Chapter 194: Sorry, big sis Alice

“I just knew it was Miss Alice, this is just way too much.”

Rocco thought he was just being paranoid, so he laughed it off and continued, “How could it be Lorenzo? I must have heard wrong.”

The people around started to look at each other oddly, especially those close enough to hear everything clearly.

“It’s not Miss Alice, it’s Lorenzo, Lorenzo.”

Travis, after hearing Rocco, looked somewhat speechless and repeated the name twice right in front of him.

This time, everyone heard it loud and clear.


Lorenzo and Rocco were stunned, especially Lorenzo, who struggled in his chair trying to get closer to Travis.

“Damn it! Don’t you care about your wife and kids anymore? Why are you betraying us now?”

We were so close to bringing Alice down for good, just a bit more!

Lorenzo finally understood why Alice had been so calm earlier,she had known all along how things would end. His arrogance was just a joke to her.

Struggling but unable to move, his limbs broken, his last hope was crushed.

He felt utterly humiliated, like a pathetic clown, and his body rapidly weakened.

Everyone else’s eyes were wide open, unable to believe what they were hearing.


“You were threatened by Miss Alice, right? I told you, I’ve got your back.”

“Just rat out Miss Alice, and I promise you’ll be fine.”

Lorenzo had given up, but Rocco was still making a last-ditch effort, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Dante’s men were already drawing their guns.

What a joke! Wasn’t Travis threatened by Lorenzo? How could he actually turn against him?

“But it was indeed Lorenzo who instructed me.”

“He told me the same thing, that you were the boss, and sticking with you guys would keep me safe.”

Travis stared seriously at Lorenzo. Rocco had asked him to tell the truth, but now that he had, Rocco didn’t seem too pleased. What a weird guy.

“Ha ha, Rocco, this…” Alice couldn’t stop laughing, patting Ryan on the shoulder, feeling smoother than she had in a long time.

With her skills, she could adapt well in this environment, but she couldn’t have orchestrated this outcome.

This was a surprise from Ryan.

“Damn it! Just tell me the truth!”

“Say it! Say it was Miss Alice who forced you, that Miss Alice kidnapped Dante’s granddaughter!”

Rocco was sweating bullets, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. Just a second ago, he was on top of the world, how could he have fallen so deep the next?

He wished this scene was just an illusion, but no illusion could be this terrifying.

He could hear it, see it,everyone was discussing and criticizing him, their looks filled with disdain and disgust.

“Just earlier you said it couldn’t possibly be Miss Alice behind this, just so you could attack her even more viciously after the confession, right?”

“Yeah, and to think he’s one of the top guys in our organization. How could he stoop so low?”

“Maybe the path Miss Alice chose is the right one? If we keep infighting like this, won’t our gang be doomed?”

“I don’t care anymore, I’m sticking with Miss Alice from now on. I was blind before, my mistake.”

A single person’s harsh words can upset you for a day, but a crowd’s scorn can crush you.

Rocco finally felt the pressure Alice had been under, but his situation was much worse than hers had been.

Lorenzo kept trembling. Loyalty was what the gang valued most, and his actions had everyone poking at his backbone.

He could have defeated Alice, could have seen her proud face crumble.

But why did it end like this!

Right, it was Ryan, Ryan was behind this.

Lorenzo’s gaze sharply turned towards Ryan, who was smiling back at him. That smile said it all.

He had become a clown, a complete fool.

Lorenzo’s chest heaved and he suddenly spat out blood. He was defiant, but he had no chance to start over.

“I kidnapped Mr. Russo’s granddaughter, I was coerced by Lorenzo.”

“He took my wife and kids to force my hand, those photos were also given to him, and I know his goal was to take down Miss Alice.”

Seeing the situation at a stalemate, Travis glanced uncertainly towards Ryan, who nodded at him to continue.

He spoke like a robot, executing commands, as if the Loyalty Potion had stripped him of his free will, existing only to implement Ryan’s ideas.

“Shut your mouth, you bastard!”

Rocco’s forehead veins bulged, feeling as if he had swallowed a steel wool pad, scraping up and down his stomach, he could even taste the blood in his mouth.

Furious, he lunged forward, his right hand reaching behind to draw his gun.

He couldn’t let him speak any further,any more and he’d spill everything, and then he’d be done for.

He had to act now, even if it meant killing him.

But before he could draw his gun, someone else beat him to it.


A loud noise echoed in the conference room, followed by Rocco’s agonized scream. Everyone’s vision blurred for a second, and then blood sprayed.


Rocco collapsed to the floor, the intense pain unbearable, his face turning red, blood staining his cheeks.

Lorenzo trembled all over, watching the smoke from the gun barrel, foreseeing his own end.

Ryan, meanwhile, had his eyes covered by Alice just in time, feeling a chill that shocked his nerves.

“Miss Alice… what’s happening?”

“It’s nothing, just popcorn…”

Popcorn? What popcorn?

Just as Ryan was about to pry Alice’s hand away, he heard Rocco’s scream, startling him.

After a few seconds, the coolness on his eyes disappeared as Alice withdrew her hand, allowing Ryan to see what had happened.

Rocco lay on the ground, convulsing, blood pooling beneath him, and his right hand had a bloody hole, the source of the blood.

What the hell kind of popcorn is this? This, this, this is…

It was Ryan’s first time witnessing a real shooting, unable to stay calm, he was about to ask Alice when Mia twisted his waist.

“It’s not our problem now, keep quiet.”

Mia whispered into Ryan’s ear, bringing him back to his senses, his expression bitter as he nodded.

Alice seemed to know the scene was too much for him, having covered his eyes just in time. She really was thoughtful.

Only now, thanks to Alice, Ryan might never be able to look at popcorn the same way again.

“Rocco… good, very good!”

“An elder of the organization, playing the thief shouting ‘stop thief’, and trying to pin it all on me.”

Dante’s eyes were red, his hand holding a pistol, clearly the one who had fired.

“Mr. Russo, it’s not like that, let me explain!”

Rocco struggled to his feet, his expensive suit now a bloody mess, truly frightened, looking back at Dante but continuously retreating.

Behind him was Lorenzo, too focused on retreating to see clearly, bumping into Lorenzo and both of them collapsed on the floor like trash.

“Mr. Russo, killing him is a minor matter, ensuring your granddaughter’s safety is the priority.”

“Better to get the exact location from him before acting.”

Now it was Alice’s turn to kick a man when he was down, watching Rocco’s miserable state, she felt a wave of satisfaction.

Alice thought she was a goner this time, but Ryan turned the tide, completely changing the situation. How could she not be thrilled?

And then there was the assassination attempt this morning. Without Ryan, she probably would have been dead. It just confirmed that Ryan was her lucky star, a gift from heaven just for her.

“Miss Alice, about earlier… I’m really sorry,” Dante said, his expression complex as he looked at Alice and then at Ryan, finally letting out a sigh.

“I’ll make sure to come by and apologize properly later. I hope you can forgive and forget.”

Dante was playing it smart, quickly trying to mend fences with Alice after she was cleared of the charges.

Now that Rocco was clearly finished, Dante might not be fond of Alice, but at least he was leaning towards her side in the power struggle.

“I guess the meeting can’t go on. We’ll reschedule.”

“I’ll be taking off now, Mr. Russo. Remember to clean up my spot later.”

Alice chuckled lightly. After all, the hotel was her property, and she’d be really bothered if a murder here wasn’t handled properly.

Without hesitating, she grabbed Ryan’s hand and headed out of the conference room.

At this moment, many people looked at Alice with regret or apology in their eyes.

They had all misunderstood Alice earlier and backed the wrong side. Those who had supported Alice felt especially ashamed, having doubted that she would come out on top.

“Miss Alice, let me walk you out. There’s some work stuff… I’d like to discuss with you,” a man stood up, his face flushed with embarrassment. He had been one of the loudest critics of Miss Alice and now bowed deeply, not even attempting to sit back down.

With Rocco likely out of the picture and Mr. Russo owing Alice, her dominance in the gang was more unchallenged than ever. If he didn’t apologize and make amends now, he might as well kiss his gang membership goodbye.

“Oh, talk to Hannah about it later,” Alice said, her eyes narrowing slightly like a cunning fox, making the man’s heart skip a beat.

“If anyone else needs something, you can also speak to Hannah. I’m really happy that you all truly trust me.”

Alice’s words made everyone present feel even more ashamed. They were going to have to give up some of their operations.

If Alice wanted, they wouldn’t mind not getting a cut in the future,after all, staying alive was what mattered.

After saying this, Alice walked out with Ryan. Mia hesitated as she watched Ryan’s retreating figure, struggling internally but ultimately not following.

Marco was still here, and she couldn’t leave just yet.

Alice was relatively free and assertive, unlike her,she was still a caged bird.

Ryan was a mystery. Mia couldn’t figure out how he had pulled off the impossible.

“Idiot, not even saying goodbye when you leave. And I was so worried about you, heartless jerk,” Mia muttered under her breath, pouting adorably as she stomped her foot.

Though their interaction was brief, it left a deep impression on her. She was definitely going to find Ryan,after all, he still owed her a kiss.

Oh right, Ryan had stolen her first kiss, so there was no way he could just ditch her now.

Mia wondered how Alice would react if she knew she had kissed Ryan, smirking at the thought of Alice’s jealous, twisted face.

She returned to the sofa, popping a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, eagerly anticipating the drama unfolding before her, better than any movie.

But deep down, a thought was growing stronger.

What if she became the gang boss? Would things be different? Would Ryan come to her side?

“Sorry, big sis Alice, you don’t need this position, but it’s really important to me.”

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