Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 279: The heat’s unbearable, don’t you think?

Chapter 279: The heat’s unbearable, don’t you think?

“Miss Alice, what are you…?”

Ryan stared at the girl in front of him, who looked completely different from her usual self. His mouth felt a little dry.

She was wearing a blue evening gown, the hem lined with gold, and the rest of the dress a deep, solid blue. It gave off a mysterious yet captivating vibe.

Have you ever seen a mandrake flower? Dangerous, yet beautiful. That was exactly the feeling Alice was giving Ryan right now.

She stood on the staircase, holding her dress slightly with both hands, just enough to reveal her pale ankles.

Her shoes were also a deep blue, high heels that left the tops of her feet exposed. Ryan’s gaze caught them, and they shyly recoiled, almost like a sensitive plant folding in on itself.

Ryan was momentarily stunned. Alice had always dressed in a more androgynous style around him, which suited her cold, untouchable aura perfectly.

But Ryan had to admit, he had imagined countless times what Alice would look like in a dress. Even though he already knew she had the figure to pull it off, seeing her like this still left him completely floored.

Clothes can make or break a person, but Alice’s outfit felt so natural on her that Ryan couldn’t detect a single thing out of place.

It was as if… Alice was always meant to look like this.

“What’s wrong? Do I look weird?”

Alice had sent the servants away and was planning to find Ryan, but she hadn’t expected to be caught like this.

Seeing the drastic change in Ryan’s expression, she felt her face heat up, as if it were on fire.

‘Damn it, I knew I shouldn’t have done this. What was I even thinking? This was such a stupid idea. I’ve completely embarrassed myself.’ Alice was filled with regret.

Her exposed skin felt like it was being scrutinized under Ryan’s gaze, and the strange, shameful sensation made her stomach feel like it was burning.

But Ryan, oblivious to all of this, let his eyes linger on her, his gaze sticking to her skin like thick syrup. This only made Alice feel more uncomfortable.

She must have lost her mind. Alice bit her lip, gripping her dress tightly, wanting nothing more than to turn around and change out of this ridiculous outfit.

She was smart, and she had been thinking a lot about what had gone wrong between her and Ryan.

Bringing Anna to dinner was supposed to be a way to show Ryan that she was still alive, but things had clearly spiraled out of her control.

Anna and Ryan were obviously closer than Alice had anticipated, and their interactions were far more natural than hers with Ryan.

Alice had never been one to care much about appearances. As the leader of a crime syndicate, she had been taught to focus solely on results.

So, when she tracked down the reporters who had framed Ryan, she didn’t hesitate to extract the information she needed and send them to where they belonged.

If this hadn’t involved Ryan, she wouldn’t have been so furious. She had never realized how easy and natural it was to kill someone.

She had done so much for Ryan, all she wanted was for him to stay by her side. But all she got in return was his growing distance.

She started to wonder if she should be more honest with herself. Should she be more direct with her feelings?

With that thought in mind, she had gone back to her room and found an invitation to a gala from a local business mogul. The gold-embossed invitation had been buried under a pile of documents, something Alice would normally never even glance at, but now it seemed to hold a special meaning.

Anna liked to wear dresses. Despite her manipulative nature, Alice had to admit that Anna’s innocent, sweet appearance was probably exactly what Ryan liked.

Alice wasn’t sure what had come over her, but she had put on a dress she would never normally touch. Now that the impulse had passed, all that was left was shame and regret.

“I’ll go change!”

Ryan had been staring at her for a while, completely dazed. When Alice turned to leave, he finally snapped out of it.

He had been marveling at her beauty. The Alice in front of him, free from her usual androgynous style, had a unique charm that captivated him. He couldn’t get enough of it.

“No… don’t.”

Instinctively, Ryan stepped forward and grabbed Alice’s wrist, his voice a little rushed.

Alice hadn’t expected this. They had touched before, but never had it felt this intense.

Ryan’s grip was strong, like a vice, and the skin where he held her felt like it was burning, as if pressed against a hot iron. Alice wanted to pull away, but she couldn’t.


Ryan immediately realized how inappropriate his actions were and quickly let go of Alice’s wrist, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

“You don’t need to change. You look… really good like this, Miss Alice.”

No matter how hard he tried, Ryan couldn’t find the right words to describe how stunning Alice looked. Every compliment he could think of felt inadequate, so he clumsily settled on “good.”

That simple, unintentional praise set Alice’s face ablaze with a deep blush. The redness spread quickly, but along with it came another emotion.

She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around. It was only then that Ryan noticed the back of Alice’s dress was open, revealing a large expanse of smooth, pale skin, as flawless as fresh cream.

The sight hit Ryan harder than he could have ever imagined.

A sudden rush of heat surged through his nose, and before he knew it, something warm started trickling out.

He wasn’t sure why, but this version of Alice was far too alluring, perfectly matching every fantasy a teenage boy might have about the opposite sex.

Alice had been a little doubtful after hearing Ryan’s compliment, but the moment she turned around, she saw that his nose was practically “bleeding rivers.”

“Ryan, you…”

Alice stared at him in shock, her face turning even redder as she realized what was happening. Amidst her embarrassment, there was also a hint of satisfaction.

She didn’t know how Ryan acted around Anna, but she doubted that woman could make him react like this.

“Miss Alice, I’m fine… really. You look amazing in this, I swear.”

Ryan kept wiping his nose, but no matter how many times he wiped, the blood just kept coming.

“I’m not thinking anything weird, I swear! It’s just… the weather’s too hot.”

“The heat’s unbearable, don’t you think?”

His excuse was completely unconvincing, and Alice couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him.

What did it matter what he was thinking? Could any dirty thoughts he had possibly compare to the desires she harbored?

In fact, seeing Ryan lose his composure like this for the first time piqued her curiosity. If he could stay this interested in her, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Still, from the moment she started changing herself to fit Ryan’s tastes, she had already lost in this relationship that hadn’t even begun.

But so what? As long as he stayed by her side, wasn’t that enough?

“Clean yourself up. You’re coming with me to a gala.”



Oh boy, Ryan’s really in for it now! Let’s just say he wasn’t expecting Alice to pull out all the stops like this. I mean, talk about a transformation! Alice, who’s usually as cold and composed as an ice queen, shows up in a gown that leaves Ryan—well, bleeding from the nose, literally!

This moment is a perfect example of how appearances can change everything. Alice has always been that strong, mysterious figure, but here, she’s giving Ryan a glimpse of a different side—one that’s softer, more vulnerable, and, let’s be honest, totally stunning. But leave it to Ryan to be so caught off guard that his body quite literally can’t handle it.

And let’s not forget, poor Alice is over here second-guessing herself, wondering if she’s done something totally embarrassing. Meanwhile, Ryan’s tripping over himself trying to reassure her while dealing with, uh, an unexpected physical reaction. His bumbling attempts to tell her she looks great without coming off as a complete creep are both awkward and adorable, especially when he blames the heat for his nosebleed! Really, Ryan?

This scene is such a great mix of tension and humor, with Ryan walking a fine line between being a gentleman and totally losing his cool. And Alice? Well, she’s clearly learning that maybe showing her softer side isn’t such a bad thing after all—especially when it gets such a strong reaction.

But let’s be real: this situation is far from resolved. Ryan’s still got to navigate this tricky relationship without making things worse. So what’s next? Will he be able to keep his cool at the gala? Or are we in for even more interesting developments between these two? Either way, it’s going to be fun watching it all unfold.

Stay tuned, because this rollercoaster is only picking up speed.

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