And the random result showed that the four teams with the highest chances of winning the championship ... Did not meet each other.

Although the probability of this happening was not low to the point of "looking fake", there were still comments on social media that said "the organizer secretly manipulated the matching".

Of course, such baseless speculations that had no interest in them did not cause any waves. Compared to all the big problems that Thriller Paradise had created in the past year, this was nothing ...

And so, round 12 passed in such a fiery yet unsuspecting atmosphere.

After this round, the top 7 of S3 were born. These seven teams were:

The publicly acknowledged number one studio in the current professional gaming circle, order; The [waste Alliance] was an Alliance formed by a group of professional players without contracts and idle people in society. They had achieved a lot of brilliant results, but now they were gradually retreating to the second-tier studio, Mashu. Seven casual players with decent strength formed a strong team called [black eight miracles]. A team made up of seven popular game streamers was stunned.[We didn't cheat.] The biggest Dark Horse in this competition, the [door to heaven]; There was also the indescribable but unnecessary underworld frontline.

According to the rules, in the thirteenth round of the competition, one team would be left out, and the other six teams would be eliminated by half. Thus, the top four would be decided.

However, on the early morning of April 16th, when the list of matches was supposed to be announced, dream Inc. Came up with something ...

They did not update the results of the matchmaking on the official website as scheduled. Instead, they released an announcement [notice regarding the additional rules and settings for S3 of the tournament of the peaks].

With this title alone, 95% of the players would have gone mad before they even clicked on the link to the article. This was because the title revealed a strong sense of corruption, and it was the kind that couldn't be more negative.

Almost everyone had made such a deduction before reading the article: "Dream Inc. Must be trying to send the four seeded teams into the top four, but with only seven teams, it would be too fake if the four strong teams were to split up. If they do that, the players will definitely suspect that all the previous random results were man-made ... Therefore, dream Inc. Can only implement a new mechanism to achieve their goal."

It had to be said ... The crowd's eyes were sharp, and they had guessed correctly.

According to the announcement, the original "random matching" mechanism was still in effect. In fact, the matching results for this round were already listed in the announcement.

Round 13's matchups were order VS door to heaven, loser Alliance VS Mashu, underworld frontline VS black eight miracle, and we didn't cheat.

However, on top of that, dream Inc. Had added three new rules and settings ...

The first rule was that the teams that had missed the first twelve rounds would be considered to be behind by one point for each round.

What did this rule mean?

First of all,[Mashu],[Blackie miracle], and [we didn't cheat], these three teams that had never gotten a bye before, would definitely be fine.

Secondly, teams like trash Alliance that had their opponents forfeit after the match results were out weren't considered to be free, so they escaped.

However, Hell's frontline who got a bye in the fourth round and Gate of Heaven who got a bye in the tenth round were already in a 1 - 0 lead before the start of the match.

And they ... Weren't the worst. Order, who had missed the eighth and eleventh rounds respectively (this was why the word "again" was used in Chapter 1372 when mentioning order's bye), had to fight with the attitude of "losing two points first" in this round.

Looking at the matching list ... The match between order and door to heaven would be viewed as a 1 to 2 right from the start. However, the two teams still had to arrange a complete seven-man lineup and start from the "Vanguard battle."

As for the match between Hell's frontline and miracle of Blackie, it was not that bad. With brother Jue's team's ability, it would not make much of a difference if they lost one match. It was likely that the match would end before the general battle.

Then, he looked at the second rule/setting that had been added ...

In the next round (Round 14), the four teams that successfully entered the top four would each be assigned a "divine weapon."

The four artifacts were the [crown], the [Holy Grail], the [Philosopher's Stone], and the [amulet]. The official website also released a video about the origin and explanation of the four 'yadali artifacts'. The video was made by a famous video author in the early 21st century named 'sword hunt'. The video introduced the origin, value, and related rumors of the four artifacts in detail.

Of course, dream Inc. Would not give the real thing to the players. Instead, they would give the players a data version of the "four legendary weapons".

Dream Inc. Had announced that each of the four legendary equipment "had a team BUFF with an obvious effect, and there was a restraining relationship between the Buffs that could turn the tables". However, as to what the Buffs were, they would only be announced after the next round of matchmaking.

In addition, each team's performance in this round will also determine the order and rights to distribute the divine weapons in the next round.

"The rules are that in terms of time, the team that wins the battle the fastest can use the divine weapon that no one has chosen to exchange with the divine weapon of any other team after the other three teams have obtained their divine weapons. Of course, they can also choose not to exchange with the divine weapon. The second-fastest winning team could be the first to choose a divine weapon, and the third-fastest team and the bye team would each be given a divine weapon. The team that won the third fastest could choose whether or not to exchange their divine weapons with the team that didn't get a chance. As for the teams that didn't get a turn ... Unfortunately, they could only passively accept the results of the allocation.

Finally, there was the third additional rule. The teams that were not in this round could choose to switch places with any other team. Of course, they could also choose not to switch and advance directly.

Right, the members of [we didn't cheat], who were the ones who chose the third rule, decided to switch places with [door to heaven] after a short discussion after learning the rule.

No matter from which point of view, switching positions was advantageous to them.

After a simple calculation, if they didn't switch positions this round, the three opponents they would face in the next round would be: The winner between [hell frontline],[trash Alliance],[order], and [Heaven's Gate]; Not to mention that they were all seeded teams, they also had the priority to distribute the divine weapons ... No matter how he looked at it, this was a game with no chance of survival.

And what if they switched places? The situation was completely different.

The members of [we're not cheating] were all well-known game streamers; four of them were former professional players, and the other three were full-time players in the gaming industry even though they had never been in; professional club before; At least in Thriller Paradise, their skill level was not much different from a professional player 's. In fact, they might even be stronger.

It wasn't hard to tell that this team was quite arrogant and had a certain level of ambition. Even if they didn't have any hopes of winning the championship, they could still fight for the runner-up position.

In that case, who should they switch positions with in order to continue winning and advancing?

Using the process of elimination to deduce ...

If he replaced potato, he would have to fight loser Alliance, which was basically the same as suicide.

Replacing black eight's miracle and going against Hell's frontline with a score of one to zero felt very dangerous ...

As for replacing loser Alliance or underworld frontline ... They could do it because they had a 70% chance of winning against Mashu or black eight miracles. However ... Winning didn't mean that he could sweep away everything. At this point in the game, the remaining teams 'strength wouldn't be too bad. It would be very embarrassing if they were beaten by someone with a score of three to two ...

Considering the rules of the next round, if they fought five matches or dragged it out for too long, it was very likely that they would become the third fastest team to win ... It was not worth it to spend so much effort only to have a little more initiative than to insist on not winning.

As for [order] being replaced, it was naturally the first option to be passed ... Not to mention the 1:0 opening against [door of heaven], it was similar to the situation with [Hell's frontline]. It was a 2:8 match. To order,"being suppressed by the God-tier BUFF in the next round" and "being held as match point at the start of this round" were obviously more controllable for the former.

In summary,"replacing [Heaven's Gate]" was the only and best choice for the streamers.

With this change in position, team we didn't cheat right from the start had a 2 - 0 lead. As long as they won one point, they would advance, and they would advance by eliminating order ... Regardless of the details, if this became a reality, they could brag about it for the rest of their lives.

More importantly, the score was 2 - 0 right from the start, which saved him two rounds of time. If things went well, not only would they be able to "eliminate the arrogant order", but they would also be able to get the right to choose the next divine artifact ... Which meant that they would have a 100% advantage in the divine artifact.

Therefore, compared to getting a bye,[Gate of Heaven] was the best choice. There was a high chance that they could get a second place.


To make a long story short, after a long day of turmoil, everything was settled in the early morning of the 17th.

[Loser Alliance],[hell frontline], and [Gate of Heaven], who was "lucky" to be on the vacant lot, all advanced as expected.

Order, who had been actively preparing for the battle and protesting against the rules in the previous 24 hours, finally turned the tide of the battle with a score of 3 to 2 and settled the [we're not cheating] team.

This was a very "ugly" match ... At least in the eyes of the audience.

Order, which had always appeared to be the king, had sent out "befuddled" players in the first three matches this time. These four players had used Mark Selby's "grinding" tactics, turning the three matches into a long and dull battle.

There were three Reasons for Order's actions:

In a match where three match points were taken at the start, it wasn't too much to be stable. In any case, they still had an absolute advantage in terms of pure strength. As long as they completely gave up on the viewing pleasure and kept their "stability" to the extreme, they could guarantee the maximum winning rate.

Secondly, stalling for time was also part of the psychological battle. The team behind order had already clearly calculated what the members of team [we didn't cheat] were planning before the game. They had grasped the opponent's mentality of "wanting to attack the match point in one go" and carried out the words "stalling,""grinding," and "stalling." As time dragged on, the opponent would definitely become impatient and reveal flaws ...

Thirdly ... Contributing to this round of competition could be considered a silent protest from order to dream Inc. What they wanted to express was: "Since you guys used the rules to ambush us, then we'll take advantage of the viewership ratings and reputation of your competition."

Unfortunately, at this point in time, no one in dream Inc. Would care about such things.

In the final stage of this "bet," the employees who had been under "cognitive interference" for a long time would be more affected and shackled. They would naturally not think about things that their "superiors" did not want to care about, and they would not even form a related concept in their minds ...

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