Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 69: Do any of you have any questions?

Chapter 69: Do any of you have any questions?


Editor-simpforlife, Proofreader-Ghostie

Compared to Akihiko Yamamoto’s friendly greeting, the bearded white man’s attitude was very straightforward, showing obvious resistance and contempt.

He squinted at the two people sitting in front, intently checking them out, his eyes were full of hostility.

A few seconds later, unknown whether he felt that he had won or lost, he gave a cold snort.

“I’m Daniel.”

The bearded man announced his name, then picked up the coffee cup from the table and drank the brown liquid in one gulp with the posture of drinking beer.

“Hey, Mary, pour me another cup.”

Daniel said and raised the empty cup in the direction of the kitchen.

A girl came out with a coffee pot in her left hand and a tray in her right hand with two cups on it.

Mary, the girl, was a westerner. She seemed to be in her early twenties. Her light blonde, curly hair was tied up in a bun at the back of her head, and she was wearing a black apron. She should be one of the family’s only two maids.

Mary put the two empty cups in front of Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan, smiled at them a little uneasily and looked away the moment she met their eyes.

Bei Quan: “…”

“Hey, Mary, where’s the coffee!”

Daniel knocked impatiently on the table.

Mary quickly left Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan turned to the other side of the long table and continued to fill the cup for Daniel first.

Daniel showed a satisfied look.

He raised his hand, deliberately patted Mary on the waist, raised his chin towards the opposite side, and said in a peculiar manner, “Pour my brothers here a cup of coffee too.”

At this time, the housekeeper came out of the kitchen with another maid.

The other maid was an African American woman in her late fifties. She was slightly plump, and her name was Alanka.

In this way, with the exception of Chen Dafa, the owner of the house who slept in the master bedroom upstairs, and the nurse who took care of him full-time, everyone in the mansion was gathered in the dining room with poor lighting and ventilation.

The housekeeper and two maids brought the brunch food to the table. Then the housekeeper politely told them that the lawyer would come later and urged them to eat something first.

American brunch, as the name suggests, was simply a combination of breakfast and lunch because mealtime was just stuck at the point of neither early nor late.

Although there was not enough staff, the housekeeper obviously attached great importance to the brunch and had arranged it quite abundantly.

The table was covered with numerous plates.

Bread, cherry pie, fried eggs, bacon, sausage, cereals, muffins, mashed potatoes, fruit juice, and thick soup.

Bei Quan took a piece of bread and spread jam on it.


Daniel sitting opposite him suddenly spoke, “I haven’t seen you in this house before.”

Bei Quan lifted his eyelids and looked at Daniel,

“I left for China twenty years ago.”

“Is that so?”

Daniel dragged his tone, “Then, did you find your boyfriend in China?”

He sneered, “China doesn’t recognize same-sex marriage, right?”

Daniel gestured to Wei Fuyuan with his fork, “So, he is an irrelevant outsider. What qualifications does he have to stay here?”

Daniel’s words were completely provocative. Even Huan sitting next to Bei Quan changed his face slightly and glanced at the three parties repeatedly as if he was worried.

Bei Quan was eerily calm.

He picked up another piece of bread, coated it with peanut butter, overlapped the two pieces of bread, and cut them diagonally with a knife.

“Because he is my boyfriend.”

Bei Quan handed half of the bread to Wei Fuyuan sitting next to him, and then smiled at Daniel, “When the lawyer contacted us, he said we can bring someone close to us, right?”

“Jason is right.”

Huan seemed afraid that they would start a fight, so he quickly helped, “Since both the lawyer and the housekeeper say it’s ok, then…”

“Huan, you shut up!”

Daniel interrupted him impatiently, “You were a sissy when you were a child. I’m sure, are also gay?”

Hearing Daniel’s words, Huan’s expression was stunned, and then swallowed his saliva. He shut his mouth and didn’t dare to speak again.


Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan understood Daniel’s inexplicable source of hostility.

It was estimated that he was either conservative or homophobic. Just watching them go out and go in hand, he felt uncomfortable and inexplicably wanted to find fault.

The atmosphere on the table became a little tense for a moment.

At this time, Mary, the young maid, came over with a jug of the orange juice and asked them in a little at a loss tone,

“Excuse me… Does anyone need freshly squeezed orange juice?”

Daniel turned his eyes to Mary.


He cleared his throat and knocked on the table, “Pour me a glass of orange juice.”

The confrontation was over silently.

However, Daniel no longer took the initiative to provoke, but Bei Quan didn’t intend to let him go.

“Come on, try this.”

Bei Quan forked up a piece of roast sausage and handed it to Wei Fuyuan’s mouth. He smiled softly and said, “I think it’s delicious.”

Wei Fuyuan had never enjoyed the treatment of being fed by his boss before, and his heart pounded fiercely.

But he knew that he should cooperate well with Bei Quan’s performance at this time.

In order for the two to seem like sweet ‘lovers’, Wei Fuyuan endured the embarrassment, turned his head, took the roast sausage from Bei Quan’s fork, and chewed it a few times.

“Delicious.” He smiled and said, “Very delicious.”

Bei Quan gave him a soft, endearing smile, and raised his hand to wipe out a small oil stain at the corner of his lips.

——Really worthy of being my boss!

Wei Fuyuan licked his lips nervously, where the soft and slightly cold touch of Bei Quan’s fingertips still lingered.

——The acting is so good that Oscar really owes him a golden figure!

He murmured in his heart, then turned his head to fork a piece of soft-boiled egg on his plate, and fed it back as Bei Quan did to him.

“You ate too little today. Come on, eat some more.”

Bei Quan seemed very satisfied with Wei Fuyuan’s cooperation.

He ate the loose eggs his assistant fed him and gently touched the other’s face. He looked like he could not extricate himself from the gentle countryside of his little wolf dog lover at the end of the year.

This disgusted the homophobic straight man opposite to them.

Daniel’s knife made a crisp sound on the white porcelain plate and then dropped to the ground.

The housekeeper and the maid had retreated to the kitchen so he had to pick it up by himself.

However, as soon as Daniel bent down, he saw something more infuriating beneath the tablecloth.

Across the table, Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan’s thighs were closely pressed together. They seemed to rub against each other intentionally or unintentionally, and their actions were ambiguous to the extreme.


Daniel dropped his knife and stood up,

“I am full!”

He glared at Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan fiercely, and muttered something in a low voice that no one heard clearly.

“I’ll come down when the lawyer arrives!”

With that, Daniel stormed off and left the dining room.


The lawyer had promised to arrive at brunch, but he seemed to be delayed by something and didn’t come until 4 pm.

Today, he didn’t bring an intern but drove over by himself.

When the lawyer arrived, he asked the four heirs to assemble in the living room. After a brief self-introduction, he took out a copy of Chen Dafa’s will and read it to them one by one.

According to Chen Dafa’s will, Dai Bo Qian, Daniel, Huan, and Akihiko Yamamoto would equally share the property under his name after his death.

The lawyer group had asked the finance department to make a preliminary valuation. It was estimated that after deducting the required taxes, each person would be able to get US $1.02 Billion.

When the lawyer said this number, Bei Quan paid special attention to the vivid expressions of the other three people.

Huan was plainly nervous. He kept gulping down agitatedly. His fingers unconsciously toyed with the hem of his T-shirt. He seemed to be at a loss about the situation.

Akihiko Yamamoto’s face was tense and unreadable. He couldn’t deduce what the other was thinking at the moment.

Daniel was struggling to hold his excitement, but the blue veins beating around his neck clearly revealed his real thoughts. His eyes moved involuntarily in a certain direction, and he immediately retracted the gaze, put his hands on his knees, straightened his back, and showed an attentive posture.

Bei Quan followed Daniel’s wandering gaze and looked over…


The corners of his lip were slightly raised.

——It seems that something exciting will happen soon.

The lawyer’s voice continued.

He told everyone that Mr. Chen Dafa had been longing for familial affection all his life. He regarded every child who had lived with him as his own son, so he was willing to leave all his property to them. He only hoped that the money could help the four people get a bright future.

But Chen Dafa also hoped to get warmth from his relatives in the last moments of his life. Therefore, he asked the four heirs to be with him.

“From today, that is, July 20th, for at least one week, that is, until July 26th.”

The lawyer said, “Mr. Chen hopes you can live here and visit him in his room at least once a day.”

“This is a condition that you must fulfill if you want to obtain the right of inheritance.”

He closed the copy of the will.

“If any one of you voluntarily relinquishes the right to inherit, or loses the qualification to inherit because he can’t fulfill the conditions, the property he should have received will be divided among the remaining three, and so on.”

After that, the lawyer looked around at the four young people in front of him, “Do any of you have any questions?”

The living room was silent.

About a minute later, Daniel coughed gently.

“Well, I heard that Mr. Chen’s condition is very serious…”

He paused before continuing hesitantly, “I mean, if- just in case, just in case of course!”

Daniel said, “What if Mr. Chen dies before seven days?”

“There are supplementary provisions in Mr. Chen’s will in such a turn of events.”

The lawyer nodded, “If Mr. Chen dies before the 26th of this month, his estate distribution will still be executed according to the original will. You can rest assured.”


The author has something to say: Well, all the important people/main bosses in this case have appeared. It’s time for everyone to guess who the villain is~

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