Chapter 274: Mia, are you okay?

Based on the facts, safety measures at construction sites are generally pretty solid. It’s unlikely something like a crane operator falling to his death would happen.

Frank was a full-time employee, and he had a proper safety contract. Honestly, the actual trouble caused by his fall wasn’t as big as the media storm that followed.

If his death wasn’t an accident, and someone used it to put pressure on the construction site, it would be a pretty effective tactic.

After all, there’s already been a precedent. Ryan got framed because of something like this.

If you look at it more closely, the whole thing feels off.

Cranes are tall, and if you don’t follow the rules, they can be dangerous. That’s why every time a worker climbs up, they’re required to secure their safety harness. Plus, there are cameras at the top of the crane that monitor everything, so you can see exactly what the worker is doing.

But now, where’s the safety harness? And what about the crane’s camera footage? Both disappeared after the guy died. Just these two things make it hard to believe it was an accident.

The guy was paid to cause trouble, but at first, it was just to steal something.

But if the same people approached Frank and offered him money for his life, would he have agreed, desperate to save his daughter?

Ryan kept his word. After the guy spilled the beans, Ryan let him go without hesitation.

Of course, whatever Alice does to him afterward isn’t Ryan’s concern. He’s already fulfilled his promise.

They took the guy’s phone and ID, and the bodyguards made a bunch of threats before finally untying him completely.

The guy had been beaten so badly he could barely open his eyes, but the moment he was freed, it was like a medical miracle—he suddenly found the strength to run like hell.

This was a warehouse on the outskirts of the city, and it was at least ten miles back to town. But none of that mattered to the guy. The only thing that mattered was getting as far away from Ryan as possible.

That seemingly harmless Mia, and Ryan, who looked like the good guy—appearances can be deceiving. They were both monsters, the kind that chew you up and spit out the bones. The guy swore he’d never fall into their hands again.

Ryan watched the guy’s retreating figure and couldn’t help but sigh. He never thought he’d end up using mob tactics one day.

Compared to going through official channels and slowly investigating, which might not even lead anywhere, he had to admit—this way was way more efficient.

If the guy talks, great. If not, you beat him until he does.

“Mia, can you check the hospital’s payment records? We might find something useful.”

Ryan spoke quietly to the girl standing next to him. By now, he’d gotten used to working with Mia, and he wasn’t as hesitant around her as he had been at first.

Mia noticed the change in Ryan and felt a surge of happiness, though she didn’t show it on her face.

To avoid raising suspicion, she shot Ryan a strange look, but when she saw the pleading expression on his face, she nodded firmly.

“I wasn’t really planning on helping you, but since you asked so nicely~”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

Ryan listened to Mia’s confident promise and nodded slightly.

Honestly, he should’ve told Alice about this right away, but the whole GPS thing still bothered him.

Alice didn’t seem to trust him as much as she appeared to, so he figured it was better to let Mia handle it. At least this way, he could keep an eye on things.

Mia knew exactly what Ryan was thinking, which is why she acted the way she did. She had to thank that guy who got beaten half to death—he’d given her the perfect opportunity to prove herself.

And, of course, she had to thank Alice. Alice had been so focused on Ryan that she’d made mistakes. By the time Alice realized she’d overplayed her hand, Ryan might already be in love with Mia.

Mia quickly made a few phone calls, arranging for her people to check the hospital records. After she finished, she puffed out her chest and looked at Ryan with a bright smile, like a sunflower turning toward the sun, waiting for his praise.

“Hmm, not bad, not bad. Great job.”

Earlier, he hadn’t praised her properly and ended up getting bitten for it, so this time Ryan didn’t dare slack off and quickly complimented her.

Mia didn’t make things difficult for Ryan this time. She rubbed her chin against his palm, purring contentedly, then asked him another question.

“So, Ryan, what’s next? Anything else you need?”

Mia’s only goal was to stay by Ryan’s side. She didn’t really care what they did, so she blinked her big eyes and focused on him, leaving the decision in his hands.



A strange sound echoed, and Ryan turned toward it, his eyes landing on the girl’s flat stomach.

Mia was wearing a fitted dress today, and the fabric clung tightly to her skin around her midsection, making the curve of her belly clearly visible. If you looked closely, you could even make out the slight indentation of her belly button.

It felt a little weird to describe it this way, but Ryan couldn’t help thinking it was oddly sexy.

That sound just now? Yeah, it definitely came from there.

“Uh, how about we… go grab something to eat?” Ryan awkwardly scratched his nose, pretending he hadn’t heard anything, and casually suggested it. Meanwhile, Mia’s face turned bright red with embarrassment.

Mia rubbed her stomach in frustration, as if scolding it for betraying her. She had been so serious just a moment ago, and now this? What if Ryan thought all she cared about was food?

She felt a wave of self-blame, but to Ryan, it was absolutely adorable. It made him want to scoop her up and give her a playful squeeze.

Still, Mia was already firmly in the “little devil” category in Ryan’s mind, and he wasn’t brave enough to actually act on that impulse.

Standing side by side outside the warehouse, the sky was now painted red by the setting sun, signaling the end of the day.

It wasn’t until now that Mia realized they’d been out the entire day. Time seemed to slow down whenever she was with Ryan.

This morning, she’d planned to force Ryan to submit to her, then reveal the information she’d gathered. But somehow, Ryan had pushed things forward in a way she couldn’t quite understand, bringing them to this point.

She didn’t get it. And when something’s mysterious, it sparks curiosity. Curiosity, in turn, leads to interest. Mia found herself more and more intrigued by Ryan, like she was getting pulled deeper into his orbit.

“About dinner…”

Ryan pulled out his phone, intending to look up nearby restaurants, but then he remembered—he wasn’t exactly a free man anymore. Alice had made it a strict rule that he had to be back at the villa before dinner.

Sure enough, there was already a message waiting for him on his phone. Alice had sent it while they were interrogating the guy earlier.

“I’m in the mood for Thai food. Maybe some raw Boston lobster or something. That sounds delicious.”

Mia was already daydreaming about a romantic candlelit dinner with Ryan—candles, wine, seafood, dessert, and a violinist playing softly in the background. The whole vibe would be perfect.

After a few glasses of wine, when they were both feeling tipsy, maybe she could use the moment to do something… bold.

She hadn’t had the chance to be alone with Ryan in a room yet, and she’d been dying to know what that would feel like.

Lost in her thoughts, Mia alternated between hugging herself and saying, “No, don’t do that,” and then opening her arms wide, murmuring, “Please, be gentle.” It was clear she was completely absorbed in her own little world.

Ryan watched her quietly from the side, his mouth twitching in confusion. What the hell was she doing? Was she possessed or something?

He placed a large hand on her head, and though it felt a bit cruel, he decided to snap her out of her daydream. His next words shattered her fantasy completely.

“There’s no Boston lobster, and no raw seafood either. Miss Alice wants us back at the villa for dinner. She specifically mentioned that you’re coming too.”


Ryan’s words hit Mia like a ton of bricks. She stood there, stunned, her brain working overtime to process what he’d just said.

Once she finally understood, her expression turned serious. She started biting her nails, her eyes darting around as if she was calculating something.

Alice specifically wanted her to come back too. What was going on today? Alice had just dealt with Anna in the afternoon, and now she was calling Mia over for dinner. Was she planning to deal with both of them in one day?

Anna had only called once earlier, and after that, there had been no news. Mia had no idea if she was still alive or not.

She didn’t think Alice would go so far as to openly break ties right now, but Alice had already used GPS tracking and phone surveillance on Ryan. She was serious about him. What if things hadn’t gone well with Anna, and Alice had just… gotten rid of her?

Could this dinner be a trap? Was Alice planning to take her out in front of Ryan?

“No way, no way. Stop scaring yourself.”

Mia rubbed her soft cheeks, forcing herself to calm down.

She might not respect Alice much, but she had to admit—she was afraid of her. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made Alice her target, someone she wanted to surpass.

Alice’s oppressive presence was something only Ryan, blissfully unaware, hadn’t experienced firsthand yet.

“Mia, are you okay?”

Ryan noticed Mia’s strange behavior and reached out, placing a hand on her forehead, a little worried.

As his hand touched her, or rather, as her forehead pressed against his palm, Mia’s expression gradually became more resolute.

If she had to die for love, then so be it. At least she’d die for something worthwhile. It was just dinner, after all. For Ryan, she’d face anything!

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