Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 210: I'm just giving you a chance to test him

Chapter 210: I’m just giving you a chance to test him

“So, you’re Ryan’s junior, huh?” Alice casually asked as she let Hannah pour her a cup of coffee, gently blowing on the steam as if it was just a passing thought.

Hannah hurried over with a cup of coffee and then stood nervously to the side, her eyes fixed on her own toes, too intimidated to meet Alice’s gaze.

She hadn’t been forgiven for her mistake yet, and it was largely her fault that Anna was here.

Anna glanced at Hannah, finding the situation somewhat amusing. Just yesterday, Hannah had told her about a plan, and now, after it had been exposed, she was all jittery.

Clearly, Alice was the one calling the shots here.

“Yes,” Anna nodded in response to Alice, acknowledging that since Alice was the host, it was best to address her directly.

Before Alice had returned, Mia had already grilled her about this, so now she felt no particular unease.

She squinted slightly, observing Alice and calculating her next move.

Anna had always been confident in her looks, never short of admirers at school, even though she rarely spoke to them. But their attention was proof enough of her beauty.

However, upon seeing Alice, even as a woman, she was taken aback by her stunning appearance.

Her skin was fairer than snow, her features strikingly beautiful.

Her bright hair cascaded down her back, with strands framing her delicate, pink ears, adding a touch of cuteness to her otherwise serious expression.

Her figure was impeccable, dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated her curves, the fit of her clothes reflecting her meticulous nature.

As Alice’s leg gently swung over the other, Anna’s heart fluttered in sync with the small movements of Alice’s foot.

It wasn’t just her looks that shocked Anna,it was the aura she exuded.

Despite their similar ages, Alice possessed a confidence that seemed beyond her years, a confidence that couldn’t be faked without real power.

The aura of authority she carried was unusual for someone so young.

“Don’t be nervous, we’re just chatting here. You came to talk to Ryan, right?” Alice said, taking a sip of her coffee, her gaze sharp as she looked at Anna, whose mask was now off, revealing her face.

Alice knew about Ryan,he was well-liked at school, always ready to lend a hand without suspicion, which made him quite popular with the girls. Hannah had spent quite some time gathering information about the girls close to Ryan.

In Alice’s eyes, Ryan was nearly perfect, except she didn’t like this particular trait of his.

“What’s your name?”


Anna responded coolly, maintaining her composure despite Alice’s imposing presence, politely engaging in the conversation.

Alice frowned slightly at Anna’s response, then glanced at Hannah, who trembled, sensing Alice’s mood shift and bowing her head even lower.

Anna wasn’t on the list Hannah had initially provided to Alice, and Hannah didn’t even know where Anna had come from.

It was odd that while they hadn’t managed to bring in the people close to Ryan, Anna had shown up.

“Well, since you’re Ryan’s junior, you’re a friend of mine too,” Alice said with a cold huff towards Hannah, implying that Hannah’s first task would be to gather information on Anna.

Turning her attention away from Hannah, Alice prepared to focus on Anna.

Although Anna seemed unremarkable, Alice sensed a familiar scent about her,in some ways, they were quite alike.

“What brings you here to see Ryan?” Alice asked, quickly adapting her tone to that of a hostess.

“Ryan is too naive, always helping out when it’s not really necessary. But since he’s helped me a lot, I’m willing to help you too if needed.”

Alice was quick on her feet, her words painting her as the gracious host, making it clear that Ryan’s affairs were her affairs, and Ryan’s junior would naturally need her approval.

“Heh, if she really cared about Ryan, she wouldn’t keep him tied to her side like this,” Anna thought, feeling a bit annoyed. Yet, she maintained a polite facade.

“I’ve already discussed it with Ryan, so there’s no need for Miss Alice to trouble herself.”

As she spoke, Anna’s gaze drifted towards the staircase, still preoccupied with Alice’s earlier remarks.

Ryan had just told her he didn’t want to leave. Could that be true?

Now, seeing Alice in person and acknowledging her undeniable excellence, Anna admitted to herself that she couldn’t compare.

If Ryan had been with someone like Alice for a long time, it was possible he might have developed feelings for her. Was that why he chose to stay?

But if that was the case, what should she do?

Her whole motivation had been to bring Ryan back into her life. But what if Ryan didn’t want to come back? How should she proceed?

Anna’s eyes grew misty, her breathing uneven as she stared blankly at the staircase.

She had managed to hold her own against Alice, but just thinking about Ryan made her defenses crumble.

Alice, noticing her reaction, was quite pleased. Anna had unraveled on her own, saving Alice the effort.

Her attention then shifted to Mia, deciding it was time to deal with this little sneak.

“Mia, what brings you here?” Alice asked, causing Mia to tremble, knowing it was now her turn.

Anna seemed too fragile, daring to come here for Ryan with such a weak resolve.

In Mia’s view, if you like someone, you should just take them. Why bother with all the fuss?

Getting what you want feels good, so why care about what that thing wants?

Even if Ryan had been intimate with Alice, Mia had kissed him first. Didn’t that give her priority?

Mia cursed Alice silently for trying to unsettle her, but she kept a smile on her face.

“I just missed you, sis. And I’ve been worried about you, especially with all the trouble you’ve been having lately.”

“Oh? You’re worried about me?” Alice laughed, as if she’d heard a joke. She knew Mia would love nothing more than for something bad to happen to her and take over her position.

The idea of Mia being concerned about her was utterly unbelievable.

“Yeah, I heard there was some trouble at the construction site. I hope you managed to handle it.”

Mia said this while glancing at Anna, hoping she’d snap out of it and back her up.

Come on, teammate, what are you doing? Help out a bit.

Alone, Mia wasn’t a match for Alice, and she needed Anna to step up.

Encouraged by Mia’s words, Anna’s focus shifted back to the conversation.

Those issues could wait,the main goal was still to get Ryan away.

“If there’s a riot at the construction site, just send some people to suppress it. If necessary, replace the workers,” Anna chimed in.

“Has sister become too kind-hearted after playing the good person for so long?” Mia teased, looking at her fingernails with a playful tone.

Alice narrowed her eyes slightly. Mia was well-informed,she already knew about the morning’s incident.

Dealing with someone so well-connected was always a hassle, and Alice wondered where Mia got her information.

Just like she said, the commercial district project we took on ran into some trouble.

A worker who wasn’t registered snuck onto the site without a hard hat and got hit by a falling rock.

Normally, a decent compensation would have settled it since it was the worker’s fault for not following safety protocols.

But the guy overseeing the site still had some old gang habits and just kicked the injured worker out, which really stirred up a hornet’s nest.

Truth be told, not everyone was rioting for justice,they were really after higher wages.

A small raise might have been negotiable, and Alice might have stepped back a bit.

But the wage they were asking for was one and a half times the market rate, which even Alice couldn’t swallow.

It was a tough situation to handle, especially with the government keeping a close eye on the project right next to the subway.

Alice wanted to legitimize her business and leave her gangster past behind, which meant no violence, only negotiations.

She was supposed to deal with this in the afternoon, but then another crisis popped up at home, and in her fury, she stormed off back to her place, pushing everything to tomorrow.

“You really don’t need to worry about this. Focus on your own stuff and don’t get involved in things you shouldn’t,” Alice snapped, clearly annoyed. She and Mia both knew what the other was thinking, so there was no point in pretending.

“If that’s how you feel, Alice, then I’ve got something to say too,” Mia responded.

“People aren’t birds. Your golden cage might be nice, but you can’t keep someone locked up forever.”

“What if I want to keep him locked up forever?”

Alice raised an eyebrow, clearly referring to how she’s been keeping Ryan close against his will, which was a sore spot for her.

She’s always worried about Ryan wanting to leave, although after yesterday’s events, she felt a bit more confident.

But clearly, that confidence wasn’t enough to bring everything out into the open.

“You can’t keep him forever. If he wants to run, he’ll find a way, and he might not even need a push from anyone else.”

“Alice, you’re on the wrong path here, and it really breaks my heart to see it,” Mia sighed deeply. Alice knew this all too well but just didn’t have a better solution.

If she could make Ryan stay willingly, why would she force him?

“If you’re so confident, why not try opening the cage to see if he flies away?”

“Trying to hold onto someone who can’t be kept is futile and only brings endless pain.”

“Don’t be so hostile towards me. I’m just giving you a chance to test him. You can control Ryan for now, so if he really wants to leave, you could still force him to stay. Why not take the chance to see where his heart lies?”

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