Chapter 199: Don’t fall for his tricks

After Ryan gave his response, the atmosphere in the room turned a bit awkward.

The two of them locked eyes for a long while, but in the end, neither of them spoke first. Silence seemed like the best choice at that moment.

Alice lay on the bed, staring blankly at the mirror on the ceiling, seemingly pondering what its purpose really was.

Ryan, on the other hand, didn’t dare sit on the bed again, fearing it might trigger Alice’s recent state.

He had other things to do, so he got up and went over to the window to check out the situation outside.

Once Alice had calmed down a bit, Ryan found a moment to call Hannah, asking her to bring more people over.

As for searching for the assassin, Hannah would handle it without needing to be told,her team had already started a thorough search of potential sniper spots around the hotel.

The crucial mission that had been hinted at earlier didn’t need much discussion,Ryan couldn’t just watch Alice die, so he gritted his teeth and took on the mission.

He thought, “Might as well let the mission fail and die with Alice if it comes to that. After all, I’ve already died once before.”

But as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and the reward for this crucial mission was indeed tempting.

True to its name, the crucial mission had yielded a powerful new item, the Wish Point.

[Wish Point+1 (Can fulfill a wish, difficulty affects success rate)]

This was different from the Skill Points he had received before,there was no draw involved, but it could directly fulfill one of Ryan’s wishes.

For Ryan, any item that didn’t involve drawing was a good item.

Moreover, the power of the Wish Point was quite significant.

If Ryan wished for world peace, he guessed the Wish Point wouldn’t be effective, as chaos and violence are in human nature, and achieving world peace was too difficult.

But if he just wished for Alice to kill him, that seemed like a minor issue and should be easy to accomplish.

Ryan was already frustrated because, as Alice’s favorability increased, getting her to kill him became more difficult.

He was starting to worry that if even betrayal wouldn’t harden Alice’s heart enough to kill him, what then?

He had initially thought Alice was a gang member who had done many bad deeds, which was why he had planned the betrayal, but now that seemed inappropriate.

Alice trusted him so much,betraying her would definitely be something she couldn’t accept.

Now it was really tricky,he was definitely going to die, but how could he get Alice to kill him?

This crucial mission had given Ryan a new hope and a reason to keep moving forward.

With the Wish Point, he planned to make two wishes. One, to have Miss Alice kill him, and two, to have Alice completely forget about him.

Time for a change of plans!

However, it seemed the longer he spent with Alice, the more he conceded.

Ryan sighed, feeling like he was increasingly straying from his original path.

“Ryan, what’s wrong? You’ve been sighing since a while ago.”

Alice propped herself up slightly from the bed, gently flipping her hair, and asked Ryan curiously.

Although Ryan had forgiven her earlier incident, it still lingered in her mind, and she was afraid it had left a bad impression on him.

“It’s nothing, just some personal stuff.”

Ryan couldn’t yet reveal his true intentions to Alice, especially not now that she had just released her emotions. He definitely couldn’t tell her that she was his mission target.

He just hoped that maybe one day he could stand before her honestly.

The two of them waited in the room while Hannah handled things outside. The pink light cast on Alice added a soft, feminine beauty to her.

Despite appearing strong and handling matters calmly, truth be told, she was just a young girl.

Having clarified his thoughts, Ryan was momentarily downcast, but then he returned to normal.

He just couldn’t understand why Alice’s fate was destined for a bad ending,it seemed so unfair to her.

Today marked the first of the Dangerous Events, and in Alice’s attribute panel, there were three slots for Dangerous Events.

If the next two were as perilous as today’s, Ryan wasn’t sure he could keep Alice safe.

“I need to get my hands on the Knockout Gas soon,these gadgets really do come in handy.”

Ryan thought to himself, glancing at his backpack.

He had already used the Loyalty Potion, and now only a bottle of Truth Serum remained.

As for skills, he still had “Blind Massage Techniques” and “Specialized Vehicle Driving,” unsure when they might come in handy.

Surviving today owed a lot to the gadgets, making Ryan value their effectiveness even more.

He couldn’t afford to use them recklessly. Every item used was one less in his inventory, and he needed to use them wisely to add even a sliver of certainty to the crucial mission.

Alice, noticing Ryan muttering to himself again, yawned and lay back on the bed, staring at her reflection in the ceiling mirror, lost in thought.

With nothing else to do, Ryan finally had a chance to really look at Alice.

Alice had a great figure, especially noticeable when she lay down, her well-toned body contoured beautifully.

Her light blonde hair was tied back, with strands lightly covering her ears, revealing just enough of her delicate, fair skin.

Ryan had to admit she looked good in white. Initially, he thought Alice suited white because both were equally cold, but gradually, he felt that Alice was the embodiment of white itself.

In such a dark environment, she remained unchanged, preserving her purity and actively seeking change.

As Ryan spent more time with her, his perceptions continued to shift.

“Miss Alice, are you tired?” he asked casually, though he was quite sure of the answer.

Alice’s Mood Level had normalized, but her Fatigue Level was still high and hadn’t decreased.

Ryan had been silent up until now, seemingly indifferent when Alice spoke to him. His sudden initiation of conversation now brought a smile to her face.

Her beautiful eyebrows relaxed, and her lips unconsciously curved into a lovely smile.

“Yeah, I am… a bit tired,” she admitted, then consciously lay down on the bed, burying her face in her arms to hide her expression from Ryan.

She was sure that her earlier behavior had scared Ryan, but he still initiated conversation with her.

Her self-control was usually strong, never breaking even in life-threatening situations, but around Ryan, her formidable self-discipline seemed as fragile as tissue paper.

Just the thought of Ryan leaving her felt like being smothered with a wet towel, her heart aching unbearably.

Could it be that she really had feelings for Ryan? Why else would she care so much?

Had Hannah’s earlier words been prophetic? Was she really that captivated by Ryan?

Alice felt her mind was a mess, too dizzy to think straight.

“Alright then, Miss Alice, try to relax a bit,” Ryan said, moving closer to the bed. His feelings were complex as he looked at her.

Initially, he could detach himself, every action driven by the mission.

But now, his thoughts were genuine. Did that mean this was what he truly wanted to do?

However, Ryan wasn’t ready to confront these unusual feelings, attributing them to the high Fatigue Level.

Yes, everything was to reduce the Fatigue Level. A better state for Alice meant advantages for him too.

That was the plan.

Alice and Ryan rested in the hotel suite, while Hannah had just left the hospital.

Her arm was okay, tough enough to withstand the beating, only dislocated, and mostly fixed after some manipulation by the doctor.

The pain of the procedure was better left unsaid,she’d rather amputate than go through it again.

After receiving Ryan’s call at the hospital, and hearing about the incident, she was shocked that Travis, whom she had trusted, had turned against them, putting Miss Alice in such danger. If not for Ryan’s timely intervention, it could have been disastrous.

After sending more bodyguards, she hurried to the hotel.

She found herself increasingly unable to read Ryan, her suspicions about his intentions deepening.

How could someone like him be simply kidnapped by Miss Alice? If he wanted to leave, he could easily walk away from her at any time.

“Indeed, that bastard’s initial target must have been Miss Alice.”

“Miss Alice, you must stay alert, don’t fall for his tricks.”

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